Chapter 95: The Montague Trials

Emil stared out the window knee constantly shaking as Zinnia was having a check-up before she could take part in the trials. Gritting his teeth, Emil growled turning around. "You can't do this Zinnia. There has to be another way."

"You heard your father. If we want the help of Helga, Zinnia needs to complete the trials. We don't have time to think of a different plan. This is the best shot we have." Gale argued, lying on the sofa.

"You don't understand Gale. These trials aren't a walk in the park only the most powerful streamers in both body and mind even stand a chance in completing such a challenge."

Dismissing Emil's warning Gale chuckled reading a magazine. "Eh, sounds like a largely fearmongering load of crap. If you passed it, I think Zinnia will be fine."

Emil gave a look of concern as he stopped his handshaking. "But I didn't pass. I'm a failure in their and my own eyes. To call me a Montague yet I couldn't even pass those trials. What a noob move…"

Zinnia had a plaster placed on her arm from the blood test as she had been silent throughout the debate. As the nurse finished off the last of the tests, Zinnia put her jacket back on. "What even are these trials anyway? I've heard of them a couple of times now. Jinx mentioned them a little while back."

Emil gave a defeated look resting his head against the window overlooking his father talking to Florence. "A living nightmare. The Montagues are all about the worthy and the strong. They cannot accept weakness. The trials were created for such feeds weave out the weak, only the strong survive. Every Montague takes the trials on their thirteenth birthday. Three trials over the course of three days. Complete all the trials prove your worth and grants you a place on the stage. Each trial is catered to the individual's weakness. Their past, present and future. Their deepest fears are all put to the test. So, do you understand Zinnia? You won't pass them." 

Zinnia stood up stretching, ignoring Emil's warnings. "I just have to pass the three trials and Alton will be saved. Simple enough."

"Didn't you even hear what I just said? Dozens of streamers, those much powerful than you have failed the trials. People have descended into madness because of them. Two of them took their own lives. You haven't prepared for this challenge at all. People, my family train their whole lives for this. There has to be another way. We don't even know if Helga can even help Alton. This might just be a waste of time."

Zinnia adjusts her sleeve, looking away. "Even if that's the case. I still have to try. Alton is counting on me, for once I'm going to save him." She left as Emil punched the wall in retaliation. Gale lowered his magazine sighing.

"Is this really about Zinnia?"

"The hell is that meant to mean?"

Gale threw the magazine aside, looking at Emil curiously. "You've been more talking about your own trials than Zinnia actually passing them. You've been talking her out of it instead of giving her any advice. You know her once she has her mind on something there's no going back. You're more worried that she will pass the trials, aren't you?"

Emil flinched as his eye began twitching. "What, what makes you say that?"

Gale stood up shrugging. "Just a wild guess. But if Zinnia passes those trials, it will just make you in your eyes more of a failure than ever. How old are you?"


"Seventeen? You failed the trials four years ago. Never thought of retaking them?"

Emil snapped, pointing at Gale with a loud bark. "I don't need you talking down to me Gale! I don't need the reminder that I'm a failure of both a Montague and a streamer."

"The only one calling you a failure here is yourself." He said, leaving Emil to his own hated fuelled burnout.


Zinnia stood outside, staring at the cloudy sky. A faint breeze blew through her hair as she held her jacket tightly. "Umm, excuse me, umm, miss Zinnia," Florence whispered standing behind her.

Zinnia turned, seeing Florence flinch slightly. "Oh, sorry, I didn't see you there."

"That's alright, most people don't notice me anyway…" She stuttered, shaking uncontrollably.

An awkward silence lingered around the two as Zinnia cleared her throat. "Are you cold Florence?"

"Oh, no, not at all."

"Then why are you shivering?"

"I'm not shivering. I, well, just get nervous meeting new people."

Zinnia was still left a little lost talking to the Montague as she scratched her cheek. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you join the Montagues, your personality doesn't really match the family."

Florence looked embarrassed as she covered her mouth with the scarf mumbling to herself, prodding her fingers together. "You think so? Truth be told I get that quite a lot. I'm not really cut out for streaming, nor do I do well under pressure. Monty helped me here and there adjust to my way of life, but it is hard. Christopher approached me a few years back, claiming my powers were incredible. I didn't have many options than joining the Montagues. My brother wasn't going to help me."

"You mentioned your brother. Did he not join?"

Florence shook her head rapidly. "Oh, goodness no. Although we share very similar powers, we took them in very different approaches. He used his powers for his own gain, seeing them as tools given to him to have fun. We never saw eye to eye much, but his powers were always breathtaking compared to mine. He could do anything illusion wise. It would look and sound so real I am jealous."

"Could he create illusions of the dead?" Zinnia questioned, looking concerned.

Florence tilted her head slightly confused as she began tapping her head. "I don't see why not. Each illusion would be catered to the user, not him. They would see whatever they wanted to see. Is there a reason you asked?"

"Where is your brother now?"

"I really couldn't tell you, I'm sorry. I haven't spoken to him in years. But the way he waltzes around with chaos on his shoulders, in prison, I hope. I'm sorry to take up your time, Miss Zinnia. I was just wanted to wish you luck in those trials, I suppose."

"The trials…" Zinnia spun around calling out to Florence who was walking away. "Florence you passed the trials yeah? Can you tell me anything about them?"

"The trials? I don't know, I don't think I'm allowed to talk about them."

"Please, my friend's life is in danger."

Florence lowered her scarf biting her lip, thinking if she should speak or not. "There's three trials. Each put your deepest weaknesses to the test. The first one is overcoming a horrid possible future that your mind creates. The second is facing the person you fear the most. Defeating them allows you to pass the second trial. That's where most people fail. Emil did, I just managed to pass that somehow."

"What about the third trial?"

Florence gripped her scarf, wrapping it around her again. "I don't remember. All I remember was taking the overwhelming trial dread, and I woke in the hospital after being in a coma for a month." Florence turned away, blowing into her gloves as she warned Zinnia. "Whoever your friend is, forget it. They aren't worth it. Being a Montague is worse than death itself. Do yourself a favour Zinnia and leave while you can."

Zinnia felt anxious, to say the least. She built herself up to be brave and heroic, but it had all started to crumble down with the words from both Emil and now Florence. She had no idea what these trials would honestly do to her, but she knew deep down she had to. "Alton wouldn't give up on me, neither will I. Hold on a little longer Alton, I'm going to save you no matter what."


A heavy downpour began outside the Dawn Manor. The roads started to flood with the bombardment of rain. Standing outside Eyes Over Reality watched the top window, the room where Alton was being kept. He ran his hand over his face licking his palm as distorted matter curled around his arm. "That anguish Alton, show me more of it." The small matter began slivering through the sky like a snake engulfing the manor. Eyes Over Reality started his stopwatch as he looked on with a playful look. Not a single part of his body was wet as his magic show had already begun. Scarlett moved towards the window looking outside watching the downpour. Her eyes met with his as he took off his jester hat bowing. "Let the games begin."

Scarlett stepped back slightly off-put. She checked her phone, seeing the weather should have been sunny all day. There was no warning of rain. Opening the window, she held her hand out as the raindrops fell onto her hand, yet her hand wasn't wet. There was no sign of any water. She pulled her hand in looking lost, closing the window. Glancing over at Alton, she noticed her maid walk in. "Tilly could you please check the perimeter something feels very wrong."

"Right away, Miss Dawn, might I ask what I am looking for?"

"Me." A voice gurgled snapping the maid's neck. She collapsed to the ground as the person who entered threw Scarlett off entirely. It was Zinnia. She moved her neck around, laughing in a distorted tone. Her head snapped towards Scarlett as she began giggling with a blood-curdling smile. "Your anguish I can taste it. This shall be so much fun. Round one, fight."

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