
Chapter 12: Lines and No.9 – Part 11.

“Just give me your hand.”  Faye rubbed Vivienne’s hand over the round glute. “See, right here.”  Faye clutched Vivienne’s hand tightly and drove the ancient woman’s nails into her own flesh, poking four holes.  Faye grinned and growled playfully. “I told you that ass is mine.”  Faye pushed Vivienne’s hand away and suckled the wound, drawing out Vivienne’s blood.

A loud and sensual keen exploded from Vivienne’s lips when she felt Faye’s lips drawing blood from her. “Ahhh, Mon amour…vos lèvres sont envoyées par le ciel... pouvez-vous le goûter?!!!”  Vivienne begged as the current resumed its heavy pace within her succulent body. “T-t-tas…AHH…mercy your lip…lips..”  Vivienne felt the almost maddening pull of her blood from the small clawed wounds and reached back and tugged on Faye’s hair, “My…”  She tightened her butt when another quick wave overtook her senses. “Unghhh….yes..taste…”  Vivienne let go of Faye’s hair and once more screamed in delight in the pillow.

Rich, Thick and sexually charged, Faye suckled Vivienne’s blood and swirled it in her mouth before swallowing.  It took a couple seconds after hearing the seductive yelp that Faye seemed to know what Vivienne was asking. -Taste.-  Faye’s heart skipped a dead beat and she mewled in response. “Love, baby.  I taste…mmmm…I taste it, love mixed with your…”  she purred and licked more blood from Vivienne’s ass. “..heavy rosemary…”  Faye started planting kisses on the four holes, quickly. “...V..Viviennneeee…” Faye softly spoke, “...Your body was…mmmm…made for me…”  Drawing more blood into her lips, Faye crawled up Vivienne’s body, leaving little printed kisses in blood until she reached her quivering girlfriend.  Faye carefully turned Vivienne and saw the wild passion pulsing in her blue starry eyes.  Smiling until the mouth full of blood started to thinly drain from the sides of her lips, Faye pressed herself into Vivienne completely.

Rolling onto her back and holding Faye tightly, Vivienne threw herself into the metallic kiss and gleefully shared her blood with Faye.  Once the shared fluid was consumed, Vivienne pulled away slowly and licked Faye’s lips.  “Yes…”  Vivienne whispered and nibbled Faye’s lower lip, getting a heady sigh in return.  Vivienne took one of her fingers and licked it slowly. “Mmm..mon amour.  Most definitely made for … you.”  Vivienne leaned up and grabbed Faye’s ear with her teeth, before taking the wet finger and slathering it over the self made claw marks on her butt.  She brought the remaining blood that she could and forced Faye’s mouth open and slathered the blood on Faye’s tongue.  Vivienne pulled the couple back into another kiss, and brought her shapely thigh between Faye’s legs and started to rub and apply pressure to her lover’s cunny.

Breaking away from the embrace that the couple were in, Faye leaned back and gasped with delight the second that Vivienne’s thigh started gyrating.  “This is what I am talking about…mmm-yes.” Faye matched Vivienne’s rhythm and rolled her hips, grunting lightly as she did so.  A glossy and hungry look appeared in Faye’s cat-like eyes and she leaned her black striped body to grasp both of Vivienne’s breasts.  “Ahem…” said while bouncing gently, “a little help with these…love.”  Faye kissed and suckled both of Vivienne’s nipples and gazed into her lover’s blue eyes.

Squiggling her hips lightly and smiling up at her lover, Vivienne winked seductively. “No need for that mon amour…”  Vivienne flittered her tongue quickly making a rolling ‘L’ sexy sound, “Learn our bodies, love….ohh….yes..”  Vivienne reached to one of Faye’s rigid rosy nubs and pulled gently, sending a thin line of blood through the air, splattering on her own ashen form. “Mmhmmm, look at the mess you made…”

Another release of pressure flowed from the tiny stream of blood that came from Faye. “Oh my goodd…..” Faye humped harder against Vivienne’s thigh, “…mess…mmmm..”  Faye closed her eyes and took a few moments to relish Vivienne’s hands on her breasts and hips, guiding her through the degrees of passion she was lost in.  While locked in the sexual dance the couple were in, Faye couldn’t recall exactly why she’d denied herself this level of pleasure.  Faye knew she didn’t have to breathe and could just ride the sex-lava that was threatening to erupt from her loins, but the panting made her feel alive. “I…Love…Viviennnnneee…”  She opened her green eyes, “Damnnn I love you, Vivienne…keep…unghh…right there…”  Faye tightened her own thighs around Vivienne’s pressured one and leaned over licking the trail of blood from Vivienne’s tummy to tit.  Curling her blood heavy tongue back in her mouth, Faye kissed and licked Vivienne’s twin pink tips. “Vivienne….you held out on me, my love…Is there more about our…mmm…bodies that I don’t know?”  Faye closed her mouth over one of Vivienne’s pebbled nipples and suckled the coaxed Vivienne’s sanguine iron-milk from her.  Faye shivered and goosebumps trailed across her tiny form.  The raging heat of the moment passed and Faye pulled away from both Vivienne’s nipple and heavenly thigh, tears having begun to fall from her. “V…Viv…”  She sniffled and crawled happily to Vivienne’s face. “Oh, Vivienne…”  She whispered and shakily cupped her lover's face. “I tasted it…”  Tears of joy kept pouring and leaving red lines on Faye’s light tanned cheeks. “The only way I can even…Oh, Vivienne…”  Faye hugged Vivienne tight and kissed her neck. “you tasted like…

Both women said at the same time, “...Chocolate and…some kind of ripe juice…”  Vivienne and Faye stopped and stared at each other for a few seconds, stunned to silence.

Vivienne wiped the crimson tear trails from Faye’s face, “Love..” She purred lightly.

“L-love..” Mirrored tenderly.

Vivienne kissed and licked Faye from her chin to neck, then slowly wiggled out of her wet panties and  stopped unzipping her boots when she heard a soft and sexy whisper come from Faye.

“Leave them on, Vivienne…please..”  She meowed playfully.

“Comme tu veux, mon amour..”  Vivienne teased with a return whisper in French.

Faye crawled to an empty side of the king sized bed and curled her finger to Vivienne, “I got that.  You said as I wish…So fucking hot…”  Faye flicked her tongue to Vivienne before laying down.

Vivienne happily followed Faye’s taunting finger and kissed the tip once the gap between the couple had vanished.   Vivienne gathered a few drops of blood from one of her throbbing nipples and massaged it into Faye’s tongue, and then pressed their foreheads together. “First sight, my love…”  She sighed and started kissing her way down Faye’s body, “One look is all it took…”  Vivienne wrapped herself in the warmth of love that had started pounding within her chest.  Almost desperate to touch and hold every part that she could, Vivienne slid her fingers along Faye’s form as she kept kissing until she reached her partner’s heavy scented mound.  Vivienne felt the need for them to both become part of each other, “mmm…yes, bbbbaby..that’s exactly what I said.”  She kissed Faye’s nearly purple pussy once and twisted to look into Faye’s green glassy eyes, “Be part of me, mon amour…”  Vivienne turned and slid her leg across Faye’s form, leaving her own cunny wide open for her lover.

Faye was still reeling in the effects of tasting the love Vivienne had for her from blood alone, when the earthy freshness of rosemary was thrust within reach of her lips.  Vivienne’s kiss seconds before had shot another ripple of lava like heat across her body turning her womanhood into a slippery sexy mess.  Faye languidly swirled her finger over Vivienne’s soft maroon core, “Love to..mmmm.”  Faye started kissing both petals lightly and lightly dragging her nails over Vivienne’s round ass.  Faye’s sense of heated calm slipped from her mind when Vivienne dragged her tongue he length of her slit. “..Yesss, yes,yes…oh swe…yees…”  Faye’s breathing came in short spurts, “Right th…there…oh god…”  Faye swiveled her hips to match the fevered licks Vivienne had started.  A flash of heat and love escaped Faye’s mind and zoomed straight to her pussy where she felt her small tuft of hair catch the sweat beads that popped out. “Yes…he…mmm…yes..yesessss.”  Faye raggedy gasped.

Vivienne caught the light metallic perfumed sweat that had escaped Faye’s body. “Mmm, mon amour…”  Vivienne murmured approvingly with the blood laden pearls of sweat. “So close now…my sweet.”  Vivienne lapped the blood filled dew drops and buried her face in Faye’s delicate center, twisting and flicking her tongue so that Faye’s essence mixed with the sweet iron already present.  Vivienne lost herself in the moment, “So fucking…”  Vivienne shivered as she felt a lick against her own tight depths. “Oh by the stars!…yes…Faye…so fucking good..”  Vivienne flexed her hips up, down and in little circles. “Come on baby…yeah…right…th..ther..”  Vivienne shook her booted feet as the electric sensation started taking control of her body.

“Mhmm, Vivienne…just let go, love.  I have you..”  Faye softly urged her lover.  Faye could tell that whatever magic that started their love making was gradually fading due to the constant use of blood in her body, but she no longer cared. -Vivienne.- Faye didn’t need another reason. “Vivienne..”  Faye heard herself say her lover's name just as the first wave of orgasmic bliss burned its way through her body.  Faye clenched her thighs when the second pulse sent a dizzying explosion through her, “Vivienne…yes, oh my…”  Faye cried out at the top of her lungs and started awkwardly jerking and jolting on the bed. “VivienneVivienneVivienne..yesyesyes…”  Faye started giggling as the spasms didn’t seem to slow.  Faye’s stomach muscles stiffened one final time, sending a fountain of her chi scented essence to Vivienne’s waiting mouth.

Vivienne tasted and cooed to herself with the orgasmic wetness that Faye forced on her tongue.  Vivienne couldn’t get enough of Faye’s heavy sanguine sweat mixed with her chai essence. “Mmmm, I thought your blood was…gr…”  Vivienne gasped, “Juste là, plus de bébé.  Faites-le, plus, plus....oui plus.”  Vivienne begged when Faye resumed licking her pussy. 

“Mmm..yes, You’ll get lots more, Vivienne.  Don’t think…”  Faye teased and suckled on one of Vivienne’s petals.

Vivienne felt her vulnerability to Faye and knew that the blood-potion had run its course.  Vivienne knew she was completely herself and with the woman she loved the moment her eyes focused on the wide circular glasses that once hid Faye’s heavenly brown eyes.  Comfortably nestled deep in Vivienne’s being, she knew that she wanted to be vulnerable to the woman licking the love from her.  Feeling Faye’s tongue swirling over her clit, Vivienne lost the memories and fed into the unending waves of energy flowing between her legs. “I…I…Ahhh…Faye, mon aaaammmour….”  Vivienne shivered once.

“I am here baby…come on…let me taste you…”  Faye urged softly.

Vivienne’s ears started to ring with the teasing words, just as Faye pressed and twisted inside Vivienne’s wet sheath.  Vivienne felt the muscles in her back start to tighten and her hips flex down, when Faye grazed her fangs over Vivienne’s pearl center.  Blinding lightning filled Vivienne’s eyes and orgasmically shocked the length of her body.  Vivienne pushed herself up and threw her head back, making her long silky hair fly wildly.  “À toi, à toi, tout à toi... prends tout de moi mon amour…”  Vivienne wailed and sunk her hips on Faye’s face, shivering wildly as the pleasure of the moment raced out of her body and coated Faye’s lips and tongue.

Time seemed to slow as the two took their time to start moving once more.  Vivienne kissed Faye’s thighs lightly then rolled seductively from atop of her lover and partner.  Vivienne giggled and squatted on her knees and ran her nails along Faye’s naked and half sweaty frame. “Perfect.”  Vivienne whispered.

Faye didn’t want to move and let herself enjoy the way Vivienne trailed her hand around her navel. “Mmm…”  Faye stretched her arms above her head. “I totally agree.”

Vivienne leaned over and kissed Faye on her cheeks and lips softly, then dragged her finger across the thin film of blood-sweat that lingered on Faye’s body.  Licking her finger clean, Vivienne blinked her crystal blue eyes softly. “Do you need anything, mon amour?”

“Just you, Vivienne.”  Faye patted the shredded pillow. “No need to be so far away.”

Slipping beside her lover, Vivienne pulled Faye against her chest. “Do you mind if I take these boots off now?”  Vivienne giggled, “I didn’t know you enjoyed leather so much.”

“Only if you tell me all the French you were screaming.”  Faye laughed and snuggled tightly to Vivienne’s frame.

Vivienne giggled in response, “Oh, I think you know more than you are letting on.”  Vivienne deftly unzipped and pulled her boots off, tossing them across the room. “Just understand that it was the passion of the moment and lovely things.”  Vivienne cupped Faye’s cheek, “Thank you, for everything.”

“Huh?” Faye asked, slightly confused. 

“You kept going even after the effects wore off.”  Vivienne placed her hand over Faye’s unmoving heart. “In the end, this was just us.”

Faye’s eyes welled with tears, “Vivienne, I was wrong.  So, wrong.”  She leaned up and kissed Vivienne’s bluish lips. “I symbolically gave myself to you in the tub, the fun blood only told me what I already knew.”  She paused, “I love you silly.  My memories now are all that really matter.  Memories I am making with you.”

“Mon amour.” Vivienne whispered softly and pulled Faye on top of her. “Perhaps round two, Oui?”  Vivienne raised her eyebrow and returned Faye’s dainty kiss.

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