Voyage: Cat Fruit Fantasy Beast Species God of Destruction Form

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Sengoku clasped his hands into fists, thinking secretly in his heart.

If Barbos and Red Dog can take Cake Island, the remaining strength of the navy is still strong, even if the Hundred Beast Pirates take the opportunity to attack, the navy will be more than enough to clean up Kaido.

“You two… Are you sure? Warring States’ gaze was scorching, and he was obviously moved.

The naval career has entered its final period, and Sengoku also hopes to retire to a beautiful big battle.

“Of course!”

Red Dog and Barbos spoke in unison.


Half an hour later, a warship left the naval headquarters and headed straight for the cake island of the New World.

The entire ship, adding up, is more than a hundred navies.

Except for Barbos and Red Dog, all were ordinary sailors.

“Damn big·mom, take the initiative to attack the navy, it’s too presumptuous!!”

In the cabin, the red dog still complains: “Sooner or later, the old man will clean up the garbage on the sea.” ”

“Pirates can’t be killed, General Sakaski.”

Barbos leisurely cocked Erlang’s legs: “Even if we defeat Big Mom, someone will replace her and become the new Four Emperors.” ”

Hearing this, the red dog was silent, this is an endless cycle.

“Barbos, do you have any high opinions.”

Akainu asked quietly.

“I do have some opinions of my own.”

Barbos sorted out his thoughts: “Why the era of the sea thief began, it is not because of Roger’s words before his death, he successfully aroused people’s curiosity, and the world is full of curiosity about the so-called one·pice.” ”

“If one day, one day the one pice is exposed and the secret is revealed, people’s curiosity will cease and the number of pirates will be greatly reduced.”

Akainu rolled his eyes angrily: “I thought it was a good way, it is undeniable that exposing one·pice is indeed one of the best ways to solve the problem, but the world government will not agree.” ”

“One more point…”

Akainu kindly reminded: “Don’t say this kind of nonsense, when it reaches the ears of the world government, it will have a fatal impact on your naval career.” ”

“I understand.” Barbos responded.

The two talked a few more words, and then went back to rest.

Barbos lay on the soft bed, and was about to squint for a moment when the telephone bug on the table rang.

“What’s the matter, Lei Jiu.”

“The big·mom pirate group sent people to Beihai and attacked me, and the family suffered heavy losses.”

Lei Jiu’s voice carried a sense of decadence and loss.

“Going to the North Sea again? The old woman’s hand was really long. ”

Barbos snorted coldly and said worriedly, “How are you?” ”

“I’m okay.”

Lei Jiu shook her head, and then said helplessly: “But my father was snatched away by them, speaking of which, the Big Mom Pirates seemed to have come for my father at the beginning.” ”


Barbos thought for a while and was relieved: “Although Gaji was abolished by me, his mind is still good, Aunt has always been obsessed with the technology of giganticization, Gaji and Caesar belonged to the same research team in the past, Aunt is planning to find Gaji to continue the research on human giganticization.” ”

“Lei Jiu, you go to the G20 base of the Navy temporarily, you really can’t hide in the Navy headquarters, and in the next period, the sea will become more and more chaotic.”

“I understand.” Lei Jiu obediently agreed.

She is not the kind of brainless woman, and since she can’t give Barbos assistance in terms of strength, she definitely can’t be her drag bottle.


After a day of sailing, the warship finally arrived in the sea near Cake Island.

Red Dog and Barbos did not hide, nor did they have any extra tactics, and directly rushed over.

The scouts of the Big Mom Pirate Group naturally also discovered the warships of the Navy.

When he pulled out his binoculars, there were two people standing on the deck – Red Dog and Barbos.

Castle in the heart of Cake Island.

Hearing that the navy was coming, the aunt was shocked and angry.

All along, the New World has been the territory of pirates.

When did the Navy become so reckless that they dared to come to the New World to fight her?

The most difficult thing for the aunt to accept was that the navy sent two people.

Who is this looking down on?!


Under the attack of anger, the monstrous overlord-colored domineering rushed straight into the sky, tearing the sky to pieces.

“The Navy must pay the price!”

“Red Dog and Barbos, those two stinky imps, they must pay for their arrogance!”

The pampered aunt was full of firepower, injecting a large number of souls into the deep sea.


The sea level rose rapidly, and the shocking tsunami that was forty or fifty meters high condensed in the blink of an eye.

Under this monstrous wave, the warship shook violently, like a lone boat, which could be overturned by the big wave at any time.

Without waiting for the red dog to make a move, Barbos took the lead and flew into the sky.

Buzz ~~~

The purple ball of energy quickly condensed in his hand, about the size of a fist.

Barbos nudged forward, and the energy ball flew away.

After contact with the seawater, it did not burst as expected, but merged into the big wave, and the originally blue sea water turned purple.

Barbos pursed his lips and opened his mouth, “Destruction.” ”


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