Warhammer 40K: Power Fantasy Rebirth

Chapter 16: That noble has come

I was training with the Cadets and my guardsmen, simple hand to hand.

I was dueling Marcus and I am impressed to say the lest, well what should I expect he's a commissar in training, with a jolt I shift forward and kick out hitting his knee, but he grabbed it and pushed me back but following the momentum that he's giving me I allow myself to fall and roll which pulls him down with me... but we both got up at the same time.

"Sir permission to speak freely?" He asked, with a nod along with a punch he spoke, "Your a bitch to fight."

"Thanks, your not to bad yourself." I replied and grabbed his missed punch, turning I pull in over my shoulder and he lands on his back, dropping to a knee I get onto his neck, after a few moments he patted my thigh.

I fall back onto my ass and we both start panting, and to a applause of the other guardsmen I get back and with with my hand stretched out Marcus grabs it, pulling him up with a smile. Dusting his uniform like a fussy mother which Marcus joined in and we headed up just wiping each other down until most of the easily removal crap was off us.

"That was fun, reminds me of the good old days." I said, remembering a few times I had a fist fight in game.

"Like?" He asked.

"Ever tried to fight an Astartes?" Those were interesting fights... then again I did have weapons to aid me then.

"I can't say I have or want to. Why if I may ask?" He said with a a strained smile. I think is wondering what the fuck am I doing having a fight with an space marine.

"The Emperor wanted to see if I was worthy to be his successor." Now it's time lay the idea down that I was a normal person. He raised an eyebrow but didn't press.

Noticing the movement of the Duke's guards I wonder of the Marina along with Old Mate who had been watching us this whole time, "So what's happening?" 

"I am not sure myself, the guards aren't this frantic... unless we have a noble showed up unannounced and wishes to see father." She replied with a slight confusion within her tone as she gave my wolf a good pet... which feels weird still.

"Hmm. Should we make ourselves look presentable?" I asked, more as a curtesy then anything else.

"Not sure, once we are 'married' he would become your own... I guess, and also for etiquette sake. May I asked where is Lady Hannah?" She asked.

"Private business within regards to Hannah, and I'll get the men I have here looking 'nice'." At my words the Commissar laughed, but since I was only training with my guardsmen and the cadets where spread among them. Turning I start issuing orders... for the cadets I had them copy the guardsmen around them so they look remotely professional.

But I separated the command team, having Felica and Marcus nearest to the trio-bastards to prevent them from doing something stupid. With the rest forming the front row to almost shield the rest, best foot forward right? Or would it be men?

"So." Turning my attention back to Marina, "Who would have the... gravitas to get this kind of attention?"

"Not anyone could... a Baron at least, or their Heir, or one of the Counts but." She shrugged which seemed unlike her. "Then again, it's better then a Imperial-Prince right?"

"You mocking me?" I asked with a little sass.

"Maybe, maybe not." She replied with a smile, "Well yes I am being bolder since a certain lady isn't here."

"What if I tell her." I answered with a smile of my own causing hers to drop onto an almost panicked look.

"Please don't." A very soft voice comes from her mouth along with a small blush. Turning away I look at the gate house where a boy no old then... fifteen or sixteen along with five other men with swords and shields then a Psyker... oh. I think this is the guy my HQ reported a few days ago. This could be interesting.

The boy looks around for a moment before... I think feeling my gaze and he gives me a rather annoyed look, I replied with a arrogant smirk. Then seeing what would happen if I ignored him I show my back and asked Marina who he was.

"I am not sure myself... see that red sash along his waist," I look over my shoulder, and despite the armor that covered his torso and thighs, his waist had a thick red sash and it seemed like his scabbard is held by it. Nodding she continued, "Baron's wear red, Count's wear blue and as you have seen our family wears purple. But I have never seen him before, he might be an heir apparent... but I've seen most if not all of them."

"I wonder what he is doing here." I asked.

"No idea, if I don't know him... I really could careless... but if he tries to bother us, I'll leave it to you."

"Sure, some imperial hospitality." I replied to the idea, and I swear I heard a cough from my men about what they thought that might mean, as well along with Lasguns being moved into present arms so they can just drop them into take aim. Well if they are already in parade style why not inspect them.

I walk along my front rank of the Guard, and even though I'm standing at the front I can see the trio-bastards slouching and looking even less then PDF or even Adeptus Arbites... whatever at least the command squad can hold their own standing perfectly ram rod straight like like a bunch of Mordians, followed by the Rookie Guardsmen with the Cadets among them, but combined you could say it was a unit that hasn't been to the fight in a long while, but acceptable by most planetary standards.

Then come them... backs arched like gremlins at a computer... passing Marcus I take the little metal stick he had off his belt and I saw a grin on the corner of his lip. Time to play drill sergeant, shouldn't be to hard as dealing with upstarts can't be too different.

"Now." I spoke into the ear of the youngest, "What is your threes issue, you joined the unit, and despite it only being a few days... everyone including the old guy have managed to meet the minimum and reach further then expected according to my aid... while you three can't reach it at all? And yet." Smacking his belly that he pushed out like as if he had a beer belly. "Stand straight!" I Commanded and hit the other two in the gut making them suck 'em in.

"B-!" The Eldest tried, but with another hit into in his liver making him topple over, turning towards the other two. "Don't move!" I growled, and kicked the eldest brother. "Stand!" I pulled him up, which was slightly harder then expected as he's more heavier.

His face showed what I wanted, a mix of confusion and anger. "When you joined." My voice filled with a hostility and bloodlust that he took a step back, but grabbing his collar." I am not done! I knew the moment that since you were related to that duke that you where going to be an issue along with your two inbred fucks you call brothers..." Letting go I my back to him and take a step, with my wolf watching the interaction I duck low as a fist missing me.

I'm almost disappointed, grabbing the arm and kicking back hooking behind his leg I draw through and causing him to loose his balance. Rod in hand I give him another smack to his abdomen again his legs give out and I pull him over, hearing another fight, I saw Marcus and Felica pinning the other two into the ground.

"Pathetic." I stated with udder disgust. I really do just want to get rid of them completely... but sadly no, I have to deal with I'm related to this guy politics otherwise I would have tossed them after they managed to get into a fight with another Cadet. "Heiress, can I throw them somewhere for the next day or so."

As if surprised by my question it takes her a moment to reboot before returning. "Yes, their is... I can take them if your willing to give the men to drop them off."

"Sure, Cadets and Rookies follow the Heiress to the brig." At my words the Guardsmen moved and helped in detaining the two still struggling brothers and I gave a kick into the gut of the Eldest who started trying to stand, "Stay down otherwise I won't kick you I'll shot!" For once he was actually paying enough attention to stay down.

Felica voice entered my ear, "Incoming four O'clock." Giving a small look over my shoulder, I saw that the noble boy and his entourage, "This will be fun." She said after too noticing the really annoyed or pissed maybe a mix of both look plastered across the boy noble face.

Time to switch roles again... normal or prince? Knowing that he is a Baron, I do have some barring to ignore him as I am far higher on the pecking order, lets play into my title.

"Yes?" I asked before he reached me.

Almost caught off guard, with a look of indignation I place my hand onto my Las-Pistol and undo the little clip that holds it into the holster. By what I believe is a reflects of his own guards they move ahead of the boy and raise their shields... those could stop a flintlock maybe, but an Autogun? Nah.

"Those won't protect you, so I suggest you tell me who you are and why you want to even talk to me?" I said, my tone even and almost commanding. After a few more moments and none of them responded, I heard a reply that made me laugh.

"Shut the hell up republics, at least I am man enough to fight with a sword and don't hide behind a gun." The voice was young definitely the boy noble.

Raising my left I form a fireball only the size of a rat and shot it off, the guy it hit braced but it wasn't enough as he was sent into his fellow behind him. "It isn't a good idea to insult someone you no nothing about, If I wanted I could have kill his and the person behind him... now I will not ask again. Who are you?"

Unsure whether the boy realized that he was outmatched or the Psyker with him said something as I couldn't see him from behind the shield wall... but I can tell the Duke's men aren't happy.

At roughly five six he wasn't short but he was not built for war. "I am Heir apparent Lica, I have been looking for my father Baron Luc." His voice was high but broke a little still in puberty maybe, but he would be rather old then for that or a very late bloomer.

"Well then." Clearing my throat I speak in a more formal way, "I am Crown-Prince Joseph. now within regards to your father... remember what I said insulting someone before knowing who they are?" He nodded hesitantly, "I am sorry to tell you, but your father tried to kill be and in my defense he had died." My voice a little sullen but I really couldn't give a shit that fucker tried to kill me and Hannah.

Turning along with a little whistle Old Mate came to my side, and my Command Squad followed behind.

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