The sun was beginning to set on the horizon, and the time was just past eight in the evening. It was the ideal moment for our operation, as it was early enough to avoid suspicion and late enough to limit the visibility of any unwanted observers while we unloaded the goods at the docks.

The truck had finally set out on its journey, and with my hacking skills, I had gained access to the city's surveillance system without leaving any trace. From the safety of my computer, I watched intently as the operation unfolded before my eyes.

As the truck approached any cameras on the streets that could potentially capture a clear image, I expertly replaced the live feed with a false image from over twenty seconds earlier. This routine continued until we were almost near the docks.

But then, something unexpected happened, even though it fell within the range of my expectations.

Two officers stopped the truck at a checkpoint and demanded to inspect its contents. Despite the truck clearly being a cargo vehicle, they insisted on conducting a thorough search, even bringing out a K9 unit to sniff out any drugs that might be hidden inside. It was as if they had gotten wind of the information regarding the drug move scheduled for that night.

Their hearts were racing, and some of them had their fingers on the trigger, ready to open fire in case things went south. But they knew they had to trust in my plan. I had anticipated such a scenario and thought of countermeasures in case we ever encountered a police checkpoint on the road.

Before the men left the warehouse, I gave specific instructions to the man in charge. I told him to wrap the drugs in bags and create a false bottom in the crates, so the drugs would have their own compartment and the top would be filled with the legitimate cargo being transported. To further protect the drugs, I instructed them to spray the surfaces and corners of the crates with pesticides.

The K9 units had a hard time sniffing out the drugs as their sense of smell was being dulled by the scent of the pesticides. 

They did a thorough search and even opened the goods as they scavenged through the contents but they could not find anything, so they allowed the vehicle to proceed. The team of goons got to the docks and quietly offloaded the drugs into the boat and the mission was complete.


As my phone rang, I stared at the lit up screen for a while as I glanced at the unknown number calling. I picked the call and the caller was none other than the man who was in charge of the operation. 

"Hello, Mr. Ghost," he greeted me, and I couldn't help but cringe at the sound of the title. That fucker found a way to make the name Ghost sound less cool.

"No need for the 'Mr.' Just Ghost is fine," I replied, trying to shrug off the awkwardness.

"Okay, Ghost, the payment has been sent to the offshore account you provided," he said, his tone surprisingly professional for someone in his line of work. But then again, that's the Maroni family for you. They're always serious when it comes to business.

I quickly checked my computer and confirmed that the payment had indeed been transferred. "Received," I confirmed before continuing with the call.

"Good, the boss would like to speak with you. In person." He said in a non-joking tone. 

"That wouldn't be possible?" I gave an immediate response. 

I could almost feel the man's expression twist into a scowl on the other end of the call, and he let out an exasperated sigh. "And why the hell not?"

I held a short pause,"Why do you think they call me Ghost?" I asked, a hint of amusement creeping into my tone.

The man's eyes narrowed, and he reached for his cigar, taking a long drag as he mulled over my words. "I'm guessing it's because no one knows your true identity," he finally replied.

I smirked, impressed by his deduction. "That's correct," I confirmed. "And it's also because I never leave a trace behind after every job. It won't be possible to meet up with the boss, but he can contact me directly. My identity remains a secret." I firmly said as I refused to bulge on ending my anonymity. 

"I think you enjoy pulling the strings from behind the scenes, like a puppeteer." He huffed. 

"Of course I do," I replied with a half-smirk, which some might say looked devious. "That's the fun of it."


He gave a loud laugh before he continued with our conversation. "You are one sick bastard, you know that?"

"A normal person wouldn't dive into the world of the criminal underbelly of Gotham City, but here I am doing business with one of the top mob families over here in Gotham." 

"That's true, I'll give your reply to the boss but you should know he doesn't take no for an answer and might not be happy with you declining his request."

"Sure, we'll cross that road when we get there. Just make sure to put in a good word along with my name when you talk with people in the same line of work as you."

"If you keep this record up, the name Ghost would eventually echo through the walls of the criminal underground." With that he ended the call and I was left to do whatever I wanted with my evening. 

[Mr. Maroni POV] 

A few days ago, a message from my subordinate piqued my interest. Apparently, a self-proclaimed criminal mastermind had approached our organization, seeking a deal with us. At first, I scoffed at the audacity of this stranger, thinking he could just waltz in and join the Maroni family without proper introduction. 

But then, he listed a few jobs he had masterminded himself, and my curiosity was piqued. We conducted thorough research on these operations, and to our amazement, they were executed flawlessly - not a trace of evidence left behind, nor any indication of failure. My subordinate was convinced we should give him a chance, to put his skills to the test and see if he truly was who he claimed to be. 

And so, we decided to take a calculated risk, to see if this criminal genius could prove his worth to us. The stakes were high, but the rewards were even greater. It was time to test the limits of our cunning, and see if this newcomer had what it takes to become trusted by the organization. 

For almost a month, we had put a job on hold. We couldn't afford to get caught by the police, not when we had so much at stake. We prefer to operate from the shadows, orchestrating our moves behind the scenes, where nobody can see us. That way, we remain unpredictable and always one step ahead of our enemies.

But then, this guy Ghost came along. He might just be the answer to all our problems - the key to unlocking a new era of crime in Gotham. We can't afford to let him go, but we also can't get too close to him. Clever individuals like him are best kept at arm's length; you never know when they might try to take over your business and leave you with nothing.

I'll admit, he's unpredictable, but that's what makes him so valuable to us. With Ghost on our team, business will boom like never before. We just have to make sure we play our cards right, and not let our guard down.

I was eager to meet Ghost in person, to see if he lived up to his reputation as a mastermind of crime. But it seems he's content playing his shadowy games, pulling the strings from behind the scenes. 

It's frustrating, but I can't help but admire his talent for staying hidden. In a world where every move you make can be traced, and every action can be recorded, Ghost is a rare breed - a true master of the game. But as much as I respect his skills, I can't let him have too much power over us. We need to maintain our position of authority, and keep him in check.

Ghost is an enigma, a true master of his craft. I had my boys try to trace his calls and emails, but they were untraceable - a testament to his meticulousness and attention to detail. He's thought of every way to cover his tracks, and it's impressive. Even if things were to go south, he'd never be caught.

I've considered conditioning him to meet with me in person, threatening to cut ties if he didn't comply. But I know that's a futile effort. Ghost is too smart to be bullied or intimidated. He's got other people who are willing to do business with him, people who don't have the same reservations as I do. I can't afford to lose his services, not when the stakes are so high.

I can't help but wonder what the future holds for our business with Ghost. It's not a partnership - I'm the boss, and he works for me. But the money he brings in is crucial for my plans. With the funds he provides, I can expand my reach and gain even more control and influence in this city.

I couldn't shake the feeling that Ghost was playing his own game, trying to use me to further his own agenda. He seems like a master of deception, but I won't be anyone's pawn, least of all Ghost's. I am Falcone, and I don't take kindly to anyone who tries to double-cross me or undermine my authority.

Despite my reservations, I know that I need Ghost on my side if I want to achieve my goals. He's too valuable to let go, too talented to ignore. So I'll keep playing the game, keeping him at arm's length while he does what he does best - making money and staying hidden. I won't force the fucker to reveal himself but use him to achieve goals that seemed like mere fantasy a while back. 

In the end, I stay on top and reach higher heights, for now I'll pardon him and overlook his insolence as I keep my eyes on the prize - power, control, and wealth. And if Ghost can help me facilitate the process, then he's worth the risk. 

[Tom's Hendricks POV] 

This job with the Maroni family is just the beginning of my path to greatness. Some might think that I'm only in it for the money, but that couldn't be further from the truth. My end goal is power - and I won't stop until I have it.

I've always been one step ahead of the game, connecting the dots and crossing the T's to get what I want. And what I want is influence, reputation, and control over the city's underworld.

With every new connection I make, I gain more power. And with every deal I close, I edge closer to my ultimate goal - becoming the most powerful person in Gotham.

It won't be easy, of course. There are others out there who would try to bring me down, to take what's rightfully mine. But I won't let them. I'll sweep the rug out from under their feet. They'll grovel at my feet, begging for an ideal partnership with me so they could keep their place at the top. And I'll have them right where I want them - within the palm of my hand, underneath my thumb.

Once I've accomplished this feat, then I can start my own crime family. One which would compromise top tier individuals of this verse, both the cunning and dangerous ones, the outlaws. Yeah, that'll be our name… 'The Outlaws,' it'll be made up by individuals who know their way around and are willing to join me in ruling the criminal world of this verse. They might try to overthrow me but I'm always one step ahead, they'll be carefully selected people and a person in their right minds won't want to keep them too close. 

Recruiting these individuals might seem impossible but everyone has a price, I just have to find out what it is for each of them. But in the meantime, I'll keep going on about my business as I keep an eye out for the best picks. 


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