
Chapter 15: By Dusk’s Early Night – Part 7.

Captain Mattson spit a wad of blood on the floor where he’d bitten his own tongue from the way he’d been handled. “So much for a white flag.”  He crawled over and picked up his Cubs hat and placed it back over his salt and pepper hair, bill down. “I wanted to give you all the chance…”  He groaned and stood up and brushed himself off. “...the chance to either surrender to me, or leave peacefully.”  Captain Mattson held up his runed palm. “Close this hell hole and leave the area and nothing more will happen.”  He stared at Issac, “Keep in mind that your own just lied to you, I am not a captive.  I came here under a white flag.”

“You can’t do anything if you are dead.”  Issac laughed and looked over the council. “Are you scared of an old man?”  He laughed, “An unarmed old man at that.”

Vivienne took two steps and once more placed her hands on Faye’s shoulders and smiled. “Faye..”  She whispered.

Raollet shook his head, “That is the fucking meaning of a white flag, jerk.” He wiped blood from his chin. “It is good to finally meet all twenty-one of you. In one place.”  Captain Mattson bowed, “The honor is all mine.”  He pointed around the room. “This is the opportunity to leave in peace.”  He held up one finger. “A one time offer, from the Awakened.”

Franco stopped holding on to Patricia and sat up in his chair, clearly interested in the precession in the center of the room. “Issac, leave the man alone.”  Franco pointed to himself. “I am the council-leader, Franco Tarsey.”  He looked around the room as order seemed to descend on the council chambers. “How long do we have to decide?”

Raollet stood quietly and looked over the council.

Franco sat back and looked at his brethren. “Well, what do you think of the offer?”  A volley of comments echoed at the human representative and Franco raised one eyebrow when the man still didn’t answer any question devoted to him. “Brethren, I hear what you are saying.”

Raollet walked over to Franco and produced a single black rose and set it in front of the leader. “Sometimes the best love is tough love.”  Raollet’s eyebrows went up in surprise when he spotted Vivienne. “Blue eyes…”

Franco hushed the small gathering, waving his hands. “Settle down now.”  He concentrated on Captain Mattson, “It is pretty unanimous that we have to decline your offer, human.”

Raollet started to sway his head as music started to play from a hidden earbud.  He brought his hands up beside his ears in the shape of twin guns and started to whisper-sing the song Gimme Shelter by the Rolling stones.

Ooh, a storm is threatening
My very life today
If I don't get some shelter
War, children
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
War, children
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
Ooh, see the fire is sweepin'
Our streets today
Burns like a red coal carpet
Mad bull lost its way
War, children
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
War, children
It's just a shot away
It's just a shot away”

He aimed his little finger guns as the song played in his ears, opened his eyes and pulled the triggers.

-Pop! Ping-

Water began spraying all over the room from the sprinkler system.

Blood curdling screams erupted across the council chamber.  The scents of melting undead skin and bone mixed in the air with every drop of water that landed.  Almost in unison the vampires around the table started jumping out of their chairs and tried to hide under the circular table.  This only helped seal their fate.  Green magic erupted around the table, bending it upward to create a circular pen.  Within seconds the entire room was blanketed in a fog of purified steam that poured off the vampires.  The vampires crawled around in the holy soup, rendered helpless as they would be in pure sunlight.

Raollet spotted Issac first.  Wanting a bit of justice for his would be captor, Raollet held out his runed palm and summoned a set of green tendrils and grabbed Issac.  He lifted the police general in the air so that multiple sprinklers shooting holy water careened over the helpless vampire.  He danced in place when his magic tore the vampire in half, leaving a holy wet puddle of garbage on the floor. “Holy water hurts doesn’t it you jerk.”  He yanked Issac’s melted and steaming head and tossed across the room.  Raollet spoke into his earbud as he kicked the various bloody stumps that used to be vampires. “Without a hitch.  Captain Kino, come on in.  Just watch out for all the steam.” He walked around the room kicking the heads of the mushy vampires, “Where are you blue eyes?”

Time seemed to almost stop for Vivienne.  She’d heard the pumps of the trucks outside start, followed by a succession of clicks inside the building, then the song from Raollet.  She’d gripped Faye tight and had begun to yank when the holy water began spraying.  She watched helplessly as the drops rained on her lover and started opening her skin like torn tin foil.  The heavenly water poured over her lover's head and shoulders.  Vivienne found her moment as Issac was lifted above them and temporarily shielded Faye from further harm. “Mon amour!”  Looking up, Vivienne scooped Faye under her arms and jumped.  Ripping through the sheetrock of the ceiling and clawing apart the metal junctions until she plowed out onto the roof.  Pulling her injured lover to a safe spot in the open air, Vivienne cut open her wrist and jammed it to Faye’s lips. “Drink, my love…please…drink.”

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