Chapter 75: Let's Make A Deal

Monty had distanced himself from the others throughout the stream. Choosing to linger behind he was trapped in thought unable to break free. Each time his eyes laid on Alton, the thoughts would spire out of control. He knew they were talking about him. Looking down on him for who he was. He knew for better or for worse he would have to change that.

Emil shook his head, looking around. "We should have run into Percy's group by now; you think something has gone wrong?"

"I can't deny that fact, best not to dwindle on what-ifs. We need to keep going and find Rodger. That's what important right now." Alton spoke, knowing the cruel fates his allies could be in. He knew helping them was a priority that's why taking Rodger down as quickly as possible was the most crucial step. "Revert any idea where Gemini might be hiding?"

"You're using her real name?" Goro questioned taken back.

"Thought I would out of respect. This must be hard for you."

"You make it sound like you know from experience."

"Let's not dwell on that, any ideas?"

Goro held his chin tutting. "Not a single clue. I honestly thought she would have shown herself by now. This is frustrating."

"We'll find her eventually, don't worry."

Emil nudged Alton looking in the corner of his eye. "Not trying to create any more problems but do you think Monty will be an issue? Every waking moment we are with him, I fear he'll stab me in the back or something."

"You really pissed the guy, off didn't you?" Goro chuckled.

Alton sighed, looking over at Monty. "I'm kinda here because of him. Got into a fight with him serval months back, it ended in a draw, but I could tell it pissed him right off. Started blackmailing me with owing him money. He probably saw it as revenge, but it really has only turned against him. Emil here was tasked in taking us down but when that failed Monty had lost twice and been humiliated all while we've overtaken him in popularity. I say karma but Monty probably doesn't see it that way."

Goro smirked smugly eyeing down Monty. "Well, I say the fucker got what's coming to him. That git is nothing more than a douchebag who thinks he's the shit. Glad someone gave him a reality check. Besides we've got bigger problems than him."

"You aren't wrong there Goro Nakamura." They all looked up seeing Rodger standing a floor above them. "Long time no see Alton."

"Rodger! It's about time you showed your dirty ass. How about you make this easy for everyone and gives up. We'll even set up a nice cell right next to Vanguard's just for you."

"While that does sound very tempting, I will have to decline. For you see, I am way past that pitiful man: Vanguard, the cult. To hell with all of that, I've made a deal; one Vanguard could only wish he would receive. One that promises me power, fame and fortune, unlike anything anyone has ever dreamed of. I just have to kill you all. That's what he told me."

"You're insane. Listening to the voices in your head. You've lost it Bones." Emil argued.

"Maybe I have. But it doesn't matter anymore. You've stood in my way long enough, and I intend to finish this."

A thick fog began to form as Gemini appeared her hair hung down low. Goro flinched, seeing his former friend in a shell of her old self. "Gemini!"

Gemini stared blankly at Goro hissing. "Turn back."

Rodger leaned forward smirking. "I'm willing to give you a chance out, however, Monty. The voice is offering you a deal one which is in your best interest to take."

"What sort of deal?!" Alton yelled. "The way I see it, you're in no position to demand deals."

"My deals are something apes like you spend their whole life dreaming off—enteral happiness. Unlimited power. Riches beyond your wildness imagination. I can offer these all to you."

"That doesn't sound very plausible from a stepping stone for Vanguard." Emil scoffed.

Alton looked up weary. "This isn't Rodger talking anymore. Who are you?"

"As excepted from the child of the Garden. Your deduction skills are second to none."


"No." Rodger boomed with a smug look. "I'm well aware you met my brother in the Garden. Acceptance, however, is naïve. Sloppy. He allows his single-minded truths to drive him. I, on the other hand, forge and manipulate my own future—one where I will forever be on top. Above pathetic streamers like you, above the slaves to the Garden. I will ascend further than anyone has ever reached and taken what's rightfully mine. That is my bargain; you may address me as Bargaining. Now show we make a deal?"

"Bargaining…" Alton whispered. "One of the five stages of grief. Just our luck."

"Another member of the Garden of Greif," Emil muttered. "What should we do? The CEOs told us to retreat if the Garden was for whatever reason involved."

"Like hell, we are retreating! Gemini is right there." Goro snapped, rushing towards her. As he did, the fog separated the group as it turned into a seemly endless maze.

Alton and Emil stood back to back, keeping away from the drawing fog. This would, of course, be futile as Emil suddenly vanished, leaving only Alton and Monty left. Bargaining stood with a blank look. "So, Monty? What say we make a deal? Sign a contract to even the odds?"

"What could you have to offer me?"

He smirked, leaning forward, speaking slowly. "You know what I have to offer."

"What do I have to do?"

Alton flinched turning to Monty. "Don't listen to this demon! The Garden isn't something you want to dwindle in Monty!"

"Shut your trap, Alton!" Monty retaliated looking up. "The adults are talking now. I'll do it. Give me the strength to overcome my family!"

Bargaining began laughing uncontrollably, shaking back and forth on the railing. "Fantastic. Just as I expected from the slime known as the Montague family, your reputation proceeds you. I will enjoy this. The task is simple; I will grant your deepest desires in return. Kill him. Kill Alton Brantley."

The room went silent as Alton stared at Monty uneasy as he didn't respond much to the demands. Some time went by as Monty looked up at Bargaining with a dull look. "That's it? You just want me to kill Alton? Give me a break. I could do that for free!"

"Then I assume you accept these terms."

"Yeah, your God damn right I do."

"The contract has forever been sealed. Making a deal with me means you can never break this bargain until the day you die. Fail to complete the contract by then, and your soul will forever be trapped in limbo."

Alton gritted his teeth, clenching his fist. "Just what the hell have you done Monty?! We are meant to be working together to stop Gemini and the Cult. Why the hell would you even think of accepting something so stupid?! You're a fool!"

"Shut up; you have no idea what you're talking about."

"Have I really worked you up this much to drive you over the end? What would your family think?"

Monty placed his hand on his shirt, laughing. "Don't flatter yourself Dauntless. You are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my problems. The Montagues. I want to burn it all down, and you shall be my ticket to that reality!" Monty tore his shirt off, revealing the former tattoos he had during their first battle was gone. Burnt off, instead, there was a single tattoo plastered over his entire back edging its way onto his chest. A massive fire breathing dragon fans on display all bloody and sharp. "I don't care what happens to me, killing you will just resolve the itch I've been condemned to for these past few months. You are nothing more than an insect, vermin who need to be slaughtered. Allow me to carry out the deed and put you out of your misery Alton Brantley."

The giant dragon erupted from Monty's body flying around him before engulfing the entire room with fire. Alton swung his arm around, casting a large block of ice which was melted through entirely. He slid back holding his burnt arms up taking the force head-on. Wincing in pain, he stared at Monty with rage. "If you want to kill me so badly, you're going to have to do better then that Montague. How about we finish that fight right here and right now. No dirty cops to save your ass this time."

Monty began howling with a peal of insane laughter as he held his face jerking his head back. "You seriously don't get it, do you?! My uncontrolled hatred for it all will never be put out. Montague, don't you dare use that name in my presence! I hate them. I hate them more than anything. My hatred rivals the sun itself. So, tell me Dauntless how long will your ice last until you are burned out?! Now do me a favour and die!"

Alton crouched down, looking concerned as he prepared the brutal fight against Monty. "Shit, here he comes…"

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