Vintage Red [GL]

Chapter 143: Temps de Massage

I could've uploaded this chapter hours earlier if I didn't procrastinate on writing my chapter... But here we are xD

Ria revealed our little present while still blushing quite profusely. Em then crouched down in front of her, taking out one of the bottles and reading the labels. 

“Is this… massage stuff?” She asked. 

I crouched down as well so we were all at the same height. “Yeah, Ria and I wanted to surprise you with something and we came up with this idea.” 

Em read the label in silence and then carefully put the bottle back in the box. 

“We thought that because you like sports so much, that you would really like a massage.” Ria continued on explaining. 

“You really didn’t have to do this for me, though.” Em smiled brightly. 

“I think we do. Everyone needs to be spoiled once in a while. And we both agreed that we wanted to spoil you.” I put my hand on Em’s back and slowly rubbed up and down. 

Em slowly pushed the box aside, after which she gave Ria a big hug for a couple of seconds, before turning herself to me. “I really really appreciate that. I honestly can’t imagine having to live without you two anymore.” 

I squeezed Em tight. “That’s the same for us.” 

“Do you want your massage now, Em?” Ria asked after she was done with hugging us. 

“Can I?” 

“I don’t see why not. Unless you want to wait ‘till new years eve?” 

“Well… I wouldn’t mind having a massage now.” 

Ria grinned and clapped her hands. “Yay. I’ll prepare some space for you to lay on.” She took out the cozy blanket we had bought in the store. It was meant to be cleaned easily and to be draped over furniture. Just in case you didn’t have enough room for a full on massage table. 

“And afterwards you can take a nice long bath with these bath bombs.” I showed a couple of ping pong ball sized colorful balls to our girlfriend. “The store owner also recommended these.” 

“You keep piling on more gifts.” Em chuckled. “I don’t know what to look forward to most now.”  

“Just let it all wash over you, don’t need to rank anything.” 

Em looked up at me and tilted her head. “Another very wise saying.” 

“One would think I’m actually really good at that after a while.” 

“Or beginner's luck.” 

“Hmmm, maybe.” I smiled, which Em rudely but also very cutely interrupted with a kiss. She then leant in to whisper something in my ear. 

“Does that mean we are also going to give Ria’s gift today?” 

“Why not. It appears I’m in the gift-giving mood today. Might as well, right? Then maybe we can play some games tomorrow.” 

“Sounds like a plan.” Em smiled and gave me another kiss on the cheek. “And thanks again for this.” 

“As we said, absolutely no problem.” I gave her a wink. 

“Tadaa! Your throne is ready!” Ria showed off the little massage area she had laid down on the sofa. She had put down the back so we had a nice large flat area to work with. “Now the only thing left is for Em to undress!” 

Em laughed but squinted at Ria. “Don’t sound so enthusiastic about that!” 

“Ah yeah, I forgot to mention it, but Ria also has been in quite the gremlin mood today.” 

“Goblin! You said I was a cute goblin!” 

“Ohoho?” Em chuckled. “That sounds interesting. I don’t think I’ve seen Ria in that kind of mood that much before.” 

“It was definitely something.” 

Ria just started to pout and walked over to Em, tugging at her hoodie. “Come on, Em.” 

“Alright alright, I’ll take my clothes off, just give me a second.” Em booped her on the nose. 

Ria grinned and looked at me. “Then I’ll put on a scented candle in the meantime.” 

“Alrighty.” I smiled. 

As Ria went to select a candle, Em leaned in again to ask something. “Uh, how many clothes should I take off? Just asking.” 

“Good question… Whatever you are comfortable with?” 

“That doesn’t answer much, does it?” 

“Hey, I’m new to this too.” 

“Hmmm.” Em pouted as well. “I guess I’ll figure something out.” 


It took a minute or two for Em to return back to the living room. She had wound a light pink towel around her body. 

“The only thing that’s missing now is a ribbon I can unwrap you with.” I teased our girlfriend. 

“Shush.” She blushed. 

Ria had finished setting up some candles and was already waiting at the sofa. She tapped the sofa twice. “Come, Em!” She had the box of massage stuff set up right next to her, too. 

Em obliged and approached the sofa, kneeling down on top of it. “So I should just lay down?” 

“Mhmm!” Ria nodded and placed down a pillow for Em to rest her head on.

As Em did so, she also let her towel slide down so it only still covered her butt. 

“Are you comfy?” Ria asked as she went to sit down in front of Em’s line of sight. 

“Yeah.” Em smiled. 

I then walked up to them and kneeled down in front of the sofa too. “Do you want to give it a try first, Ria?” I asked. 

“If it’s okay for Em.” 

Em replied pretty much instantly “I trust you both completely.”

“Do tell us if something feels off, okay?” I asked. “It’s all new to us and we want to give you the best experience possible. 

“Mhmm.” Em nodded. “I don’t think that will be much of an issue, though.” 

Ria and I looked at each other and smiled, giving each other a nod too. 

“Okay, then let’s start with oiling you up!” Ria clapped her hands and then took out a bottle of scented massage oil. 


Em giggled a couple of times as Ria was rubbing her in with massage oil. “You are being so gentle, Ria. It’s almost ticklish.” 

“It fits her personality, doesn’t it?” 

“It does.” 

“As long as Em’s enjoying it, I’m going to continue to do it like this.” 

“I definitely am.” Em agreed. 

Once she had Em completely covered, she went on to the next step, the actual massage itself. The little instructions manual that we had gotten with our large box of massage supplies told us to start from the top and work our way to the bottom. And that’s what Ria did. Starting with giving Em a bit of a scalp massage, making sure that her hands weren’t oily anymore, first. Em didn’t really say anything, nor did she make any sounds, but from the look on her face I could see that what Ria was doing was actually very enjoyable.

Then she methodically worked her way down to Em’s neck, her shoulders and her back. Taking out a couple of the wooden tools we had bought in the store as well. According to the flyer that accompanied them, they said that they could improve blood and lymph circulation, reducing cellulite and some other stuff. If that’s true or not, I don’t really know. But when Ria used them on Em’s body, Em reacted by making a couple of sounds, so at least it definitely looked like it felt good. 

“Are you still okay, Em?” Ria asked as she had gotten around halfway on Em’s back. 

Em stayed silent for a couple of seconds before she replied. “Okay? I’m more than okay. It feels fantastic.” 

Ria looked very happy to hear that and then she looked at me. “Rora, do you want to take over now.” 

“Well, I wouldn’t want to come in between you two, you seem like you are enjoying yourself.” 

“I’m getting a bit tired.” Ria chuckled and rubbed her arm. “It takes quite a lot of energy if you are not used to it.” 

“Alright. Then I’ll gladly take over.” I smiled and switched places with Ria. I then oiled up my own hands a little and then got to work on Em myself. Applying enough pressure wouldn’t be an issue considering my strength, I’d just need to be a bit careful not to apply too much. But luckily I had the time to study what Ria was doing earlier and had read a bit more in the information leaflets too. 

My hands steadily worked over Em’s muscular body. It was an entirely new experience to touch my girlfriend like this and it really accentuated the fact that Em is a sporty lass. 

Especially when I got to her legs, they were incredibly firm. Though it also seemed that she very much liked me handling her legs too. I guess it would make sense that when you rely on your legs mostly for sports, that they also require plenty of care. 

“This feels so much better than doing it myself.” Em confirmed my suspicion. 

“Am I doing a good job?” I asked. 

“Yes, you are.” She nodded. “But Ria is still a bit better at it, though.”

“Am I?” Ria replied surprised. 

“Yeah, you seem to have a talent for it. You always apply just the amount of pressure I want in just the right spots. Rora just needs a bit more practice.” 

“Ria is better at things that require finesse than I am, so yeah, I can understand that.” I smiled. “I wonder how good you are, though.” 

“There’s no reason not to give both of you a massage one of these days. Now that we have the stuff here.” Em commented. “I probably do have a bit more experience with it by massaging myself and studying up on it a little for my sports in general. Not going to say I’m an expert, though.” 

“I’m already looking forward to it.” Ria and I said at the exact same time. Making all three of us start to laugh. 

In other news, I'm probably gonna buy some LycoReco figurines, but my wallet will cry...

They look so good though.

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