VRMMO: Create a BUG Every Ten Hours

Chapter 880 Drain your blood!

This makes Blue Star's players very uncomfortable, hold back!

He clearly knows the real strength of the big boss Bai Ye, and the real strength of the big boss Bai Ye is a hundred times more than he is now!

But now, it can only be ridiculed by these alien players...

Boss Bai Ye, why are you still not moving?

The Blue Star players had broken thoughts in their hearts, but they could only endure the anxiety in their hearts.

At this moment, Su Bai received a voice transmission: Good job, good job! Keep it up! The number of failed bets has exceeded 500 billion!

It was the voice of a gambler, full of excitement in his voice.

With the cooperation of his navy flicker and Su Bai's skill, the unsuccessful bet far surpassed the successful bet.

The successful bet has just exceeded 500 million, and 99% of them are Blue Star players.

The rest is just a matter of luck.

Therefore, this wave will definitely make a lot of money~~

Far more than the gambler thought before!

If it didn't have the name 'Bai Ye', I'm afraid it wouldn't be so popular.

However, there are still a lot of people who are still watching. After all, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room has exceeded 10 trillion!

Still gotta hold on!

No answer, no need to answer.

Su Bai retreated back and returned to the chaotic battlefield where the second wave of players was.

Ah! Hate!!

No! I'm going to kill him!



Being so upset by him, the guy who was hit by the abridged version of Destroyer Blood couldn't stand it.

They all roared, chased and killed, and participated in the siege.

Others are also somewhat involved, but more of them are onlookers.

Don't worry, just hold on.

Now the gambling is basically stable and more profitable, and you can stabilize now.

Just wait for all players to arrive, just wait for the game to be closed.


Another few minutes passed.

Among the players in the third wave, more and more players gradually participated in the siege of Su Bai.

Because they found that so many players could not kill Su Bai!

So, couldn't help it.

At this time, the fourth wave of players set foot on this continent.

The fifth wave of players is in the middle of the connecting road and bridge.

The sixth wave, not long after stepping on the bridge.

Finally, the scattered players approached the bridge.

All in all, it's not that much.

At that time, I had seen millions of players enter the ruins of spiritual disasters, but now there are only more than 400,000.

Lost more than half the quantity!

Of course, there are many.

With the speed at which they arrived, it only took less than ten minutes to arrive at all of them.

Only a few minutes, how long can it be.

The fourth wave is here!

Seeing the third wave of players park, they pay attention and slow down.

Like the third wave of players, seeing the live broadcast room, the players in the live broadcast room are also happy to explain.

Like the third wave of players, they ridiculed, laughed, and didn't believe that Su Bai could do it.

The fourth wave of players stands in the same row as the third wave of players.

It is also not in a hurry to besiege, but to watch the play on the side.

Not long after, the fifth and sixth waves arrived.

These two waves of players totaled more than 300,000!

At this point, 99% of the players are present.

Because the road was blocked by Su Bai and the others fighting, and at the same time, the door of light had not yet opened.

Therefore, they also surrounded the battlefield and watched the play.

This human race is really fat!

Ha~ Interesting, I have to talk to him after I get out of the spiritual disaster ruins.

Haha... Also there is a gambling game? I also participate in a wave.

Ha, bet failure, make a profit, so happy~!

Huh? You said he'd lasted a few minutes without dying?

Well...that's really something...


On the battlefield, Su Bai's situation looked extremely bad.

Besieged by too many players!

However, from the beginning to the end, there was no danger in it.

After you have the experience of suppressing the blood explosion of the world, when there is danger, you can suppress the energy of the skills, use a shortened version of the skills, and solve your own problems.

He has a lot of tricks!

In a few minutes...


Ta Tata...


The last scattered players also arrive behind.

The last scattered players are very special, and they have attracted a lot of attention.

The audience in the live broadcast room watched curiously.

The player behind the 'watching the play' also felt the chill in his heart and turned his head to look.

They were all surprised!

In the rear, there are not many scattered players.

Only a thousand.

Their auras are extremely terrifying and powerful!

At the same time, his body also exudes a fierce murderous and violent aura, as if he is looking for someone to fight.

There were even large wounds on some of them, showing bones and blood running.

They're the guys in the way, trying to make the last buck, and just ended the fight.

Now that he has come alive, the results are obvious, and he must have made a lot of money.

Among them, a few players are the most special.

There was no injury on his body, and his face was relaxed and comfortable.

Obviously, they are the strongest and the most rewarding.

Huh! These guys look very powerful!

This injury? What's going on there?

Did it come so late, is this the boss?

Oh, the big guy is coming in! The human kid will die!

They seem to have appeared in the perspective from the overlook before, and they are the guys who block the road and rob!

Haha, I don't know what they would think when they saw this human race robbing them all after they approached?

Pfft! Thinking about it like that, it's really exciting!


In the live broadcast room, some players recognized the last scattered player.

At this point, these players have also seen the live broadcast room, and can also see the battlefield of the war.

After looking at the barrage again, it is clear to understand.

Suddenly, many guys looked weird.

Huh? I thought I was bold enough to ambush on the bridge, this Terran...

Tsk tsk tsk! Stupid!

Hehe... grandstanding!

Well... this level of fool is rare.

Huh? This person...

Except for one human race, none of these players knew Su Bai.

this person……

Although he is a man, he is thin and slender, and his clothes are more feminine.

Bunch of female hairstyles, painted eyebrows and lips, like a person. Demon.

Wearing a gorgeous dress, there is no injury on the body, clean and bright.

Before, in the spear-shaped mountain, he grabbed Su Bai's things and was hacked to death by Su Bai.

Huh? This person...it's him!!!

After pondering for a while, he recognized Su Bai!

The eyes suddenly became cold, and they were full of strong desire and greed.

He would always recall the drop of blood that was taken away by Su Bai.

Every time I think about it, I hate it!

When that drop of blood was born, the scene displayed was terrifying!

Absolutely super rare stuff!

How could this kind of thing be given away willingly.

At that time, he did not have the strength to fight back against Su Bai.

Although there are hole cards that can be used, it is still quite a big hole card!

But unfortunately, it takes some time for that hole card to be in hand.

And now...it's different!

The hole card is already in the hand, and it can be displayed at any time!

You swallowed that drop of blood into your stomach, and I'm going to suck your blood too!

When he was talking to himself, his expression was ruthless, and his eyes were as vicious as snakes and scorpions.

He doesn't seem to be a regular human race, and he is especially fierce.

It's like his resurrection method, which is a pile of minced meat gradually forming a body, which is rather strange.

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