Chapter 326: The Girl in the Shadows Part 2

From as young as I could remember, I was always known as the girl in the shadows. While the world looked in awe and admired my sister Alice, I was here in her shadow, accepting the crumbs from her success. It had always been like that from the moment I was born, I was too young to remember, but Alice was born with serval problems. So much, in fact, the doctors were worried she wouldn't make it. From my first breaths, Alice was already the chosen sister with full focus on her.

It remained that way mostly as well. Our father knew she was destined for greatness and pursued with her untapped powers to become the greatest streamer. I used to play by myself, wishing the worst on her. What if she didn't make it and died at birth? Maybe I would be in her shoes. I would do anything to gain the attention Alice was so lovingly receiving but nothing. Eventually, just past our ninth birthday, I stopped caring and just faded into her shadow, accepting my fate.

However, there was always one person who saw me differently. One person who wouldn't let that happen, her name was Maya Hawthorne, my mother. She was the one person who would shine a light on the shadow and showed me what I was truly capable of. I adored her with all my heart, treasuring all my time with her. If I was down for any reason, if I started falling into the shadow feeling like it was me against the world, she was there to pick me up and keep me going. While Alice grew to gain the fans and support, I had something better; I had my own fan, the only one I ever needed.

But then she died. A hit and run on the way to pick Alice and me from school. Father was devasted, ripping up from classes choosing to take on home school instead, and just like that, I was back in the darkness of that damn shadow like nothing had changed. But this time, it would be different; I wasn't going to fall back into line and accept my fate. Even if I couldn't have that stage light for any given moment, I could make sure Alice has the best chance in it. So like my mother before me, I did my best to help my sister in any way, shape or form possible. I was okay with that, almost happy you could put it. That changed when I met you.

"I'm sorry, I saw you in the crowd and just had to meet you… you're him, right? You are Avalanche, right? I could tell by the ice-cold appearance—white hair and blue eyes as light as the moon. There's no doubt you are the streamer Avalanche! I'm a big fan. My sister and I used to watch you all the time. We were sad to see you go. What happened to your partner… um? What was it? Oh right! Unity. What happened to her."

"I'm sorry. But I think you've got the wrong person. I have no idea of who you are talking about."

"Huh?! You're pulling my leg, aren't you? You are, without a doubt him. I'm not asking for an autograph or something; I just wanted to say hello."

No, I'm serious. You have the wrong person."

"Oh, you know what. Looking closer, you look nothing like him. I'm sorry. I mistook you for someone else."

"Well, of course, he's not this Avalanche dude. Alton is, in fact, Dauntless of team Rhapsody."

"Whoa, hold on, when did we decide what my streamer name was?!"

"Ugh, just now? You don't like it? I just thought Dauntless would work for you. As you know, you're so cold-hearted; nothing scares you."

"Oh, thanks."

"You two don't look like much of a team."

"Well, no one was asking for your opinion, twerp. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that."

"Don't mention it. The names Iris by the way. Streamer name Violet. You might have heard of me."

"If you're signing up to be a streamer, how could we have heard of you if you're not a streamer?"

"Silence fool, well, you most definitely heard of my sister. She's the streamer, Ruby. Only the most powerful streamer in the world."

"I thought it was Vanguard?"

"Let's not get into the number one streamer here. So, I take it you're signing up to work with your sister?"

"You betcha, together we are going to be unstoppable. Remember the name."

At the time, it was going to be that way. If possible, I would work my ass off to be able to stand as equals with her. Her shadow didn't matter if I could have a flash of the light beyond. But meeting you all reminded me of how much I dreamt bigger. I wanted more, and I would work for it. Hero's Might, Team Rhapsody. It didn't matter. That's where I wanted to be for the first time in a bloody long time, I had a goal, and it was to escape that shadow I was so accustomed to. But no matter how much I fought and battled to get there, that chance never came. The small moment I got was soon forgotten; the world forgot that I was the one who took down Vanguard, that I helped Team Rhapsody time and time again. I was the one who snapped Alton from his nightmares and brought him back to the world. The world forgot, and thus so did I. 

When Alice joined Team Rhapsody when she became the number one streamer with my heroes. All the hard work and sacrifices she made had come to benefit her while I was given nothing. While glad for her, I was frustrated beyond belief that I never could get my time. Where was the time where she had to stand in shadow and know how it feels? Time and time again, I fail to no success. I lose and lose to her again. It's unfair; I'm not asking for a miracle or a hail Mary; I just want that one moment. The moment where Iris Hawthorne is the hero….

But now, I'm not sure that moment will ever come….


"Iris, Iris. You can't give up Iris, you're stronger. I know you are. Iris, you have to save everyone. Your friends, your sister!"

"That voice…. It can't be? Mother?"

As the attack landed, everything stopped as Iris found herself trapped in an endless void of nothing. Something she was far too familiar with. Looking around, she began jumping to conclusions falling to her knees breaking down. "No…. It can't end like this. I can't just accept this! I never got my chance, my chance to save them! To make up for my mistakes, to show Alice I can be something too!"

"You don't have to do anything like that." Iris froze with fresh tears turning her head. A woman with green eyes and chestnut brown hair matching Iris' stood with a bold smile. "You never had to anything like that, my Iris."

"Mother…." Iris whimpered, wiping her eyes. "Am I dead?"

"No. There's still time. You can still save them, Iris; they need you."

Iris lowered her head, shaking it in shame. "They don't need me; they've never needed me. It's Alice they need."

"Alice? Alice wasn't the one who stopped Vanguard; Alice wasn't the one who fought Paradox to protect her sister alone. Alice wasn't the one who saved Alton from his demons and got him back on his feet. That was you."

"Alice could have done it better."

Maya gave a faint nod smiling. "She might have, but she didn't. You did. Do you know why I never compared you to your sister Iris?"


Maya kneeled down, placing her hand over the back of Iris' neck, tutting with a smile. "It's because I didn't have to. You may not be the number one streamer or the most powerful Anti-Human, you may not be a part of Team Rhapsody, but do you know what you are? My daughter, and that's all you have to be. Nothing is more special than that. There was never a shadow you were trapped in because you were the brightest star out there to me. The spotlight has always been on you, Iris and always will be. It's up to you how you use that time."

Sniffing, Iris wiped her nose, chuckling to herself. "You always knew the words to cheer me up, mum."

"I'm glad to hear that. Now, what are you going to do?"

Iris stood up, looking at her cube, holding it tight to her chest. "What can I do? I don't stand a chance against Anger; she keeps coming back time and time again. Even if I killed her!"

"You're thinking about it too much. Thinker simpler, easier. How do you stop her?"

Iris gasped, realising the truth. "Her Stage. If I took her Stage, she would lose her power. I can do it, mum; I know I can."

Maya hugged Iris, nodding. "I know you can, sweetie. Save the world, and remember your mother is always rooting for you."

"I wished I had more time to talk."

"You will soon. I'll be waiting."

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