Chapter 297: One Above the Rest Part 2

Henry's father left him at a young age. As young as he could possibly remember. He never indeed remembered a time where he was around. Because of this, his mother was forced to look after him and his sister alone. During that time, everything from an onlooker's perspective was normal. They lived an everyday life as a happy family; even with their little ones, the three were still grateful to have each other. The neighbours would know Henry to be a sweet boy, always helping others. But something about him was always off, not quite right. The curiosity of his father's whereabouts would always plague his mind until the truth would be revealed.

On his way from school, Henry was trapped in a trance of the news report, which would be talked about for weeks to come. A crooked villain attacked and killed six police officers, three streamers while leaving two more in a critical condition. It would take the number one streamer at the time, Vanguard, to stop the fiend once and for all. That villain was none other than Henry's father; he knew it from the moment his picture was shown. It was the first time he had seen his father in years, but he recognised him nonetheless. Others would be disturbed by these events. Angered or upset, their father would do this. Henry was different. He was in awe over the fact his own father could handle so many streamers at once that it took the number one streamer to step up to take him down. His father was strong—the strongest he had seen.

Taking this into account, Henry became drunk on the idea that his father left because they were weak. His father would have stayed if Henry was just as strong. From that day, his twisted desires and motives took shape-holding on forever; Henry would make it his life goal to be just as decisive as his father, stronger in fact. He aimed to be the strongest there was, no matter what. This started on the playgrounds with petty fights in which Henry's bold nature and willpower would cause him to win every battle. All apart from one; A boy two years older who was the head boy at the time. No matter what, Henry couldn't beat him no matter how many times he fought him. The situation got so bad Henry was expelled from his school for violence against others. His mother was devastated by these events, but Henry didn't care; he was furious at the fact there was someone stronger than him out there.

That was until not long after his twelve birthday, he discovered the key to all his problems. His powers awoke, and he became an Anti-Human. Blessed with powers similar to his own sister but on a whole different level. The next time Henry would confront his rival, it wasn't through raw power and tendency but with trickery and wit. His illusions decimated his foe with no chance of winning. Blessed with his new ability, Henry's ego would only grow into a crazed obsession with finding stronger opponents to defeat. He would build a legacy, one that far surpassed his own father's, whose actions still echoed to that day. It wouldn't be until the new year when his actions would go officially too far.


Florence stared idly at her clock as the time began ticking slowly and surely. Two o'clock, that's all it was, and to her, it was frustrating. She couldn't quite describe it, but she hadn't struggled to sleep in a while; feeling a weight on her chest, she rolled over in a cold sweat. Unable to stand it anymore, she crawled out of bed only to recall burning her foot. Startled, she wrapped herself in her blanket, blinking only to see a small flash of the house in flames. Her face dropped as the illusion began to fizzle and fade before the illusion burned away, weaving in echoes of blazing flames. Stunned, Florence crawled back, falling off her bed as her entire room was ignited with no escape. Pinned against the wall, she had only one chance to survive. Pivoting her window up, she began crawling out, preparing for a fall. As the flames roared out, Florence burst out of her window, breaking her arm. Watching her house in flames, she didn't wait long, hoping to get back in to save her family.

As she stood up, she saw Henry idly standing by watching her. "Henry?! Where's mum?! Henry?"

As she went running back in, Henry held her back, slapping her with the back of his hand, knocking her to the floor. "She's gone, Florence! She's gone."

"No, that's not true. I can still save her!"

"She won't survive. She's too weak for that."

Florence stumbled to her feet, walking back traumatised. "I…. I wouldn't have known if your illusion didn't fade. Were you trying to kill us?!"

Henry stared at the fire, smirking. "You two were always so weak it made me sick. If I was stronger, maybe our father would have stayed. I'm going to make a name for myself. Florence having weaklings like you related to me only dampers that image. I just needed to wipe my past clean to start anew."

Florence stared on in disbelief, whispering. "Weak? You…. You killed our mum because she was weak…. She raised you alone! Did everything for you, fed you, clothed you, she did everything all for you! That is not weakness!"

"Whatever, like you'd ever understood. You took measures to survive, though, so I guess you aren't totally useless." Florence snapped, tackling Henry to the ground punching him serval times built up with rage. Throwing another punch, Henry bent over, kneeling down next to her with a smug look. "You've almost got him."

Looking down, Florence stumbled back, finding nothing there but her own bloody hands. Turning, Henry kept appearing everywhere, messing with Florence as she held her head whimpering. "Stop it…. Stop it, Henry!"

"I'm not Henry anymore!" He barked in union with his fakes striking a pose laughing. "You may call me as Eyes Over Reality. This is who I am, and soon the whole world will know that name."

Years would go by with Henry's powers going unchecked as he began making a name for himself, causing chaos all around. It would only be when he finally met his match, encountering a streamer who completely outmatched and classed him in almost everywhere. That streamer went by Diego Jolts. But even with the first loss under his belt, another from Team Rhapsody's hand, he hasn't let his goal wither at all. He will become the strongest person in the world.


Denial sat on her Titan lowering her head sighing. "How long does this ceasefire go on for?! I'm losing my little mind here."

"Bargaining told us to hold until he said so. He'll get mad if you don't listen to him." Depression whispered, leaning his body over the edge staring at the city below. "How much longer do we have to keep fighting for again…."

"For as long as it takes!" Denial pouted, stomping the ground. "Until we take our home back and get revenge against Fairy-Tale. You know this Depression."


"I drew you something to cheer you up." She whispered, pulling a poorly done drawing from her darkness handing it to him. "Well, do you like it?"

Depression started at a drawing of a group of dead bloody and cut up. Raising an eyebrow, he put the picture down, sighing. "I'll be sure to add it to my collection. Thank you, Denial."

"You're wel- What the? Did you feel that?"

Depression sat up, rubbing his eyes. "It felt strange, yeah…. Go and take a look."

"What?! Why me?"

"You're the newest stage; this should be your problem. I'm going back home to recharge. I'm pooped. Surely that's fine for you."

"I never said it wasn't. More easy prey for me to pass the time." Denial boasted, jumping from the Titan slamming to the ground, looking up pleasantly surprised by who she finds. "Zin Zin? No way, I thought Anger killed you. I'm so glad to see you."

Zinnia looked troubled, mumbling. "Denial…. So, it really is you. You don't look any older since we met in the trials."

"Stages don't age, silly! Are you here to play with me, oh, and you brought the weaklings again? Hello all!" She waved to Emil, Jinx and Florence. Riley stood on the rubble overlooking Denial. "Huh? I thought I killed you, Scarlett. What is this?"

Riley bit her lip, staring daggers at Denial. "You're mistaking me for my sister. I'm Riley Syndicate."

"Oh, ok, that makes sense. Are you here for revenge then? I must tell you it didn't go well for Scarlett. She gave it her all, and yet she fell apart like it was nothing. So sad it makes me want to cry just thinking about it." No one responded as Denial tilted her head. "Well? Is no one going to attack me then? Wow, this is boring."

"We're going to stop you right here, Denial. That's a promise. No one will fall to your might!" Zinnia exclaimed.

"Is that so? You might be willing big sis Zin Zin, but it's clear the others are still in denial. Ooh, I can sense their fears. I'm afraid to say you've already lost!" She yelled, vanishing into her cloak making everyone flinch stepping back. Denial landed perfectly next to Zinnia, swinging her arm chopping her head clean off. Or so she thought. Denial turned to find Zinnia gone. "Wait, what?"

"What's the matter, little one? You look so confused, don't tell me that's all you've got?" Henry taunted, appearing from behind her, looking over his shoulder. "You're meant to be a Stage of Grief. Don't tell me that's all you've got."

Denial swung her arm, blowing the area away only to find Henry completely unaffected. "Who are you?"

Henry began appearing everywhere with a mocking laugh pushing Denial down a peg or two. "Your worst nightmare, obviously. You may address me as Eyes Over Reality; I'll be the one to tear you limb from limb. Oh, but please, don't start denying your own weakness just yet. It'd be no fun if it's over already."

Denial opened her cloak as the darkness swallowed the area whole, letting outburst of explosions. Riley watched hissing. "That's Scarlett's power! She stole it from her!"

Denial turned as the group of fighters stood Zinnia at the helm. She gripped her side, looking nervous before screaming out. "There's no time to think anymore! This is the only chance we're going to get taking her down. Don't hold back; she won't. Give it everything you've got. We can win. I know we can!"

Zinnia and Emil rushed into the fray while Jinx and Riley were in the wings for support. The fakes of Henry danced around her, distracting her best he could as the battle was about to begin.

Denial held her hands out, hiding beneath her cloak, gritting her teeth. "This is no fair! You aren't playing fair! Whatever, bring it. I'll pluck the heroic nature from your eyes as I deny your right to live!"

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