
Chapter 8: Complications and Nuisances – Part 5.

Faye purred into Vivienne’s ear before nibbling it lightly, making the elder vampiress squeeze her progeny tighter. “Cute ringtone, I wouldn’t have pegged you as a Linkin Park fan.”

“That particular song is alluring and has an edge to it, don’t you think?”  Vivienne smiled and answered her phone. “Dr. Moreau, speaking.”

“Good evening, doctor.  Thank you for taking my call, it is Dr. Chris Smith.”  He paused, “The head administrator for the hospital?”

“I recall who you are, doctor.” Vivienne looked at her girlfriend as she started poking her shoulder. “What?”  Vivienne whispered as she covered the receiver of her phone.

Faye tapped her temple for a second, “I remember, I used to be called Cyberlily.”  She beamed.

“I fail to see the importance of..” Vivienne stopped when doctor Smith began speaking once more.

“I tried to contact your office, but was told you took some time off.  They kindly transferred me to your private line.”  Chris paused for a quick breath, “I have a few questions about a release order you signed last night.”

“I have no intention of discussing my patients, Dr Smith.”  Vivienne’s voice went cold.

“Vivienne…” Dr. Smith started.

“...Doctor Moreau.  We aren’t friends, we are colleagues at the most.  You will call me doctor.”  Vivienne corrected.

Faye saw the callous look deepening in her partner's twinkling ice blue eyes, a small red ring beginning to rim the edges of her irises. “Viv.  It means I remember what I used to do.  Try and calm down, we need that guy.”

Vivienne angrily punched the mute on her phone, “What, Faye?”

Casey perked up, “We need him?”

Faye kissed Vivienne and nodded. “Yep.  We get his card and pin, we can get access to the hospital, to include that server farm.”  Faye cupped Vivienne’s cheek, lightly. “Come back to me, Viv.”

“I’ve seen that look before, Faye.  It was about the same when she saw what Drake had done to you, it scared me then, and it’s scaring me now.”  Casey excused herself and went inside the house. “I’ll be in here watching TV.”

Vivienne closed her eyes and leaned into Faye’s gentle touch and calmed down. “Thank you, mon amour.”  She whispered just before Chris started speaking once more.

“I think you will once you hear why, Doctor.”  His voice dripped with sarcasm. “The police are looking for a woman pulled from the rubble of the Ocean Lily.”

“I am not discussing any personal information about a patient.”  Vivienne once more added.

“Could you come to my office please?  We can discuss the matter in..” Dr Smith snickered, “...private.”

Faye started nodding her head quickly, “Tell him yes.”

“I…uh..”  Vivienne cutely cleared her throat, “Excuse me for that, Doctor Smith.  I will be happy to come up there and listen to what you have to say.”  Vivienne let out a tiny sensual sigh, “I can be there in say, thirty to forty-five minutes?”

“I look forward to seeing you again, Doctor.”  Chris remarked and the line went dead.

“Thank you, Faye.”  Vivienne pulled the hand cupping her cheek to her blue-gray lips, kissing it. “Amazing, truly fascinating.”  

Faye slithered out from Vivienne’s lap and straddled her. “Mmm.  Those lips are all mine now that Casey is inside.”

“Yes, Mon amore, they are yours.” Vivienne blew Faye a kiss. “So, possessive.”

“I can still hear you.”  Casey laughed.

Wrapping her arms around Vivienne’s neck, Faye leaned forward and suckled on her partner's lip for a few seconds. “Now then…”  Faye felt a familiar primal shiver traverse her spine, “...Like I said, I remembered my nickname and specifically what that entails.”  She purred into Vivienne’s ear, “I remember most of what I can do with the right access.”

“Mon amour, I would love to indulge in this great fantasy you have concocted but alas, you have set me on a clock to meet with doctor Smith.”  Vivienne playfully kissed Faye’s chin. “Tigerlily, what else do you want me to do while I am there?”

“I was hoping to come with you, Vivienne.” Faye pleaded and kissed her girlfriend.

“You aren’t supposed to be alive, mon amour.  We can’t take the risk of you being seen by someone that might have known you.”  Vivienne sighed and reluctantly wiggled free.

“Good point.  You have a laptop I can use?”  Faye asked quickly. 

“I have four as a matter of fact.”  Vivienne pulled Faye to her feet and walked inside. “Why do you ask?”

“Please tell me one of them is issued from the hospital.” Faye offered with excitement.

“That was the one I used to make the release order for Casey, so yes.”  The elder vampire confirmed.

Faye followed Vivienne to the sofa where the two comfortably relaxed in each other’s arms. “Perfect.  I have a little plan, but it will require some trickery on your part, Viv.”

Vivienne looked at the clock on her phone, “I don’t have much time, so give me the basic idea and I will call Casey if I need to.”

“We need to erase or destroy the camera footage of Casey in the hospital and the record of your signed release.  It is a matter of finding the server it is stored on.”  Faye started rattling off.  “Get Smith’s card and pin, then use that to gain entry into the server farm or NOC…”  She pauses a moment, “They might not have a dedicated NOC, humm…”

Vivienne’s soothing and light French accent cutoff Faye’s scattering thoughts. “...Faye.  Focus.  I have to get airborne soon.”  Vivienne slipped away from Faye’s cuddled form. “Let me get the card and pin then I will just call.  We go from there.”

Casey hopped up from the sofa, panicked. “Uh…Look at this you two.”  She pointed to the television and the pictures of two men that had been found dead by First Landing Overpass. “Those guys took me to the hospital!  I flirted with the young one, named Jason.” 

Vivienne turned to face the television, “Unforeseen circumstances keep arising, do they not?”  Vivienne opened the door and onto the deck. “All the more reason to clean what we can and get on the move.”  Vivienne turned and seamlessly transformed into her raven form and fluttered off into the distance.

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