Warhammer 40K: Power Fantasy Rebirth

Chapter 12: Slaanesh Got First Blood, Interference

Hannah's voice was filled with a fire and tone that a Commissar would have to obey, "Set the fucker up for a firing Squad! Secure the rest!"

"Wait!" The Heiress shouted as Felica tossed the person who stabbed me against a wall, and judging from the meaty smack I heard it was at close range.

"Wait nothing! This person, I don't care who it fucken is attacked the Imperial Prince." Hannah countered.

"No, that kid is the son of a Count..."

"And?" Hannah intoned cutting off the Heiress, "Oooh a Count." She says with faked fear, "He should have thought about his future than attack an animal when it was being escorted by nearly two dozen armed soldiers!"

"No I-!" SMACK! What sounded like the largest bitch slap ever just happened behind me.

"Silence!" Hannah orders, "This goes beyond your laws Heiress! This is a direct attack upon the Imperial Prince's person. Now are you going to let us conduct ourselves or not?" Her voice dominates the area, and I can sense several of the guardsmen had shivers run up their spines.

I finish closing the wounds on the wolf... I think I'll call you Old Mate. Standing up and turning around.

"Enough!" I ordered, my wings and eyes burned. Hannah looked back... before turning her head down blushing slightly. I could see that she had gotten overprotective of me.

The Heiress was slack jawed as she had a red mark on her face that didn't belong to a hand but a certain someone's tail. "Heiress, what is the issue?" I asked politely, maybe outside of getting fucking shanked. The why was more important. As I asked so to I thumbed Hannah on the head. Which gets me a low whine from her.

I gave the Heiress the needed moments for her to awaken again, but turning to Mary, "Can you tell me who that little shit is?"

"Are... well that is Sir Drandol... the Heiress Marina's betrothal... small world right?" She said awkwardly.

"That correct?" I asked the fool, he nods like no tomorrow... "So let me guess, that is why she didn't want him dead?" She nods, "And the thing her father is after is more important than her happiness?"

This time the Heiress answered, "Yes... unfortunately, but It isn't him I am trying to save, it's the alliance that would have been formed... unless you have ten thousand troops lying around?" That is a lot of men, and isn't the guy a fucking Count? That is a fair bit of men.

"Sadly no... but I can't let him go, he had wounded me... speaking of which why the fuck did you attack my wolf?"

I was genuine in my question as it seemed like the most foolhardy idea I have ever heard off, I wait...

"I saw my wife-to-be and than the wolf walking behind her I got rather focused, and attacked." I close my eyes, and with a shake of my head. My eyes, my wings and everything about me must have said. 'Confused as fuck!'

"What brain fucking dead MORON! Attacks a wolf, that is larger than one's self..." I walk over to him and grab him by the shoulders. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THE REASON!?" I shook him.

"Your. Wife-to-motherfucking-be, only gave a shit only for the men!" Raising my fist to punch him in the face.

"Alright, alright... I don't know... I saw the beast and I wanted to kill it, for the prestige." He confessed.

My eyes bulged, just... really. But what drew my eye was his left hand which I grasped.

On his wrist was a scar shaped into the symbol of one of the ruinous... "Care to explain?" I asked, the mark glowed upon recognition and the person it was carved into felt it as it burned. 

Marina saw the symbol as well, and her face shifted into a mix of shock and anger.

"What?" Pulling his hand out of my grip and pulled his sleeve over the mark. "I am free to join or associate with whom I please. Now Dear please tell me who this mutt is?"

"One; never call me dear again. Two; that man saved my life and lastly he is related to the Golden Father." She tells him, seemingly disgusted. So it seems this symbol means something here...

"And I am interested in where you got the mark from?" I enter this conversation.

"I refuse." Despite that he was missing his foot, I had to commend as he throw a punch stepping off with the missing foot. With a half step I grabbed his passing punch, and pulled him to the ground. "I will never betray them!"

No wonder the loss of his foot didn't perturb him, he was already lost. I lean closer, "But I just want to feel the pleasure of the dark prince." I whisper.

Looking back at me, "Are you a worshiper from afar?" He asked in a even softer tone.

"Why else would I know the symbol?" I asked with a smile and with a lick of my lips, he caught my meaning.

"Fine. Look for a place called the Sparkling Moon." He tells me, I can see a sparkle in his eyes.

"Thanks." I said, and with an idle thought my right wing extended outwardly it semi-transparent state shifted into a solid I brought it down driving into his soul, burning it free of the taint and killing him. After standing up I light the body on fire to ensuring none of the taint lingers 

Hannah looking at me a spoke few words in English, "Slaanesh worshipper, Sparkling Moon. Place of possible worship." She just nodded. Though she stared at the wings, with another breath they were gone.

Marina, Mary and the group of people with the poor sod looked at me in shock. Though the clanging of armor and horses made this all the more interesting.

Felica gave the order to form up around me, and Hannah's Head bodyguard did the same. All the while the wolf laid on the ground lazily.

Marina and Mary seem to understand what might happen if a fight breaks out between us and the soldiers that have just showed up. 

[Well then... Master congrats on your first miracle?] The system said, but was unsure what to call what I just did. [Also, your HQ has finished upgrading] It helpfully informed.

Looking at the new arrivals I draw my chainsword.

(Hannah's POV before the Miracle)

Feeling someone staring I turn around, away from the scene... my ears shift and my head twitches reacting to all of the unnatural sounds.

"I will never betray them!" The idiot who hurt Joseph shouted... 

My head shifts at the sound of servos... what the fuck? I snap left and saw two red orbs from a dark alleyway before disappearing... Bipedal... Humanoid shaped but... those orbs seem Robotic... and that movement... too natural... too human... too forced.

Turning back to tell Joseph, several gasps fill the air as his wings that were normally a transparent gold became solid and drove it into the idiot. After withdrawing the wing he waved his hand over the body turning it to ash...

He turned to me, "Slaanesh worshipper, Sparkling Moon. Place of possible worship." He said in English, all I could do was nod... as the way his eyes borrowed into me, sent a shiver down my spine... it's kinda a turn on... I change my focus to his wings, especially the right one as that is covered in blood... it almost seemed stained like glass.

With a breath they disappeared though his eyes still remained... if he could do that with his wings then what could I do with my powers?

I turn with my Plasma Pistol already finding herself in my hands, I could sense her eagerness to kill my foes.

I hear the revved chainsword, Felica had formed up around him, and Jake formed around me with my men.

Knights on horse back... comical, with what looks like the City Guard...

That feeling again, my head twitches... again those red orbs... and again gone... in binary I spoke, "Sensors Active Search. Robotic. Unknown Allegiance."

I got several negatives from my troops, even Hamilton who has the best sensor suite that could detect a single damn light bulb within 100 meters.

"Double Check!" I ordered as I caught sight of those orbs again.

"Confirm! My Daughter." Hamilton screeched in binary. So... this thing is able to avoid this... either more advanced or old tech that manage to survive. But if that is what I think it is... gulp.

[Creator, may I ask you a Question?]

You may.

[Why are you doing things that will get you in more trouble? From that Dire Wolf and now with that AI?]

I have killed several people by accident... and this is my punishment, to over see those I have killed. My Brothers and Sisters be damned!

[May I ask another?]

You may.

[Out of the 30 other Entities you are having me help, why are you focus on Entity Joseph and Hannah so much?]

Hmm. They had something I didn't a spine, a spine that will see them to become leaders of this forsaken Galaxy. The others have done well. But these two? They are going to be my middle finger to my Brothers and Sisters... plus another had just interfered.

[Interfere? How?]

I made this world, and insured that Chaos was never present outside of the Mage's staffs... I am looking into who dared to mess with my punishment.

[Should I warn them?]

No! Who ever is doing this has played smart, and made Slaanesh notice the world first. It won't be long before the of three notice her new toy and will want it...

If any ship enters their system let me know instantly, especially if it is Imperial or Dark Eldar.

[Understood Creator]  

"My Prince we are outnumbered four to one." Felica comments, with her warning having guardsmen switching to the highest power settings. None of them thought they would get the chance to reload.

"Wait!" The Heiress shouts and runs to the Knights and City Guard. She manages to stop the lead knight and begins talking to him.

While Marina distracts them, Joseph and my group slowly inch closer until we form a single semi-cohesive unit...

"Joseph we may have a problem." I start, that thing was just always in the corner of my eyes but I saw it.

"Outside of the obvious?" He asked back.

"Something none... flesh based... I believe an AI or something mostly robotic had taken interest with me."

Acting as if that didn't affect him, "Details." But his vigilance increased as his wolf, while still looking lazy was looking around as well.

I relay what I had managed to observe.

"Human sized? So not the men of iron?"

"Yep." I answer him. "I am unsure, what era." He nodded. "Also your machine spirit for your chainsword is complaining."

He looked at it, before shaking his head at the words I just told him, "After we are done, it maybe a good idea to do maintenance." I instantly felt the joy of our weapons increase... this is one of the strangest things ever.

With a loud clang, we both look back at what we think is the Knight Captain who just face palmed in full plate... we could only assume what shit the Heiress and outranking bullshit she must have used.

With a face that showed her success she walked back to us, "Knight-Captain Popfus agreed to not attack, but he wants with his knights retinue following. To prevent anymore lose of life..." Her face falls.

With a shake of our heads, and orders given our men returned to the marching column. But this time Joseph mounts his wolf. Without much choice in the matter he pulled me onto his wolf. It is strange, not long ago, we were both throwing up after we had killed that Baron... but here we are, we have killed more. Those bandits and even now... my first reaction was to have the idiot shot...

"March!" He ordered and we started walking, with several eyes trained behind us at the mounted knights.



Just as we finish the last few minutes of walking as we can see the Keep of the City, a small binary screeched is heard, to me as my men around me didn't react to it. "Oddity Detected. Unknown Powers. Request To Met?"

Glancing where I heard the screech, there again in an alleyway... those red orbs... if that is an AI then it isn't corrupted by the ruinous powers. I have to find out, I nodded to it. It's orbs moved in a similar fashion. Before disappearing.

It is my duty to see if that thing is truly robotic... if it is, it shouldn't be "sane" but what if it is a heavily modified Human?

Time will only tell. 

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