
Chapter 4 : Fate, Faye and the Flying Cannibals – Part Three.

Casey pulled into the parking lot at the community college, and far enough away that no one could have seen it was her in the BMW driving on a supposedly injured knee.  The auburn lady opened the trunk of the car and took inventory of the items she’d be using as soon as Vivienne called, then closed it. “Time to face the music.  I have no doubt Brian will be up there ready to scream and yell, given the near fifty  texts I haven’t answered.” Casey muttered to herself.

Gathering her crutches she fake hobbled up to the guard and flashed her ID, then made her way to her dorm door.  Digging her keys out for the lock, she looked surprised when the door opened and Brian scooped the swimmer into his arms and swung her inside like crossing a marriage threshold.  Casey smiled and managed to flick the door shut as she rolled her eyes with the obvious over the top greeting.

“Hi there Brian.  I get the feeling you may have missed me.” the auburn woman cooed.

“You stopped answering texts or your phone, so I had to make an appearance.  Your roommate let me in and went out with friends.  I took the liberty of making us something to eat.”  He smiled looking down at her round face, before giving her a very wild and tongue filled kiss.  Casey hungrily returned the affectionate and possessive kiss, her breathing became labored as they held their lips in place and did a quiet slick dance with their tongues.

Catching her breath and faking a bit of pain from her knee being bent, Casey fluttered her eyelids to her boyfriend. “Careful, I do have a couple injuries that you are not taking care of.”  

The big man adjusted his hold on Casey to ensure that the damaged knee wasn’t being jolted around.  He then carried the swimmer into her room, laying her gently on her bed. “Leave it to me.  I will make sure you are well cared for.”

“Is that so, Brian?” Casey asked with her hungry voice.

“Oh, I know that sound, my dear.”  He paused for a moment, “It is so.  What use am I, if I can’t take care of you while you’re hurt?”  Brian then placed the young student on her bed and scratched his black goatee for a moment. “Do you need a pillow under that knee, Casey?  I can get the one from the sofa and prop it up.”  He pointed with his thumb behind him to where dinner was cooling. “..Or I can bring a plate of the spaghetti that I made.”

“No need for the pillow, Brian.”  Casey turned and looked at her boyfriend, a mischievous and gorgeous twinkle coming from her twin hazel eyes.

“That is twice now, Casey.  Either you are in a very loving mood, or you are trying to get me to not be as anxious about you being gone for two days.”

Casey lets out a little pouty purr from her chest. “Was it really two days?  You missed me that much in only forty-eight hours?  Brian, I think you like me or something.”

Her change into a thrall caused Casey to experience what was going on between the couple in much the way she’d been with Vivienne.   She could tell just by looking at her boyfriend that he was excited to have her back.  His eyes gave a deeper meaning beyond love and lust, and there was a hidden need in the gaze he gave her.  She could see the hues that made up his tanned complexion and within those tones denoting his excitement.  She spotted his lips twitching just before he spoke.

“I love you.  I know you don’t like that word, as you have not said it to me in the two years that we’ve been dating.  You have expressed it in many other ways, so I am not overly concerned about hearing the words.”

“You would be surprised on how I feel on the subject, given the last forty-eight hours.”  She opened her arms and beckoned him to come to her. “Please, Brian.  I will be fine.  I want you here with me.”

He tilted his head and raised one eyebrow. “Are you sure, I don’t want your knee to get angry with me.”

“Dr. Moreau made sure it was in place and only healing.  You will not make it angry, I promise.”

He crawled onto the double bed and stretched out beside Casey, his six foot long form nearly taking up the entire length of the bed.  He started running his fingers through the long auburn hair. “So, tell me what happened for the last two days.”

Laying in the partial darkness of her room, Casey closed her eyes the moment Brian started running his fingers in her hair.  Before becoming a ward the sensation always calmed her and made her excited enough that she wanted to become bound to the huge man.  This time was a little different.  Each little rise and fall of her locks in his fingers sent a tingle from her head to her feet.  A tingle that didn’t exist until this moment.  “Mmm, Brian.  Why is it you know exactly where to touch me?”  Casey purred and leaned into his stroking hand. “Do you really want to talk now?  Because I am losing my ability to think straight with each passing moment.”

Brian shook his head and pulled Casey on top of him, kissing her once before rolling her back onto the bed.  He paused for a moment and looked back at his lover's bandaged knee. “Are you sure? I mean your knee.”

Casey opened her eyes and looked up at her boyfriend. “Dr. Moreau told me I have to keep bending it as much as I can, but to be careful not to put weight on it.”  She purred and pulled the big man back into a kiss. “So, yes I am very sure.”  The ward lightly giggled.

Convinced, he leaned down and pressed his lips to Casey’s.   With their lips pressed firmly together, she darted her tongue out to meet his own anxious one.  Twisting and flipping in a heated dance, she felt the fire of passion emanate from Brian into her.  Typically she would close her eyes and let the sensations of his lips and facial hair tickle her into a fevered sexual pace.   This time was different.  She’d become a ward, a thrall to a vampire and wanted to experience this like she experienced her new senses just hours before at Vivienne’s house.

Casey started with sight.  By leaving her eyes open to watch her gentle giant, she could absorb every part of the impending moment.  What she didn’t expect to see was the luminous violet glow that seemed to jump from his muscular form.  She’d seen a gray glow of death around Vivienne, but his soft aura that permeated him told her all that she needed to know almost immediately.  He was there and deeply connected to her and desired the romantic encounter as if his life depended on it.

 -Quit trying to analyze this, Casey!-  Her mind chastised her, and her chocolatey eyes slid shut.

All of her senses started working as one the moment she allowed her body to take over.  The rush of heat pulsed from her heart, beating down through her torso and into her arms and legs.  Pulsing energy though her arms, Casey’s slender hands tugged and pulled her lover’s shirt free of his muscular form.  Her fingernails enjoyed his tight skin first, raking lightly from his back to his shoulders and finally to his bare and powerful arms.  She felt his hungry growl deep within his bare chest the moment her fingers actually started pressing against the muscles in his arms.  The difference this time was in how she felt the tight and stringy round bands that made his biceps.  Plump and powerful, Casey noted every line and contour that she’d never felt before.  “Mmmggmm.”  She let spill  from her lips into his ears with a whisper. “Make use of these arms, please..” She trailed off, and nibbled his ear for a moment.

Arching her back to thrust her chest into his hard body, Brian once again leaned back on his knees a moment and smiled. “I hope this isn’t a new shirt.”

“It's not even mine.”  Casey urged while sensually biting her bottom lip and watching the violet tones start pulsing around his well formed body. “I just want to see those arms in action.”  She squirmed in anticipation. He leaned his massive form over her swimmers body once again, a mischievous grin on his visage.  Reaching to the ‘V’ collar of her blouse, Casey wiggled her hips under the pressure of his legs and watched as she saw in depth as his entire upper torso’s strength was dedicated to tearing the pink shirt away..  She heard the tears of the cotton  and the ripping sound much like a zipper just as the blouse gave way, and right behind it the snapping of metal as the underwire from her bra snapped exposing her large breasts.

  A new sensation of air rushing over her nipples in a swirl made her mind spin and her back arch up waiting for the next thing she hoped Brian would do.  Her hungry eyes scanned his body again, causing her to breathe in deeply at the sheer volume of curves and squares his body formed in the half lit room.  Noticing the hesitation on his face, the ward curled her finger towards him and pointed to the black skirt that she’d been given that very morning. “No need to stop now. You know you want to do it.”  She giggled as she scanned down from his upper body to the strain that was now imprinted in his jeans. “Unless…”  Casey offered as she leaned up and tugged lightly at his covered waist, exposing his heady sexual scent to tease her nose.  Taking another breath as yet a second flash fire travels her spine, “I can tear those off if you want me to.”

“I don’t have another set of jeans here in your dorm, Casey.  You .. you seem different.”  He scratched his goatee for a moment.

-Oh my god, Casey!- Her mind not only had his sexual heat just behind his pants, but that simple scratch let loose just a whiff of his herbal peach shampoo. 

“I just missed you, Brian.  I know I was short with you before, but please don’t stop.  Let’s just forget about the questions and enjoy each other.”  She found herself in the odd position of almost begging her boyfriend to have sex with her. 

-No, bring this back.  Get him back over you, let your lips kiss his hard pecs-

Blowing kisses from her elbowed position, She watched him finally give in and he took the time to unbutton his jeans, kicking them and his briefs to the side of the bed where her tattered blouse rested.  Her eyes went wide and admired the man she’d chosen two years before, as he teased her by kissing his way up her legs.  Falling back in a huff of desire, Casey’s legs sent another wave of white hot flickers for her senses to deal with.  He’d done this before, Casey almost expected this sensuality right up until the moment the two connected.  Her body felt the depth of his hot breath going over her bare legs so that when the kiss behind the breath landed, the feeling penetrated her energetic nerves and deep into the muscle itself.  A liquid fire of pleasure she’d never felt before.  It didn’t move, it lingered.  No matter how she flexed, each kiss left behind more and more heat in her thick thigh.  She tried in vain to push the feeling lower down her calves for relief from the sensation that was now clouding her vision and mind.  The heat just wouldn’t move.  He kept kissing right to the top of her leg, then switched sides where the exact same thing happened.  Penetrating and unrelenting, the fire stayed in both her legs. 

The swimmer clinched and twisted her pillow until it started to tear in her unnaturally strong grip.  Finding herself nearly crippled with the sensations that had changed in herself, Casey stopped caring about the depth of what was happening.  The roaring fires in her legs and pulsing lava in her nerves gave way to a sexual desire that was deeper than she’d ever experienced.  It was the first time in her sexually charged life that she felt a real connection to another person, this wonderful man now helping her wiggle out of her skirt and panties.  The heavy chested woman never thought that the change into a ward would ignite the passion she sought in so many others, yet never found, until right now. 

Pinned in her own body from the raging inferno at the site of each kiss that Brian gave her as he trailed up her body, Casey sought some form of relief from her overwhelming sensations.  Finding that her hands would respond through the hotspots, the ward clutched and twisted her fingers pulling on the thick comforter until she heard the tears and  felt the cotton being pulled out.  She swished her head both directions on her tattered pillow, turning her hair into an auburn nest with her blonde highlights as little wispy beacons that floated lightly in the heavy musky air.  Neither of the two prior actions released any of the trapped lava torching her nerves.  Casey resigned to use her voice to get the purring feeling from her chest and throat, hoping that it would let some of the furious fire expel from her body.  Flipping her head back and readying her sexual moan from her chest, Brian closed his lips over her ample breast and nipple, using his teeth once to gently tug at the hard point.

Just like a volcano gathers all its pressure in a small dome before the explosion of lava is thrown in the air, Casey did much the same.  A simple action with Brian’s lips sent the rest of the fiery shockwave through her nerves, first tingling her nerves then the jolting fire.  Arching her back and involuntary constricting her tummy, the wave released and spread the points of fire that were trapped in place.  Its primeval sensation finally gave her the chance to move once her body and it crashed back onto the bed.  Freeing Brian from her ample chest,  Casey pulled her man into a molten kiss.  Her arms clutched to his neck.  Her legs wrapped around his waist and guided him deeply inside her, starting the rhythm that melted their bodies into one, seeking that peak that her body desired.


Laying contently in Brian’s arms, Casey watched as the purple glow faded from Brian’s form.  Her body spent and her desire filled, she thought about the intensity of their sexual ritual.  The ward knew her body had changed for the better the moment she connected herself to Vivienne.  She had spent the better part of an hour just explaining the small changes she could express at the time.  Whatever else might have been part of the ‘ward package’ the blonde didn’t expect that even her nerves would have changed.  

Taking a deep and relaxing breath, the ward didn’t expect to delineate the different ways her body would interpret being aroused.  Sex had always been a full body experience, where she felt the sheer release at the end.  This time didn’t have a way to truly measure how sedated she’d become after her orgasm.  It wasn’t just all of her muscles going taut and expelling her arousal, they did them one at a time in a constant motion that let the fire burn from her body over a longer period of time allowing the wave of euphoria of her orgasm to smoothly consume the energy, rather than just suddenly stop and leave her jerking on the bed.

Like many other firsts today, Casey felt an unusual pang in her chest as she sleepily turned to face Brian. 

-You have to tell him.  Tell him you love him and tell him you’ve cheated on him, Rivers.-

Watching as Brian slept peacefully, Casey slid her long fingers through his matted sweaty hair.  He moved closer to her and his leg draped over hers as she thought about the way she treated him just that very morning versus the intimate moment they’d just shared.

“Sorry about this morning, I wasn’t nice at all.” she whispered lightly.

Brian opened his eyes and warily looked at his girlfriend, “Huh?”

“I said I was harsh to you this morning and I am sorry for it.”

He leaned into her fingers as they stroked his hair. “That whole, I will do what I want…thing.  That wasn’t anything I was ready for.”

Casey recalled the entire conversation and wanted to take it all back at this point. “You were headache..”  She paused for a moment, giving her mind time to catch up. “..whatever.  You were worried, I was bitching..still, I am sorry.”

“You want the truth?” Brian inquired.


“Since you started obsessing over that band, you’ve been distant.  Until tonight, I mean.”  Brian sighed and gave Casey a quick kiss.

“Don’t worry about it.  I don’t like them anymore, I even removed their music earlier.”  She slid her hand across his cheek and through his goatee scratching it lightly. “I am happy here.”

“There’s got to be more than this.  You have always been easy..” Brian pauses and smiles and watches as Casey gets a sour look on her face for a moment.  “...I meant it like easy to understand.”

“I’m sure that is what you meant.  Given how you had me in your spell five minutes after I limped in the door.  Here we are still naked.”

Ignoring the comment, Brian pushed, “Just say what you want to say Casey, you have always been very vocal.”

Casey closed her chocolatey eyes and drew in a deep breath. “Yes, there is more.”  She pulled her hand to her face, rubbing her temples a moment. “Being with Vivienne…Dr Moreau, all day, I learned something about myself and realized I needed to be a little more responsible.”

“Her name is Vivienne?” Brian perked his eyebrow.

Casey got wide eyed and a smile on her face, “Yes. Isn’t it exotic sounding?  It is French.”

“You seemed to almost glow saying her name, what is it you want me to know, Casey?”

The swimmer blinked a few times, getting her mistress out of her mind. “I want you to know that I can finally admit it.”  Her hand reached out to place Brian’s hand over her heart. “I want you to know I love you.”

Brian blinked a few times, the shock of the words crossing over his face. “I have waited two years for you to say it.”  He reached up to his girlfriend's hair, stroking it gently.

Shrugging her shoulders, “I wanted to be sure, I didn’t even admit it to myself until I saw you asleep just now.”

Brian let his hand slide from the long auburn-blonde locks to his girlfriend's cheek and gave her another hungry intimate kiss. “I don’t know what I did to change your mind, but I will take it.” His wide chest gave a pleasing purr.

Casey fluttered her eyes and took a deep breath in after the quick kiss. “You don’t?”  She wiggled closer to him, running her nails up and down his thigh. “I opened my door and was suddenly in your arms, I saw the look in your eyes, and it calmed me.”  She felt him stir under the blankets as her nails raced up to his hips. “I only mentioned my knee, and you didn’t hesitate to make sure I wasn’t in any pain.” Leaning up as she felt him stiffen, Casey pressed her lips to his in an impassioned french kiss. “You made dinner, you..” The ward struggled to catch her breath as their kiss parted, “ knee..”  Taking her leg and curving it over his waist, she felt his hips shift just enough so that he was nestled within her.  A quick and molten gasp flew from her lips. “..I love you Brian.”


Casey seemed to lose track of time as she awoke to her phone ringing.  The ward had been expecting this call and knew exactly who it was calling her.  Leaning up from Brian’s chest from where she’d been comfortably sleeping with his semi-hard sex still nestled within her,  the ward wiggled free and reached for the phone.  “Hey there, Viv.”  Standing up and walking to the corner of the room, she looked down and saw her crumpled jeans on the floor, recalling her thoughts from earlier in the day. “Right, it's time.  Getting dressed now and I will be there as fast as I can.”

Brian sat up and slid to lean against the headboard. “Where are you going?”

She snapped on a bra and turned to her lover and lost her breath a moment seeing his strong chest. “I just have something to do for Vivienne.”

Curious Brian perked his eyebrow, “What do you have to do?  I mean you are hurt.”

Buttoning her jeans and pulling her top on, she hobbled back to the bed, giving her boyfriend a quick kiss. “I can’t really go into it.”  She sat down and put on her shoes, thinking a little deeper on an answer. “I sort of have an NDA when it comes to Vivienne.  I can’t say much more than that.”

He folded his arms over his wide chest and smiled. “So, I have traded one obsession for another with you?”

Flipping her hair up and tying it into a ponytail she giggled a bit, “What do you mean?”

“Casey.  I know how wild you are.”


Brian’s smile disappeared as he got a solemn look in his green eyes. “You’ve had other lovers, Casey.  You didn’t really try to hide it.”

-There it is, out in the open.- She thought to herself. “No, I didn’t.”

“Is Vivenne another lover?”

She shook her head, “No, it isn’t like that at all.  Vivienne is special to me, but that is all I can say.”  Going from the chair to the bed again, “Brian.”  She took his hand and placed it over her chest. “I love you, here and now.”  She pauses, “Please, give me the chance to explain later.  Stay here and I will be back as soon as I can.”

“You are really leaving?” He pulled his hand away from Casey’s chest.

“I have to.”

“Fine.  I’ll stay, I don’t understand why I am, but I will stay put.” Brian sighed and leaned to give Casey a kiss.

Quickly returning Brian’s fevered kiss, The ward grabbed her phone and winked as she hobbled out of her room to the dorm door. “Stay just like that, Brian.”  She giggled and quietly closed the door behind her.

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