
Chapter 13: The Witching Hour – Part 7.

Pulling Faye into her arms, Vivienne pressed her lips to her girlfriends as promised.  Swishing her tongue with Faye's, the elder vampire purred lightly as the blood was shared between the couple.  Once swallowed, Vivienne suckled the excess life liquid from Faye’s deep pink lips. “Mmhmm, stars above, mon amour.”  She brushed her finger down Faye’s cheek lightly, “I do love you.”

Faye slid her arms around Vivienne’s waist, “I love you, Vivienne.”  She turned to look at Casey, “Thank you.”  Faye watched as Casey nodded and stumble-stepped out of the room. “She really does like that.”

A light chuckle escaped Vivienne, “That would appear to be the situation, mon amour.”  Vivienne called to her ward, “Casey, dear, are you alright?  I offer my thanks as well.”

High from the feeding, Casey half turned with a silly grin on her face. “I’m great.”  She giggled and pointed to the adjoining room. “You have to explain what’s in there before we go downstairs.”

Reluctantly pulling out of Faye’s embrace, Vivienne took her partner's hand and made her way to the entrance of the room Casey was pointing to. “Ah, that.”  Vivienne punched her code into the vault like door and with the hissing of hydraulics, the heavy door swung open.  “Allow me to show you my collection.”

Faye first spotted the myriad of colors along all of the walls to the ceiling.  Once the Korean-vampire realized that the colors were little bears in sealed clear plastic boxes, she started to laugh. “Are those…”

“Yes, mon amour.  Beanie Babies.”  Vivienne held up a single finger. “Bears only.  It took me quite a while to acquire the collection.  A few of them are one of a kind that I paid to have made.”

Casey started wiping her eyes from the tears that had started coming down as she laughed. “Faye, I swear it was two shipping containers full.  Double boxed and individually wrapped in the crates.  It took the movers about five hours to get them out and in the order that Vivienne wanted.”  Casey shook her head, still laughing. “They  are numbered and sorted by color, nation and rarity.”  Looking at her mistress, Casey held up her hands. “Why, Viv?”

“Why what?”  The ancient vampire briefly walked into her little plush trophy room. “Oh, alright.”  Vivienne dropped her calm exterior and grinned wide, her oceanic blue eyes sparkling. “They are just so damned cute!”  Like a child she ran over to one of the yellow bears and pulled the case from the wall and skipped back, “Look at that face?  Who wouldn’t want to cuddle that?”

Faye covered her mouth to hold back her laughter, “, Vivienne.”  She watched as her girlfriend nearly bounced in place. “Lovely, they are lovely.”  Faye looked over to Casey smiling.

“I know, I know.”  Casey shrugged and chuckled, “I have had a few hours to get used to the idea.”

Vivienne looked at the bright yellow bear. “It’s okay, Sunshine.”  She talked to the inanimate bear, “They don't understand you like I do.”  Hopping back to the wall, Vivienne replaced the box and used her cape to remove any smudges she could see. “I didn’t like having them packed in those nasty boxes.”  Vivienne looked back at her shocked companions and composed herself.  “Fine.  Let’s head down to our guests.”

The three made their way to the front of the manor and down the grand staircase.  When they arrived at a heavy double door, Vivienne stopped. “Casey you first, Faye then myself.”  Vivienne held up her finger and balled up her fists and pointed to her bicep, then stood straight and took a deep breath and exuded confidence.  Waiting until the two nodded in acknowledgement, Vivienne opened her palm to Casey.

Casey pushed the brass-bound cherry doors open, the hinges softly creaking as they reluctantly opened.  The room sparkled from the three crystalline chandeliers hanging in a row, flickering from the bulbs that gave the illusion of candlelight.  Unused sconces, heavy tapestries and priceless art lined the walls to the huge square room.  A priceless Persian designed gold thread rug covered the blue granite floor, protecting the stone from the unusual table that sat above it.  Made from African blackwood, the large table had been cut and shaped into a perfect triangle.  “Esteemed guests.”  Casey announced, “Please welcome Faye P…”  Casey paused for a moment and shook her head, “..Please welcome Faye Moreau.”

Faye slightly bowed to the group that had stood up when she entered. Eyeing the subtle gesture from Casey to take the single seat on the right side of the table, she confidently marched to her seat.“Thank you.” Faye sat down and entwined her fingers.

Casey meandered her way to the left and waved her hand, “Your hostess and mistress of the manor, Doctor Vivienne Moreau.”

Vivienne waited until she heard soft clapping echoing from the room before strolling confidently into the room.  Standing at the tip of the table, Vivienne waited for Casey to close the doors and take her seat on the left side. “Thank you, Miss Rivers.”  Facing her guests, “I offer my sincere apologies for keeping you waiting.”  The ancient vampire spread her chiffon cape out lightly behind and sat down gracefully.

“I must inquire as to why a thrall is sitting among us, Doctor Moreau.”  A salt and pepper haired older looking Israeli vampire asked.

“Franco, please.”  A familiar female Native American voice spoke up and sat down beside the elder man. “I know you are frustrated, I hear it in your voice.”  Sylvie gently patted his hand. “This is Franco Tarsey and I am Sylvie Mikoda.”  Her moon-like eyes traveled to her right, “Like myself, we are both..” Sylvie’s plains accent echoed in the room, “...cautious. It is unusual for thralls…”

“Ward.  Miss Rivers is my ward.”  Vivienne coolly corrected. “I do not have slaves.  Miss Rivers is my voice when I am not present.  Is that clear?”

Faye glared at Vivienne, “Hey, what did we agree on?”

“Very well, mon amour.”  Vivienne smiled and nodded to the small group, “Miss Miakoda, Forgive my guarded tone.”  Pausing to point at the light brown woman, “I must add a thank you for your…messages earlier.”

Chuckling softly to herself, and pulling her feathered headdress off, “My pleasure.  Sometimes I see things that I cannot explain, Doctor.”

“Luna.”  Franco ran his fingers through his short hair, “What did you do?”  He frantically looked at the blue eyes that haunted his dreams. “Ra…Doc..”  He took a moment to compose himself. “What shall I call you?”  He waved for one of the others in his group to come forward.  A young brown haired lady knelt beside the chair and offered her neck to the vampire.  Franco took his fill, licked the holes and waved the girl away. 

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