Chapter 289: Reunited Once Again

Bargaining stood from his Titan, watching the world go by. The fight between his sister and Alice had begun in which he had no care or intention of watching. Watching the sunset, he placed his hands firmly into his pocket, sighing. "This is going to be the last sunset I see for quite a while, it seems…."

"Of course, you were always quite prepared to throw it all away in the end, weren't you, Adam Berry?" Bargaining turned as Charmeine hovered down her wings on display as she smirked at the sight. "After all these years, you're still just as stubborn and naïve as always."

"Four. I must admit I didn't expect you to still be alive. But I suppose a coward like you would always survive in the end." Bargaining scoffed at looking back at sunset. "It's almost time. Tell me, do you think Alton will go through with it?"

"Ten is unlike any of us. He'd never give up even if his goal was wrong."

"Quite right. But that's not what I asked. I said do you think Alton will be able to see this plan to the end?"

Charmeine paused for a moment shaking his head. "Those two are quite different. But I believe Alton will; desperation has shown to bring the worst out on him."

"I came to the same conclusion myself. Eve is free once more and is currently about to engage with her dear close friend Alice. I'm going to move back before it begins." Bargaining outspoke. "The endless whisper is almost at hand. A new Stage is about to be crowned. Acceptance has most likely seen this as well. All he can do is prepare for the next stage of the plan."

"I could stop you, I suppose. That was our goal, to stop the Garden if they intended on destroying the world. I'm sure I would be doing a great duty for our homeland."

Bargaining smirked, turning to Charmeine slouching. "You were always the funny one, Charmeine. You never showed any sort of care for Fairy-Tale. I'm sure you became one of the ten's judgement just to get away from it all. Is that why you became so close with Mortem?"

"How did you?"

"I didn't. But I knew someone was working closely with them. The CEOs loved their secrets even if they weren't very well hidden. So, tell me, you spent time with them. What is your opinion on the Garden?"

"You want my honest opinion? I suppose I feel sorry for them."

"I see…." Bargaining debated walking away. "If you wish to avoid the Long Whisper, I'd advise leaving Victoria now while you can. We're in the danger zone of it all or stay. It could be interesting to see what sort of world Alton desires."

"Have you taken into mind that Alton might not go through with your plan? That he might use the stages for his own gain and wipe everything out?" Charmeine questioned idly.

Bargaining shook his head, amused. "That outcome is impossible. Alton Brantley is just a lowly ape who cannot begin to understand my ambitions. By the time he gathers the stages for me, he won't even know what hit him. I'll butcher that lost soul once and for all."

"Guess I was right about you, Nine. As naïve as always, this is why you were One's favourite. Goodbye, Adam Berry."

"Farewell, once more, Charmeine."


"No longer the noob now, huh?"

Emil turned his head panting only to stop speechless as Zinnia stood at the entrance to Haven with Henry by her side. Both stared at each other dazed as Zinnia was the first to speak out. "Emil…. Is that you?"

"Zinnia." He whispered to himself, feeling tears forming as he smiled, overwhelmed with relief. "I found you."

The storm kept Zinnia from running as she rammed her feet through the snow towards her old friend. Picking himself up, Emil and Zinnia met with a deep hug, being reunited after nearly four years. "I never thought I'd see any of you ever again. What a relief to know you are all still alive."

"The same could be said for you, Zinnia. Everyone has been searching for you. Alice, Iris, Alton. Just about everyone." Emil admitted. "It only felt like yesterday you left. Well…. I suppose it was more or less for me. Mortem got the better of me, and the last few years have been a mere blur for me up until now."

Zinnia stepped away, seeing Jinx standing idly by nodding with a slight wave. She kept looking around with a clueless smile. "Where's the others?"

Emil's bright and hopeful face fell into turmoil as he looked down to his feet. "Scarlett is dead…. Iris is gone taken by the Garden. We lost all contact with Alton and Alice when Rhinefield fell."

Zinnia was taken back as she stumbled about, feeling a sharp pain rip through her chest. "No…. That cannot be true. There has to be some kind of mistake."

"He's not wrong. The Garden struck us with our pants down and wiped everyone out. Vanguard, Goro…. Monty. Everyone was just taken out without much hope. Scarlett sacrificed herself to let us get away and well…. Alton and Alice went to strike the heart of the Garden like idiots. I'm wishful, but they most likely perished in the battle."

"We don't know that, Jinx!" Emil argued.

"Ah, come on, Emil, look around. What do you hope to achieve with all of this! The greatest streamers and fighters never stood a chance. Did you really believe finding Zinnia would solve all our problems?! There's just four of us, and Florence cannot fight, and from the past, bullets don't solve much here. You knew that. Don't lie to yourself."

"Then why did you come? If you knew the outcome, why did you bother helping me?" Emil snapped, turning to Jinx, pissed off.

"You want to know the truth. I was just looking to run away from it all. I'm pretty sure you are in the same boat as well."

Emil flinched, staring on trembling. Zinnia placed her hand on his shoulder, shaking her head. "Alton is alive; I just know he is. He's fighting the Garden till his last breath. He'll need our help; I've been away for too long. It's time to make up for my mistakes."

"Well fuck me sideways. You're still alive now. I am impressed." Riley whistled, walking back into the town holding her waist. "Always full of surprises, aren't we?"

"Likewise, Riley."

Emil stood his ground as Riley sighed, waving her hand half-heartedly. "Drop the strong guy act, Emil. I have no intention of fighting anymore. For what it's worth, Zinnia, I'm glad you're safe."

"Safe is a strong word, but thanks, Riley." She replied, shivering. "Oh, and I forgot. I should introduce you to Henry; he helped me get here. Without him, I'd be a frozen popsicle."

Henry wagged its tail, barking at everyone as Zinnia rubbed his back. Everyone was left silent as Emil turned to the tavern. "Let's discuss this somewhere a bit warmer, right?"

Stepping into the tavern, Jinx pulled the table back up slouched down, shaking her leg. "What else is there to discuss?"

"While I won't deny I want to run as much as you, Jinx, we need to fight. If Zinnia fights so, should we."

"Why should I fight for her?" Jinx snapped, raising her hand. "No offence, Zinnia, but I'm exactly thrilled about putting my life on the line for someone I barely know. If it was Monty or Butch, that's a different story."

"So, it's family? Well, aren't I family?" Zinnia questioned, making everyone confused. "Need I remind you I took on your family's trials and beat them. Your father even declared that I was welcomed into the family when seem fit. Well…. My father is dead. My mother a while back. If that means I'm Zinnia Montague now so, be it. I'm a Montague as much as Emil is."

Emil and Riley were left dazed as Emil took a deep breath. "I can't counter that argument."

Jinx stared at Zinnia before howling with laughter wiping her eyes. "So that's it, we're meant to just follow you to our deaths. How are meant to defeat the Garden then little miss Montague?"

Emil gave it some thought coming to a conclusion. "Charmeine already told us. We take their powers and use them for our own. Fight fire with fire."

"That's wonderful, and all but that means defeating one the Stages. How do you assume we do that?"

"Well, let's imagine Alton is looking to get Iris back and is fighting Acceptance. We should go for someone else. Best to avoid Bargaining as he made a pact with you, Zinnia. What about Anger?"

"No. No." Riley shut down. "We were attacked by that one; she annihilated us like it was nothing. She took down the Phantom and us with no problems. Best avoid her."

"Alright. Depression?"

"We don't know anything about them nor where to look or what their powers are. We should stick with Denial." Jinx suggested.

"Hold up. Denial destroyed us as well, remember. And we had Blossom back then to help us."

"Yes, but we know her powers. Her stage is Denial, correct? Well, that's her power. She can use our own powers against us when we have any doubt of our ability against her. It happened with my bullets and your origamis, Emil."

Emil stroked his chin, frowning. "That makes sense. Even with Zinnia, any of us doubt our own ability against her for a second; we've all lost. How are we mean to defeat that?"

"Easy. We use her ability against her." Florence claimed, walking into the tavern.

"You're not suggesting what I think you're suggesting, Truman…."

Florence smirked, making Jinx grumble. "That I am. We trick her into thinking she has the upper hand and only one person is strong enough to do so. We need my brother; we need Eyes Over Reality."

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