Chapter 336: The Third Garden War Part 4

"My Mistress, the battling has begun. Should I intervene?"

The Gardener stopped holding her chess piece, startled. Dropping it, she shook her head. "No, no, that's quite fine…. It appears we shall never get to finish that game after all. You were always a sore loser Me. Sakuya, I want you to hold the fort down. I shall deal with these invaders myself."

"Ye- Yes, my mistress…. What about Depression on the surface?"

"Don't worry about him. He can handle whatever is thrown his way. After all, he has the most powerful Stage of them all." She said, standing up twirling her umbrella around. "I sure hope you keep to that promise of ours, Alton Brantley. Let's see just how much stronger the Child of the Garden has gotten."


Walking back through the open space, Alton kept avoiding each of Bargaining's attacks pushing his hand forward sending large chunks of wood towards him. Breaking each one apart, Bargaining held his hand up serval golden gates appeared surrounding the boy. Stopping in his tracks, Alton looks between them, slowly creating a sword of ice gripping it tightly. The gates opened as a countless number of weapons burst out at high speed. Matching this to almost perfect, Alton kept breaking each weapon with his own turning and avoiding others he couldn't. However, once it got too much for him, he leapt back onto the gallows, looking at his bloody arm. Freezing the wound, he turned back to Bargaining. "You've managed to hold up a lot more compared to our last fight. But to claim that was a fight would be silly."

Throwing the shattered blade away, Alton didn't make much of a conversation vanishing on the spot. Bargaining turned, looking for a surprise attack only to discover Alton hadn't moved and was just toying with him. "How does it feel for the first time in your life to be one step behind?"

Bargaining smirked, leaning forward. "Messing with me now, are you? You gain a Stage, and you start to believe you're stronger than me. I suppose I too shouldn't hold back either." Letting out Henry's power, Bargaining was about to strike when Alton came in first, snapping his fingers as he was held on the spot struggling to move. Alton began to glow green as Bargaining was lifted into the air for a short while. Keeping his eyes on Bargaining, he only now decided to blink, allowing him to return to where he once was. The moment he landed, a portal opened up, and a set of arrows ripped through. Flinching Bargaining jumped out of the way only to land on another probed portal as more arrows bombarded him. With a blink of an eye, Bargaining teleported further only to find the same thing happen again. This time taking the brim, he decided not to move, panting with blood dripping down his head. "What is this?"

Turning around, he noticed Alice holding her hand out, concentrating on manipulating her own portal. "Oh, I get it now." He muttered. "Nice trick, you know how my power works…. So, you put up portals all around me everywhere I can be for five seconds, not too bad. They act like landmines bombarding me with arrows. In other words, I'm forced to one spot, unable to heal…. How frustrating just what are the other Stages doing?!"


"Lucas!" Eren yelled, running through the crowd ignoring the battling to rescue him. Sliding across the ground, he found Lucas curled up, horrified. "Lucas, are you alright?"

"He…. He, Richard. He's dead. I couldn't save him. I'm sorry!"

Eren hugged Lucas, whispering. "You have nothing to apologise for my son…. I promise you I'll keep you safe."

Slowly descending behind, Eve began tutting, leaning against her scythe. "And what do you think you're doing, Pain? You're meant to be fighting the invaders."

"Eve?! I'm sorry, I was just making sure Lucas was alright."

"Lucas isn't the priority here. Need I remind you it was you who pledged his allegiance to the Garden and became a Sub Stage. Your job is simply to protect the Garden and free us. My brother cannot do all the work here. So don't make me remind you again."

Eren turned, patting Lucas on the head. "I need to go, Lucas…. I'm sorry, I'll come back as soon as I can." Then, standing up, he walked on, turning to Eve. "Please look after him. He's all I've got left."

Eve glanced at Lucas, giving it a thought before shrugging her shoulders. "I suppose that should be easy enough."

"Thank you," Eren muttered, creating a dozen copies of himself as each one jumped into the fray. Alton looked up, gritting his teeth as each copy took the bait and triggered all the portals. Finally, each copy was killed as Bargaining smirked, taking a single step forward. "Adam. I'm sorry for taking so long."

"No, no. You're right on time." He spoke, looking over to Chloe and Zinnia battling.

Charging a large bolt of lightning, Zinnia shot it from her sword at Chloe. Quickly swapping places, it was Zinnia who was blasted back, crashing into the gallows. Slowly pulling herself out, Alice was forced to return to Alton, avoiding as many bloody blades as possible. "This isn't good, Alton."

Alton gripped his broken pocket, watching, looking to his allies. "Everyone get behind me. I'm activating it…."

"Not so fast, Child of the Garden." Alton's eyes widened as The Gardener appeared floating in the air using her umbrella to hover. She looked down at the three invaders mocking them. "This little show of yours ends now."

"The Gardener has appeared! We've won!" Chloe cried with joy. "They don't stand a chance."

"Alton, what do we do? Alton?!" Alice yelled. "Alton, your orders!"

Alton gripped his fist tightly, looking worried, stepping back whispering under his breath. "I need you now, Gemini…."

The ground began shaking rapidly as the Stages all turned horrified. Then, a large explosion ripped off, sending a shockwave throughout the village. "That's not possible…. The First Titan it's falling?!"

Bargaining stared on eyes widened. "No one has ever been able to move such an object before…. I sense her! Damn it, why can't you just die, Gemini Fujisaki!"

Alton pushed Zinnia and Alice back, yelling. "Get back! Before the tree crushes us all."

The Gardener simply watched as the first Titan crashed to the ground engulfing the last village, never to be seen again.


Thirty Minutes earlier.

Bargaining sat at the entrance ripping grass from the ground, sighing over and over. "How much longer must I wait here?"

"Depression, sir. We should report into Bargaining in a short moment."

"It's that time again? Dear God does time pass so quickly here…. I really can't be asked. Can't you do it?"

"He specifically asked for you to report in."

Depression threw the rotting grass away, nodding. "Fine, wait, the execution should be starting now. I'll just wait till afterwards. I don't want to ruin his fun."

"Is everything alright, sir?"

Depression leaned against the tree, yawning. "Just peachy. I'm just concerned that's all; we've lost Anger Denial, and Acceptance all in one attack. Do I really stand much of a chance?"

Looking up, Gale, Riley and Jinx all approached, making Depression sigh. "That's him. I can sense it that's Depression." Gale whispered.

"I was a few minutes away from going home…. Good Grief, I can never catch a break. If you want to go through the portal, be my guest. I don't care."

"Depression, sir!"

"We're not here to invade. We've already got people doing that." Riley barked.

"Huh, some already got through? Aw, man, Bargaining is going to kill me…. I guess I have to fight then, right? I'll take care of these alone. Head back and warn the others."

"Are you sure, sir?"

"It's fine, really. This shouldn't take too long." Depression sighed, taking off his torn hoodie showing a ripped body, half of it covered in the same purple flowers. "I was chosen for this by the Gardeners. I have to make them remember me."

"Now, Riley," Gale whispered.

Riley jolted forward, blowing the Titan up, sending chunks of the trunk down, crushing Depression. However, each of the attacks vanished into nothing. "What? Could this be his Stage?"

"My Stage? No, no, that isn't my Stage. Look above you." He spoke as Riley looked up, seeing the tree trunks being controlled by her power. Depression held his hand out, yawning. "As you can see, my power is to copy the power of others." Dropping the rubble on them, he rubbed his eye, disappointed. "I can't even have a power of my own. I'm as unoriginal as expected…. Whatever, I suppose. Hmm? What's this?"

From the rubble, a lone figure passed through covered in stitches and bandages. His appearance was unnatural and disclosed. Depression kept watching, confused, letting the figure get close. Then, shaking his head, he pulled a sword from the ground, already rusted and worn-down, slashing it at him. The figure passed right through him, punching Depression in the stomach knocking him back. "I bet you felt that one."

Depression fell to the floor, slouched over, looking at the ground. Then, speaking in the driest tone possible. "Wow…. That hurt. I know that power, but that doesn't make sense. You're dead, Clark Henderson."

Looking through his bandages, Clark nodded. "I was. But the CEOs of V.I.R.A.L recovered my bud and saved me. They gave me this new body so I could continue my goal. Taking you down will result in that."

Depression eventually got up yawning. "Is this how you treat the person who gave you said powers? You're so mean."

Taking a step forward, the air began to drop in temperature as snowflakes started to fall. His purple flowers began to freeze over as Gale emerged from the rubble, looking troubled. "Oh no…. That power, he has Alton's Garden form. Clark, look out!"

Clark braced himself as Depression burst forward, throwing a punch at Clark, who passed through like it was nothing. Stepping forward, he flinched, finding his feet frozen to the ground. Turning on the spot looking to finish him, a car flew in the air blasting Depression back. Blowing up in his face, the boy found himself trapped in a string of hair holding him together. "This is disgusting…. I hope you washed your hair today."

Lily and Alesha backed them up, turning to Gale. "We've got you covered. All we have to do is keep him preoccupied while Alton saves Zinnia, right? So let's keep fighting to the minimum."

"I couldn't agree more," Jinx whispered, putting her guns away. "Destiny."

Destiny jumped down from the Titan, forcing Depression to the ground. His Garden form began wearing thin until he lost control of it vanishing. "I've got him."

Gale nodded, turning to the others in the wing. "Looks like we won't even need Harmony and Tempo for this. Riley, have your men surround him. I don't like this being too easy. We just got to hold out a little longer. Keep him from being able to use any more of his powers."


Destiny and Lily kept their grip on him as the Syndicate members began rushing in to contain him. "Do you think? Do you think we should take his Stage? I mean, he's right there."

"No. Too risky. Once Alton is out, we throw the sad excuse for a Stage out."

"Ow, that hurts. I'm trying my best I can ensure you…." Depression mumbled, fidgeting. "I hate working overtime."

"I swear to God he better hurry up," Jinx muttered, making sure Depression was secure as the Syndicate members rushed in guns at the ready. Then, leaning down, she prodded Depression with her gun. "You were much easier than Denial, I'll say that."

"Thank you." Depression sighed, looking at Gale. "Hey…. I know you."

Gale chose to ignore this turning to Clark breaking him from the ice. "Nice work out there. He wasn't expecting you."

"Yeah…. But that voice. I'm sure of it he was the one who gave me my powers."

Depression grumbled, lowering his head. "It's alright, everyone ignores me…. It's nice to see you again, though, Mortem."

Clark kept stroking his chin, grumbling. "Oh, I'm trying to remember his name."

"Depression. That's his name." Riley whispered.

"No, no. It was something else…." Clark muttered as Depression attention turned to him on the edge of his seat, muttering. "I think. I think."

"Yes, yes. Say it…. Say it. Set me free." Depression whispered.

Jinx looked to Clark, unsure. "Hey, Gale, something doesn't seem right…. What? Gale! Don't let him say this name!"

"Memento. That's it!"

Everyone fell silent as Jinx's eyes widened as a whisper echoed through her ears. Her heart dropped as she clocked her gun. "The Long Whisper shit!" Turning around, she stared at Depression dead in the face as he turned to her with a sadistic smile laughing constantly. Then, stepping back, she began to feel strange, chuckling with a deep grin.

She stopped realising what was going on holding her mouth. "Jinx?" Riley muttered.

Soon, all the Syndicate members were bawling with laughter, each pulling their guns on themselves firing without a second delay. Gale's eyes widened at sight. "Oh, no."

Soon enough, Jinx couldn't stop laughing as her gun started to move towards her head. Riley thrust her hand forward, stopping her. "Jinx, snap out of it! Holy shit, there's no way!"

Somehow Jinx was overpowering Riley as her urge to take her life took over. Pulling the gun to her head. Unable to breathe, Jinx kept laughing. Then, pulling the trigger, she shot herself in the head, collapsing to the ground dead.

Depression stood up, still laughing, holding his stomach with his crazed smile. "Are you lot having fun?! I sure am! Let's all have fun together!"

Gale felt a laugh come up as he stepped back, turning to the others. "Shit, we underestimated him. Retreat everyone, retreat!" He laughed, holding his mouth shut. "At this rate, he'll kill us all…."

Depression watched everyone retreat as he looked to the dead, a smile still across their faces. Then, clapping his hands together, each one stood up, following his lead. "Don't let them escape. This party isn't over yet. I'm going to kill each and every one of them. But, oh boy, this is going to be so much fun!"

Riley kept running, looking at the body of Jinx rising with a laugh as she gritted her teeth, terrified. "What have we done?"

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