Villainess’s Sweet Everyday

Chapter 4

Lesson 4

Tickle as if a needle had been stabbed in the chest. Master Calcirasto looked at me and was agitated. And I threw these words at him.

“Marikana, why are you crying!? Oh, don’t cry, my dear Maricana…… my heart is going to be ripped off when you’re crying. My precious treasure…”

Now she hugged me tightly and let me go. “Marikana, take your eyes…” so my breath smelled sweet and soft on my forehead touched my eyes. So you seem to be excepting my tears.

When I sneak my eyes open, the lips of the calcirust as soft as jelly touch the opposite eye as well.

I panicked and closed my eyes. Master Calcirust cares about me, doesn’t he? You’re not doing this to anyone, are you?

Master Calcirasto said, “Now open your eyes, Maricana. And show me your angelic smile,” he said.

I open my eyes first. Like a child to be punished.

Master Calcirasto is pointing the perfect grin at me. Any woman will be seen with a very handsome face. Like an invincible fleet.

I stared at Master Calcirust jeezily. Thought you’d kiss me again…… but is that a kiss? Anything to do to anyone? My heart was swinging like a rough wave.

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