Wait, There’s Another Wayne?

Chapter 5 – Cleaning Up the Filth

Week 1: Scouting for first target locations.

The targets are around the eastern part of Gotham, two blocks away from the docks, about three abandoned chemical plants plus one additional abandoned building close by; he suspected these buildings to house several gang members. Each of these plants is being controlled by different gangs and mafias. Matthias has to choose a starting position to start his hunt; he needs a safe checkpoint to store equipment and weapons.

There was a cheap apartment nearby the same block as the abandoned building. Matthias disguises himself as a struggling college student and rents a place for three weeks. A perfect starting point.

Week 2: Store equipment.

Day by day, bit by bit, Matthias stores his equipment in his rented apartment room.


- a police issued extendable stun batons, stolen from a GCPD officers,


- a pair of concealable and extendable steel baton, bought online,


- plenty of police issued steel handcuffs, also bought online

- whole series of Chinese firecrackers, also bought online,


- a black biker jacket that have thick hides, not bought online, but at the Gotham biker store,


- and a black skull shaped air-soft mask; now this one was also bought online.


All of these are the prepared equipment for Matthias; the batons are to subdue, the handcuffs to secure them the fight, the firecrackers are for diversion, the biker jacket for armor and protection, and the air-soft skull mask to hide face and adds some intimidation points.

'I don't plan on killing, yet. I don't think I could kill a human being, even if this is in actuality a comic book world.' Matthias thought as he finished storing these equipment.

Week 3: Last checking.

Matthias scouts for one last time at the target locations. Some gangsters are up and about, but are mostly idle most of the time. Some are just trotting around and calling for their friends to mug or just simply scare some unlucky passerby. He then checks the predetermined time when the gangsters are either sleeping or just simply abandoning their posts.

'They are just cheap thug mobs you can find anywhere in superhero stories. But they still pose some danger when attacking with numbers.'

Content at the result of his scouting, Matthias then returns to the apartment to end his current lease for next week.

Matthias then spends the last days of the third week training and honing his skills.

Week 4: ...

"Young Master, you've been out and about frequently for the past weeks. Is there anything I should know about?"

"H-hey Alfred, Umm, nothing really. It's just school projects and the like. Since I'm leading my group project, I need to keep my members in tab." Matthias stutters as he talk, surprised by Alfred's sudden calling.

Alfred only stares at Matthias, not responding to the answer.

"If there's nothing else, I'm going out now Alfred. I'll be back tonight."

"Is it related to what you've been doing last week, young Master?"

"..." Matthias went silent. He knows the more he speaks, and the more suspicious he would sound. Alfred has been unto him since the past few weeks, and it's not easy to fool someone who was the once a trained special Forces.

20 seconds of silence feels like an eternity, and it's deafening. Matthias then looks up facing straight at Alfred, face full of smiles, yet devoid of any innocence. "Alfred, I'll be back during midnight."

"Young Master..."

And with that, Matthias sets off.


On the backyard gate of an abandoned chemical plant, Matthias picks up the equipment he hid under a checkpoint. He puts on the jacket and the mask, checks his batons, and concealed them before moving.

"Hmm, I can set the firecracker out here as a diversion."

Matthias sets on the firecracker and preps himself.

... ... ...

"Flush! *smirk*" a nameless thug smugly puts his hands on a table of a four man Texas Poker. Only two remaining including him, and he's certain to win about 200 dollars worth of betting money. His only opponent grumbles lightly, and he smirks as he was about to grab the entire stack of paper cash.

"SIKE! Bitch I got Full House!" the opponent threw his hands. A Full House beats a Flush, and this nameless thug had a shocked expression on his face. "Now gimme the money! Hmm haha, ha ha ha ha! Now I'm fockin' rich baby!"

The thugs were about to chime in to prep for another game when suddenly,
*pop!*                  *pop!*                                 *crackle!*                         *crackle!*
               *pop!*                      *crackle!*                           *crackle!* 

Loud firecracker noise startles the entire residents of the abandoned chemical plant.

"Fuck is that, a fire cracker? Someone's still childish enough to play firecrackers here?"

"No, it's from outside the gate."

"Someone oughta' teach these kids a lesson!"

"Stop it, all of you. You four poker players, get yo ass outta there and check out what happened. If its just children, just shoo them away."

The four poker players grumbles before they sets off.

Outside the building they're in, a shadowy figure stalks the four men checking the firecracker noise.

"I fucking hate Dave, always ordering us to do these stuff. Just because he was the former Sionis Family's bodyguard, he thinks he can order us around."

"He can order us around because he's a fucking mercenary, retard!"

"Just shut it. I want my money back."

"No way, you lose the game so the money is mine!"

The four men walks outside the gate, and towards the tree nearby.

"Just children messing around with us. If I catch them doing this again I'll-"

"Let's just head back, man, I just want to--!"

-- *Thwack!*     *Thud!*

One thug fell down. A figure in dark black outfits and wearing a black skull mask was attacking them using a steel baton.

"Dammit! Who do you think you are!"

The black figure answers with an inhuman dash forward, striking another of the thug.

*Thwack* *Blam* Ugh! *thud*

The two remaining finally snaps back to reality and returns the attack;
One swings his pocket knife forward for a stab, *tink!* the baton smacks his hand and the knife fell, and then *Wham!* the baton hits him in the head. One more to go.

The last one tries to charge at the black figure after knowing that the latter has a smaller size body than him. Charging like a bull, the thug grabs the black figure at his waist and pushes forward. But ... he's not pushing. No, he can't push! This black figure whose body should be smaller than him, has overpowered him!

The black figure stops the thug from trying to tackle him, and with ease, lifts the thug's body and, *SLAM!* slammed him backwards.

Four thugs down. The black figure drags them closer to the trees, and then handcuffed them. He then continues sneaking inside the compound where the rest stays.

... "Took those four long enough to just checking the noise. Fuck are they doing? Having some gay sex or something?" One thug jokes about.

One of the thugs was about to open the door to go outside and check, but *WHAM!* *CRASH!* the door crashes into the thug and both were being thrown backwards.

Everyone was on alert after this, thinking that perhaps the GCPD cops have grown a pair and started busting down these small gang bases.

But all they see was a black figure outside the broken entrance. The figure dashes forward like lightning, a movement so quick he seemed inhuman and dangerous, and coupled with the black skull mask he's wearing, he seemed like a grim reaper trying to rip everyone off of their souls.

"SHIT! Get Him!" Screams of the thugs echoes around. They try to fight this unknown assailant, but the suddenness still stuns a few of these thugs.

*Crackle!Crackle!*  *Swish!**Smack!*  *Blammm!**Whooosh!*  *Smack!**Thwack!

                                         *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

"*Spasms* Ah Zzzzzz, Argh!"     "Oww! Aargh!"     "No! Aaack!"       "Ugh! Ouch! Aaargh!

One by one, the thug starts dropping like flies. No one's spared.

The thug leader, noticing that they somehow lose to this small black assailant, starts backing out to a certain room, leaving his thug mobs to slow the assailant down.

"AAARGH!" One thug tries to tackle the assailant, but can't overpower him. The assailant, in turn, lifted the thug's body with ease, and threw him towards the other thugs.

*CRASH!* *Thud!!* , this knocks out two of the thugs, and renders another one stunned.

"NO! Please! Spare me!" *thwack!* and he's out.

... "Hmm, that's the last of the mobs, but I think one of them just fled through here." the black figure quietly mutters from within his mask. He approached a certain room that connects to a quite small room. He walks cautiously inside and spots one remaining thug standing there with a blade in his hand.

The blade is a black, long machete, almost looked like a katana, but shorter and straighter; no curves whatsoever.

"You're quite a skilled combatant to be able to beat us all like this using only some batons."

The black figure did not respond.

"If you won't introduce yourself, then I shall introduce mine. I am Davian Casilla, formerly a head bodyguard of the Sionis family." the thug introduces, thinking that being a former head of the Sionis family's bodyguard can at least intimidate this small yet powerful foe.

But the black figure still did not respond.

Davian Casilla was angry. This opponent seems to not consider him a worthy enemy. Davian then points his blade to his foe, "If you do not respect your enemy, you will die--what!!!"

The black figure dashes as quick as a bullet towards Davian. The latter was surprised by the suddenness of the attack and can only defend the continuous barrage of strikes.

The black figure had two batons on each hands, one steel baton, and the other a stun baton. Each attack was aimed so that the steel baton hinders the black blade while the stun baton stuns the enemy.

Davian was nearly defeated... But he managed to stood his ground.

"Tsk! This one's a pain, huh." The black figure quietly mutters.

Davian closes to counterattack, the black figure crosses his batons for a defensive stance. The weapons of two persons connects, and sparks flew in response.

The black figure swings his steel baton to slam the blade away, but Davian just parries it and then tried to stabs the black figure's abdomen. The black figure dashes sideways to dodge, and dashes forward to strike again with his stun baton to try stunning Davian.

This goes on for about a minute, and eventually, Davian is able to smack away the stun baton away. The two then locks weapons, and Davian grabs the black figures by the left hand and yanks his body to the wall.

The black figure did not simply let himself thrown away, and steps away with his agility; knocking Davian off of his blade in the process.

Davian then attempts to grab the baton from the black figure's hand. Davian give a palm shot to the black figure's chest and the latter was thrown backwards. The steel baton fell down from both combatants' hands.

"You're really a good combatant to be able to push me like this. A pity your opponent is me!" Davian exclaims, but still did not receive a response.

The Black Figure, vs. Mercenary Davian Casilla,
Both now unarmed and tired.

Davian puts up a stance; the Muay Thai. The black figure only stood gallantly and gazing forward to his enemy.

"Y'know, I really like you, buddy. You seem like you'd make a capable soldier." Davian still talks, yet the black figure still won't respond.

Then, the two dashes forward. Davian went for the punches and hard kicks, but each attack was blocked flawlessly.

*Swish!* *Swoosh!*                    *Swoosh!*
                                       *Block!*                        *Block!*

It was a stalemate for quite awhile, but the black figure then finally stops one of Davian's attack by grabbing his fist.

"Ugh! How are you this strong! Who the hell are you? A candidate for another supersoldier?"

The black figure then kicks Davian, knocking him to the ground.

"Phew, it is done. Now let's cuff 'em."




It was the black figure's victory. The fight was hard, but he made it thanks to his gifts. The black figure dials #911 on one of the thug's phone, and then walks away.

"It's actually almost an hour past midnight. Alfred must be worried sick. I shouldn't make him more worried."

The figure sets off...


To Be Continued ...

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