Chapter 68: Frozen Wishes

"I was beginning to wonder when the great and mighty Dauntless would show up at the foot of my cell. I was starting to lose hope."

Alton leaned forward, staring at Vanguard maliciously. "I think it's time we had a talk."

Vanguard stood up meeting Alton's challenge pressing himself against the bars. "And this talk, your wonderful team wouldn't have any such knowledge of the events, tonight would they?" Remaining silent, he chuckled dryly. "You know they say history repeats itself. Guess it's no different with you Avalanche."

"I'm not here to play games, Marcus."

"Of course, not and I'm not here to tell you shit. I'm well aware of the missteps you encountered while apart of Hero's might. The questions arise, however, is, are you aware of those? Keep on this path and shall repeat those mistakes."

"Shut it. I'm here for answers."

"I can see that, but at the same times, the truth you seek is blindfolded. You'll only ever be happy with your truth. If the truth presented itself tomorrow and that wasn't to your liking you would simply cast it aside as a mere lie. You are a fool Alton, a blind naïve fool. When are you going to wake up and realise this? Will two dead teams' blood on your hand finally teach you the truth?"

Alton snapped, gripping onto his arm, pulling him close as Vanguard's arm began to freeze slowly. "I could easily kill you right here. No one would know, even if they did who would care? The way I see it, you only cause more problems the longer you are alive. The Mental overloads. The Cult and P4R4D0X would never happen."

Vanguard stared blankly looking at the rage in Alton's eyes freezing over into a dead stare. "If we are playing that card can't the same be said for you, Brantley. By each passing day, you become more and more like your father. Surely you must know it yourself no? So, tell me what happens when you eventually kill Dauntless like you did Avalanche? What will happen when Sunset peak becomes Rhinefield? You stand here so brave and mighty acting like the good guy when in all retrospect you are no different, perhaps worse than me. Shall we switch spots? Nothing and I mean nothing you say or threaten me with will make me talk boy."

Alton stepped back, stretching his neck. "It's pointless. You are a lost cause. I knew it from the start, and here I was hoping for information on the Cult. An insight to Rodger and maybe a clue into the Garden. But this is going nowhere."

"Took you long enough to realise." Vanguard taunted. "I'll tell you one thing about the Cult. I really hope they kill you. If they won't, I will."

Alton glared over his shoulder, calming himself down. He stared at Vanguard, which made even him flinch. The harsh blizzard was hitting him. Behind his eyes was a never-ending storm one who would never stop. "Let me ask you this Vanguard. During our battle you were going easy on me, were you not?" Vanguard gulped faintly thrown off by the fact Alton knew that. "Thought so, want to know a little secret Marcus Culling. So was I."

Vanguard watched Alton walk off as the atmosphere would remain bitter. He had never felt an uneasy chill like that before even after the countless streamers and thugs he fought. Licking his lips, he whispered under his breath, watching Alton ascend the elevator. "May God have mercy on your soul's Team Rhapsody. The Cult will be the last of your problems soon enough."


Rodger watched the Cult rally from the safety of his own booth. Although an obviously big supporter of Vanguard he wasn't the one to idolise over him. The Cult to him was far too radical and over the top for his own liking. However, with little options left, he knew it was his best chances in acting out his goal. "Pathetic lot, aren't they?" Rodger glanced over his shoulder, seeing P4R4D0X standing by his booth, her hair draped over hiding her face. She walked in squatting down on the chair, holding her arms. "So blind into who is worthy that they worship a fraud."

"I had a feeling you felt that. You are different to the others, that power speaks for itself Gemini or are you Aoi? It's hard to tell these days."

"We are P4R4D0X." She spoke tugging at her hair like a wild beast. "There is no Gemini or Aoi. Only P4R4D0X."

"Is that so? Well, I won't question your resolve. After all, you were the first subject to survive the mental overload."

P4R4D0X leaned in overlooking the crowd waving her hand around them. "It is mine. No, our willpower to be the streamer. The greatest streamer in history. Our chance was robbed of us so we must rob those who are not worthy."

"I can't disagree with you there. I say, let the children have their fun and games. V.I.R.A.L shall make quick work of them tomorrow. Then that's when the real game begins."

"A game? You see this as some kind of game?"

"It's a mere figure of speech. Nothing to look too deep into dear." He chuckles lighting a cigarette. "What happened to your sister was a tragedy. Why are decent good people cast aside while scum like Team Rhapsody gets to live out their stolen dreams."

"Team Rhapsody. The word makes my blood boil. Such unworthy streamers." She hisses curling up. "I hate them so much."

"I sense a drop of jealously." Rodger chuckled only to jump throwing his phone from his pocket seeing it fried electricity zapping out of it. "Touched a nerve I see."

P4R4D0X hid her face in between her legs whimpering. "I hate them for straying away from the worthy."

"The worthy?"

"Yes, the little boy and pink-haired girl."

"Oh, you mean Percy and Zinnia?"

"Those are their names? Yes, Percy and Zinnia. Worthy streamers plagued and tainted by the sick and unworthy. I must save them."

"I'm pretty sure you've been told this before, but you are one crazy bitch. Team Rhapsody isn't of any saving. They sealed their fate when they stole my dream away from me. I will kill them all."

A disturbing giggle came from P4R4D0X which sent shivers down Rodger's spine. She looked up at him the glow of her yellow eyes cracking through her hair. "Stole? Team Rhapsody hasn't stolen anything from you. Rodger Bones, you have done nothing to achieve your own dream. All you do is hide behind others, hoping they will do your work for you. Passively following your dream, hoping someone will carry you to victory is no dream worthy of reaching. Team Rhapsody merely took away your lifeline." She continued to stare at him before standing up, looking down at the roaring crowd. "We must prepare for tomorrow. P4R4D0X will start, tomorrow we will be the number one streamer. We do hope you are ready."

She slowly edged away from Rodger's view as he turned around spooked to find her gone. He sat back in his chair leg, shaking continually trying to dismiss P4R4D0X's words. "Passively chasing my dream? She has no idea what she is talking about. So delusional she has no identity apart from her streamer counterpart. I can't even tell which one of the twins she is anymore. If anyone has done nothing to achieve their dream, it's her. Too focused on judging others than herself. I'll show her. I'll show Marcus, no the world what Rodger Bones can do." He gripped a vial of the overload serum with a gleeful look. "It chose me for a reason. With the power of the Garden I'll surpass Marcus I'll be the most famous and rich Streamer in the world. That will show them. Rhapsody won't stand a chance. That's what you promised, yes?"

"We merely gave you the tools to carry out our vision. It is only down to you to set out that goal." A voice whispered inside his head. "With that power, you have the ability to dream as big as you possibly can."

Rodger smiled, gripping the vial tightly. "You have aided me since I was a child. You have never let me down; I will not either. You can count on that."

"Good, very good. We chose you for a reason, Rodger. Your abilities are an endless possibility. With our guidance, you can be a mighty streamer. You just need to accept us."

"I have always accepted you. I will never doubt your guidance. The Garden shall rise again. For it will grow forever."

The voice whispered with a pleased tone. "The Garden grows forever. This is fate, and soon the world will accept that. Please do not fail me Rodger Bones. Afterall Our deal can never be broken."

Rodger stood up smirking watching the rally with a mighty complex. He held the vial up admiring it. "I will do what I must. You can count on me Bargaining."

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