Velvet Abyss

Chapter 32: War Council

“With my attention consumed by the Eris Empire, I’ve had to turn my gaze away from my own kingdom and our subjugated territories.  So tell me what have you to report.”  The king said.


“Some bold lords pooled their resources together and tried to reclaim Lancaster, but I put an end to that.”  


“Are any of them still among the living.”  Tetsuya asked.


“No, they’re all dead uncle.”


“That was stupid Mei, we could have used them for information”


” We could have, but they’re just blood and entrails now so we can’t.”


“You’re wrong brother, their deaths will serve as a warning for any others rash enough to follow in their footsteps.” The king said.


“I suppose you have a point, still the more we know the better.”


“The Eris army grows smaller by the month with each skirmish they lose more soldiers and soon they won’t have the strength to defend their capitol let alone their borders.”  Shigure said.


“It’s hardly surprising  isn't it, we we're destined  to win this silly war from the start. Their elemental magic can’t hold a candle to our sacred nobility magic.” Yukina said.


“Filthy animals should know their place.” Mei said.


“How can you say things like that, Mei?” Setsuna said.


“Like what?”


“Talking about them like their not human, like their not exactly like us.”


“Sweet sister, Mei is only speaking the truth, they’re not like us, no one is.” Seijuro said.

"i know but..."


“Silence!” The king yelled, bringing the bickering to an end.


“Daughter those things are nothing like us, we are a superior class of  being, far closer to gods than humans. Secondly have you forgotten what that Empire has taken from us?”

“No father, of course I haven’t.”

“Good than shut up and wait till your called upon.”

“Let’s hear from the High Bishop.”

“Gladly” Seijuro said, standing from his chair.


“A little over two weeks ago I traveled to Shikishima, a tiny farming village in the middle of nowhere as we selected it to be the location of this year’s Sayuri Festival.”


“The festival was going as planned, we even sacrificed a heretic sister, crucified her and stoned her to death to make a desirable offering for Nero."


“This sounds all too ordinary why are you reporting this?” Yukina asked.


“I’m getting to that a woman who wasn’t a sister was among them, she had slept with the sister we executed, I think they were lovers.”


“I had one of the elder sisters pin her to the ground and make her watch as they battered her whore lover to death, and by the people she had loved and trusted no less." Seijuro said laughing.


“I figured the more sorrowful the death the better appeased our goddess would be but than something unexpected happened"


“The girl Mari, I believe her name was, went berserk and massacred all the sisters in the village. Only Daphne, Maya, our best inquisitor and myself eluded destruction.”


“Is there a point to all this macabre ranting?” Tetsuya asked.


“I was just getting to that uncle, the point my dear family is that this Mari was using void magic.”


“That’s impossible.” Tetsuya said.


“Yeah, not even we can wield void magic, that’s if it even exists anymore." Yukina said

“Well, I’ve seen it with my own eyes, I believe I’ve even had the pleasure of speaking directly with the void spirit.”


“Tell us more"The king said


“When the girl went berserk and awakened, she was talking about Mari as if she was another person. Additionally I tired to bind her with my Licht Magic and she shrugged it off like it was nothing.”


“We should try to recruit her to our cause, think about how fast this war would be over with a void user in our camp.”


“That’ll never happen, Mei.” The king said.

"Why not?"


“Because Seijuro went and executed the girl’s lover, her soul will be aflame with hate right now she surely wants nothing more than to kill us all.”


“How was I supposed that know that whore Shinobu was important to anyone?”


“Wait, what name did you just say?” Setsuna asked, jolting from the table.


“Shinobu, she was the leader of the village funnily enough, not that it matters.”


“Describe her to me.” Setsuna demanded


“Describe what?”


“Her features, hair, eye, color, complexion all of it.”


“Someones emotional, don’t tell me sis did you care about one of those ants?”


“Describe her, now.”


“I’ll bite she had long raven hair, pale skin and eyes like emeralds. That paint a vivid enough picture for you?”





Setsuna ran out of the meeting room with tears beginning to stream down her face the room fell to a heavy silence but was quickly ended by the king’s booming voice.


“Seijuro when this meeting is over, you’ll apologize to your sister.”


“But I did nothing wrong, I was just following…”


“That’s an order.”


“As you wish, your majesty." Seijuro said sighing


“Let’s get down to the crux of the matter, our next move.”


“Tetsuya, I want you to contact Ikki and tell him he’s finished in Dresden, I’ve got a special assignment for him.”


“He won’t disappoint you.”


“Mei, Shigure and Yukina”.


“Yes” the three said in unison.


“I shall remain in Shimizu for some time so the four of you will lead the war effort in my stead.”


“Four?” Shigure asked


“Yes, join up with Mari, take a battalion of twenty thousand soldiers each and lay siege to the Eris Empire.”


“Sounds like fun.” Mei said


“You’ll attack from opposing directions, north, south, east and west. And when you’re done, we’ll converge all our forces on Edelgard and crush the empire in a single strike.”


“Tetsuya, I need you in Kimura like always.”


“Leave it to me.”


“You have your orders, now go.”


                                           “Yes, your majesty.”


The royal family members bowed to their king before leaving the room one after another except for the eldest son, Seijuro remained in his chair rasping his finger against the corner of the table, clearly he had more to discuss.


‘And what would you have of me, Father?”

“Nothing continue visiting the villages scattered throughout Hyogo, instill faith in all the denizens of our country.”


“That’s it, that’s all you’d have of your most capable heir?”


“The Flanade church is the heart and soul of our country, it’s what the people believe in to a fault.  The High Bishop is a crucial role, my son.”


“I’ve been playing that role for years now, it’s so painfully dull.”


“Do not fear for once the Eris Empire is no more and our objective is realized you’ll be free to do whatever you please.  Until than shut up and play your part.”


“Of course Father, but before I leave, I have a question for you.”


“Speak quickly, I have much to attend too.”


“Why do we need Dresden and Lancaster?”


“Don’t speak like a halfwit you know why we bloody need them, they comprise half of fucking continent.”

 “No, I mean why do we need them as they are now, why not crush them and burn them to the ground and then rebuild them as part of our great kingdom?”


“I mean think about it they’re not humans Father, they’re barbarians, they only have peace and security because of our mercy and benevolence..”


“You’ve made your point now leave me, I will deliberate on the matter.”

“Do give it some thought.”



“Do not depart until we have discussed the matter once again."

 “Of course, happy thinking, Father.”


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