Valterion: The Space/Arch? Mage

Chapter 69: The Duchess

Chapter 69: The Duchess

Location: Magicon Empire; Axtendus Duchy; Axtul System; VS Sulfira

Mom says a quick goodbye and vanishes to deal with Lieutenant Larsson. She’s back less than ten minutes later and I can finally ask one of the questions that have been burning on my tongue.

“Soooo,” I draw out the word while looking at Mom. “You haven’t specifically told me, but you’re an Archmage, right?”

“I am, but you should also be able to feel that…”

I shrug. “Yeah, maybe but half a year ago, I didn’t even know that the rank existed.”

“What the fuck?” I raise an eyebrow at her swearing. I've tolerated it long enough now.

“Sorry,” she mumbles, then continues under her breath. “Reprimanded by my own daughter for swearing…”

Anyway, I nod at her. “Yeah, it’s a long story… I grew up in what you would call a Mage-hating nation. With a Mage collar and all that stuff.”

The words hang in the air, and then Mom rushes over and grabs me in a big hug. “I’m so sorry, Sara. That must have been awful. Is that also why your magic feels so strange…?”

I step back, completely in shock. My magic feels strange? “What… What do you mean? My magic is the only thing that carried me through all this.”

Mom lifts her hands. “No, no… Strange is the wrong word. It just feels off. Somehow weak, sorry but I don’t know how I can describe it. What’s your power level?”

I frown. What’s this about? My magic always was a bit different with Space Sense and all that stuff, but being called weak by my own Mom… That almost feels like a rejection. “I… Uh, I recently reached Junior rank in Space magic…”

I’m about to continue with my Utility core and maybe even Space Sense, when Mom stops dead in her tracks like a statue. Her mouth drops open and a heavy silence hangs on the bridge.

“That’s impossible,” she whispers. What? Is my power too low? I’m I not worthy or something? Or did she get it wrong and I’m not her daughter after all? But the familiar feeling…

She must have noticed my unease, as suddenly two arms grab my shoulders and she looks me right in the eyes. “This changes nothing, Sara. We’re getting to the bottom of this. You were already Senior rank when you were kidnapped.”

Senior rank? At age two?! What the hell? Why was I only a Novice for the most part? Wait! Does that explain my Space Sense? “Uh, Mom?”


“There’s more… I’m also a Junior rank Utility Mage.” Her eyes widen slightly. That must have been unexpected after my story with the Mage-hating nation. “And I’ve got Space Sense.”

Another silence. Mom struggles with the information. She takes a breath. “We have to take a look at your core once we’re home… I don’t know, but the only explanation I can think of is that someone messed with it…”

Hope blooms in my chest. If my power was somehow limited, this would explain so much! And if someone can find the reason, it should be Mom, right? She’s an Archmage after all. I can’t wait. But first, we’ve got two more things to do.

“Thanks, Mom, I’d like that. My magic always was a bit of a mystery… But we need to get my friends and my ship first. Both are very important for what I have to tell you and Dad.”

“Alright, dear. Let’s receive them in the shuttle bay. They should be there in a few minutes. The Director was just in the process of releasing them. Wanna walk this time?”

“Sure, I’d like to see a bit of your ship anyway.”

We exit the bridge and mom leads me straight to an elevator. It arrives and takes us down quite a few decks. Another sign that the Sulfira is bigger than the Stargazer. I read the labels at the doors, it’s like a luxury villa… There’s everything aboard the ship. Even an indoor swimming pool. Finally, we arrive at the shuttle bay. It’s quite small actually. Maybe big enough to fit my yacht, but for a ship this size, I’ve expected something bigger. When I ask Mom, there is a snort from Miranda from the speakers. “Why do you think it’s called shuttle bay? Obviously, there’s a hangar bay as well.”

Why does every sentence from Miranda sound like she thinks I’m dumb? Man, I have to get back at her somehow…

Anyway, we stand there and wait. Finally able to do magic again, I conjure my telekinetic bench thingy and sit down. Mom nods her approval and points at the spot next to me. “May I? Does it hold?”

“Yeah, it should. We've been sitting on it in pairs before.” She smiles and sits down. The bench floats a bit lower, but I grit my teeth and it moves back up. I’ve got this!

Ten minutes and a bit of chit-chat later, I can see the shuttle. It’s an ugly one. Dull grey just like my current clothes. I really need to change them! Let’s hope the others managed to get my belongings.

The shuttle sets down after entering the bay and a bit later, the hatch opens. A guard exits first. Upon seeing Mom, he bows, and I have to suppress a snicker. He awkwardly stands next to the ramp and his lips move but I don’t understand anything. He must be radioing in. Another minute passes, then it’s Thomas who steps out first. He looks at the guard and it looks like he doesn’t see me.

I jump up and rush over. The telekinetic spell is completely forgotten. Mom almost falls before she catches herself with her own Telekinesis. The guard's eyes widen in horror at the sight but I don’t care. I jump onto Thomas and give him a massive hug. He was unprepared and almost toppled over.

“Tommy,” I cry.

“Holy smokes, Sari. Don’t scare me like that!”

I blush. “Sorry, sorry… I’m just so excited. You won’t believe what happened today. Where are the others?”

He turns around and looks back at the shuttle. “They should be here in a minute. Shay and Alex are still sorting our stuff. The guards threw everything into a single box,” he shrugs. “I just didn’t want to wait. I mean they didn’t tell us but since you were missing and we were being released from prison I figured it had to be you, so I came out here to look for you. So care to explain why the guard here was bowing?”

The guard in question makes a choking sound but stills again shortly after. I turn around and find Mom glaring at him. I chuckle. “Sure thing, come on let me introduce you to someone.”

We walk over toward Mom, who watches us with a warm expression. “Sooo,” I draw out the word again. “Thomas this is Jasmine Valterion. The Duchess of the same named Duchy.” I grin at Thomas’s disbelieving stare. Things are about to get even more fun. “Mom, this is Thomas, my best friend.”

Now he loses it completely “What the…” he mutters before remembering in whose presence he is and stops. “For real?” I can’t keep it down anymore and start laughing.

Mom takes the initiative and holds out her hand. “Yes, for real. Nice to meet you, Thomas.” He grabs her hand and gives it a weak shake. He’s still quite shocked, I think. But who wouldn’t be? I can’t wait to see the others’ reactions.

I don’t have to wait for long, as they exit the shuttle a minute later. The guard takes that moment to do another quick bow in Mom's direction under the questioning gazes of the others and hurries back into the shuttle. The shuttle in question then is very quick to lift off and leave.

I took that moment to school my expression and then I start waving. “Hey guys, nice that you’re finally here.”

Maja is the first one to rush over and hugs me. “Sara! Finally, the isolation was hell.” The hug quickly turns into a group hug and after a short hesitation and a shove from Mom, Thomas joins in too. I think he’s still a bit in shock.

Jack clears his throat. “So care to explain how we were released so suddenly and why you are already there? Also, where are your bruises? You were black and blue the last time I saw you.” He chuckles until Lucy smacks the back of his head.

I wiggle myself out of the hug and wink at Jack. “Magic.”

He frowns. “For real? That’s all you’re going to tell us?”

“Nah,” I blow a raspberry at him, “that’s all I’m going to tell you!”

He groans.

“Anyway, now that everyone’s here, I’m going to introduce you to someone.” I turn around and wave at Mom. “Mom, can you come over please?”

She nods and starts walking toward us while most of the others exclaim their disbelief.

“Did I hear right? Mom?” Simon asks.

Shay is more expressive. “You’re shitting me, right?”

There’s more, but most gets lost in the noise. The discussion gets so loud that I have to call for silence. When they all calm down a bit, I flash them a smile and try again. “Guys, as I was saying, this is my mom,” I put an arm around her shoulder while saying this. “Yes, I’m not lying, and had almost the same reaction as you when I learned it, but it’s true. So everyone, say hi to Jasmine Valterion. We can sit down later and do a few more introductions. Now we first have to get our ship back, I’d say.”

I pause for a moment, preparing myself for another fit of laughter at their reactions to the next bomb I’m about to drop on them. “Oh and did I mention that she is the Duchess?” I ask, barely able to contain my amusement. Next to me, I feel Mom chuckling quietly as well.

“You really like them…” she whispers and I nod.

The others meanwhile, except Thomas, who is already through the shock phase, stiffen and stare at me and Mom with wide eyes.

When they recover, they break out into another heated discussion which I have to end after a few minutes. “Guys, calm down. Nothing’s going to change right now. Let’s get the Stargazer, then we all can sit down and talk while we’re traveling, oh, where to actually?”

“Well, for now, I’d say home. Your father can’t wait to meet you, and there’s still the issue with your magic. But it’s your choice in the end. If you want to stay here, we stay.”

“Yeah, sounds good. I can’t wait to meet Dad! And can you do the healing stuff with the others as well?”

“Sure thing. Is everyone okay with that?” She asks and everyone nods while Ronja freezes again. Right, discovering healing magic was her dream! Magic gathers, then green lines of energy emerge from Mom's hands and connect with each of my friends. All their bruises heal within seconds, but in the end, Mom stands there frowning.

I shoot her a questioning glance. “What happened to you all?” She points at Greg. “His arm is magically dead,” next she points at Shay. “She’s not accumulating magic despite her core and lastly,” she points at Maja, “she is filled to the brim with magic, just like a battery.”

Uhh, that’s pretty accurate. And she noticed all that with a single Healing spell? Holy smokes. “Well, Greg lost his arm before he joined us, and his doctors told him he’s one-armed now because the arm can’t be fixed as he is a Mage. We regrew his arm when he joined us in the hope that someone here in The Empire can fix it completely in the end.”

Mom nods. “It’s possible, yes, but I can’t do it. It needs a specialist, but that shouldn’t be a problem. I can’t wait to hear your story though, right now I just want to blow up the whole nation you grew up in… Fucking Mage haters… They only make problems.”

Could she do that? That is a scary thought. At least Greg is smiling broadly upon hearing that his arm can be fixed completely. Aaanyway. “Thanks, Mom, I’ll tell you soon. Now with Shay, that is our fault, but we didn’t know better… I had a leftover Utility core and we didn’t know that you need an awakening core if a person isn’t a Mage before… So far we had to jumpstart her and then she could use the power grid to practice spells.”

Mom stares at me wide-eyed when I finish. “Holy sh… smokes you are crazy. I’ve never heard about jumpstarting magic before, but if it works… Genius. But it doesn’t sound sustainable, right?”

Shay shakes her head. “No, not at all. I’m pretty much useless magically speaking.”

“Oh, I can imagine, but that’s also fixable, don’t worry.”

“Thanks,” Shay says smiling and Lydia grins as well. Looks like she just saw her chance at getting a core herself.

“Okay and for the last of your concerns, I can safely say that you don’t have to worry at all. It’s all as it should be. Maja is completely fine. Actually, Miranda, maybe you can find out the reason.” I look at Maja and grin. “Maja, Miranda is Mom’s AI”

“Why would I be able to find the reason? … Oh, ooohhh!”

Yeah, she gets it now. I grin at my confused Mom. “Maja is my AI.”

“You’re full of surprises,” she chuckles. “But a body? Where did you even get it? This is Magitech of the highest grade, I wouldn’t even have recognized it if you hadn’t mentioned it… You are aware of the issues though?”

I sigh. “Yeah, I know, that’s why I still have S-57. Maja’s origin is also part of my story, so you have to wait. No spoilers!” Mom groans and I turn back to my friends. “Actually, did you bring S-57 with you?” I ask them and Alex holds up the AI chip.

“I’ve got you covered.”

“Thanks, Alex!” I grab the chip and put it back behind my ear. “Hey S-57, welcome back.”

“Hello Sara, I’m fully operational again.”

Good old S-57, still not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he’s reliable. Now it’s just the Stargazer!

“Everyone ready to get our ship back?”

There are cheers all around. Looks like they came to terms with the new situation pretty fast. Well, I’ve got a lot of unbelievable stuff happening around me… What’s a Duchess thrown into the mix here?

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