Valkyria Squadron

Ch90: Yokai Detectives Agency INC.

Yokai Detectives Agency INC.

Today we had nothing to do for the first time in a long time. Well actually we did have things to do, they just weren't a big deal, they were all things that could wait until I recovered.  In a way, I even see my broken arm as a blessing, because just like the spring break should be, I just spend my time sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV and eating.  These days I've only been wearing a top and shorts because since I don't need to go outside and get dressed it is quite difficult without an arm, I decided better not to complicate myself and dress a little better. Today they were giving the initial event Super Taikyu Series, a touring car endurance racing, six hours of pure car competition. Definitely, a good day to be alive.

The rest of the family was also enjoying a quiet day, Tamamo is teaching our daughters how to perform a traditional tea ceremony, although he says that for now only basic of the basics because there is much more background and meaning to do it with the television at full volume in the background. For some strange reason, Lisa joined them and this sitting together in a traditional Japanese way followed exactly what Tamamo is teaching. She even almost looks like a normal person, if it weren't because she continues to wear her peculiar rope clothes, the horns, the wings, the blue skin, the completely black eyes with red pupils, the claws in her hands, her sinister evil smile, that she is doing everything wrong, that she destroyed her cup, the things she says in a low voice, she spilled red tea and that she is writing my name with the tea leaves, but outside of those few things you can see the silhouette of perhaps a fairly normal person, maybe.  Momo is at the table using the computer, she's looking for tutorials on the internet on how to cosplay, but it's hard to find average human cosplays it seems. She is working on her human costume 2.0. My mother by her side is right now getting ready to go out to a meeting that she has on some minor issue, Xian will come to pick her up shortly. I told Lisa to accompany her but Adelis herself refused, she said that although she was glad that Lisa saved her and she knows what she is capable of, this time there would be no problems of any kind, she assured. She argue that even Lisa would like to spend more time with me, and although I was not objecting to that, I found it strange in the way that Adelis seemed to reject being with her in a "political" but firm way. But I don't think I can blame her, Lisa is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get any day.

"Today is surprisingly a really quiet day, I like it " I speak without anyone in mind.


"I hate myself"

The unexpected visit protocol was activated and everyone started running to hide everything again. Lisa and Momo began to fight to climb the stairs quickly, the twins hid in the closet on the stairs and Tamamo stayed to pick up the tea set that was left behind. Adelis finished getting ready with the final touches on her hair opened the door, it must have been Xian with the car to take her to the meeting, although it seemed strange to us that she reached the door. What a surprise we were when we saw Haru on the other side of the door.

"How are you!"
"What are you doing here today!"

"Hello Mrs. Adelis"
"It has been a while since the opening of the cafeteria that we see each other"
"Today I am here because my grandfather has a very important meeting and he does not want to leave me alone since what happened"
"He told me to spend the day here at your house because he said it was a safe place that he trusts"

"Was he the one who sent you here?"
"He's okay, if he says so he's okay"
"Unfortunately I also have an important meeting so I have to go right now"
"But go ahead, the others are here"
"Go and spend time with them, it will surely be more fun for you than being with me all afternoon"
"Bye!" Said my mother leaving the house and closing the door

"Who are the others?"

Haru looked at the living room where I was lying on the couch eating popcorn with my good hand. I'd been caught off guard,  damn my weakness for car races. 

"What are you doing here?"

"I was also visiting the house"

"You seem to be quite comfortable there"
"More than visiting it seems that you live here"
"Wait a minute you would never wear clothes this light unless ..."
"You are living with Adelis!"

"Of course not!"

"No one in their right mind would behave like this in someone else's home."
"Just look at you, you're eating popcorn, lying on the couch, wearing those clothes and you're barefoot."
"All that screams that you live here."
"By the way, can I know how you broke your arm?" Haru said hungry for information.

"Ok okay, you win, little detective"
"Yes, I am living here, it may be hard to believe thanks to my appearance but believe it or not Adelis is my mother, are you happy now?"
"As for my arm, I broke it while doing a trick on a bicycle that went very wrong."

"Well, that would explain what Adelis said before"
"But with respect to your arm, you don't look like someone who uses a bicycle, besides that there are none in the garden of the house neither"

Damn busybody, you need to investigate so much the lives of others?

"Okay, the truth is that I broke my arm during the attack on New York while rescuing the President of the United States of America from a murderous robot girl using a 50 caliber weapon that was bigger than me, happy now?"

"You know if you don't want to tell the truth that you fell down the stairs, just don't answer"
"It's also not a big deal to be embarrassed"

"Yeah that's what I thought"

"You sure tripped over your own tail and slipped"
"I'm surprised that the truth hasn't happened to you before"

"Wait a minute!"
"Did you know that I had a tail before!?"

"Wait, were you trying to hide it, to begin with?"
"I thought you were wearing the jacket because you were cold where the tail came out"

"It can't be, my plan failed?"
"How many more know about it !?"

"Everyone at school"
"It was the topic of conversation for the entire month"
"Only, no one wanted to tell you anything directly because of the problems you surely suffered at your previous school"

Tamamo suddenly came out of the kitchen with a plate of cookies and juice for Haru, showing courtesy for a guest. 

"I'm sorry for the delay but I tried to do something more elaborate but it didn't work out"
"Have this in place, I hope you like them" Tama said.

"Now that I remember the first day you went to school, you mention something about living together"
"Is that true?"
"I imagine it is because you are here, but then does it mean that it is also true that you two are lesbians?"
"Tell me how is life as a couple?"

I was still looking for a way to answer this nosy girl but before I could say the first word the next problem came on its own. Maria came downstairs with her headphones with a volume so high that you could hear the music from the living room, her gaze was focused on her cell phone so she did not notice the visit either. 

"Cesar, no te gustaria ir al supermercado y comprar mas de ese pudding delicioso de la ves pasada"
"Te lo lo pagare en cuanto vuelvas"

(Cesar, would you like to go to the supermarket and buy more of that delicious pudding from last time?)
(I'll pay for it as soon as you come back) said the hindrance of my sister without yet realizing who was next to us. 

Maria took a look around the room after speaking

"Hi Haru how are you"
"Vas a ir si o no? podrian acabarse pronto y quiero uno de esos
"Cesar por favor"

(You're going yes or no, they could be over soon and I want one of those)
(Please Cesar)



"Haru you are here !"
"Sorry about earlier, I meant if you wanted to go to the supermarket to get dessert for you, my dear little sister"

"Wait, Maria, do you live here too?"
"Are you her family too?"
"What was the first thing she said before?"
"I'm sure she called you by a strange name"

"Yes, I know it's hard to believe it too, but she is Maria, my sister"
"She is the black sheep of the family, unfortunately, she did not inherit my beautiful white or the animal ears, but we are family but do not say it out loud or she could begin to believe it"
"What she said earlier was in Spanish, our native language"

"What does that mean that I could start to believe it?"

"Well it might be true, but I think she used a different name than yours when she spoke"

"Haru have you ever been told to stop bothering others in Spanish?"

"No never"

"Would you like it?"

"No, not for now, thanks"

"Then stop bothering that we  have our circumstances, okay?"

"You know, I'd better come back later when the pudding is, ready" My sister said going back up the stairs.

"I think it is obvious why, but Maria does not want people to realize that we are family at school to avoid rumors"
"That is why she was transferred to school first"
"You can keep the secret right?"

"Of course, if I would not do anything to upset others, who do you think I am?"

"An unwelcome nuisance"

"ha..ha.., how funny, how long have you kept that joke? A decade?" Said Haru sarcastically.
"Did you just wiggle your ears?"

"What, no of course not"
"How do you think that is possible?"

"You just moved them out of surprise as soon as I asked!"
"That looked very natural, how did you do that?"
"I always wanted to ask Tamamo but yours are the same"

"Wait what are you doing!"
"Get those hands off me!"
"This girl is assaulting me!"
"She is taking advantage of a disabled girl!"
"Tama take it away from me!"

"This is impossible to replicate, they have body heat and are very flexible!"
"Wait are they for real!?"
"No, that cannot be true."
"Wait but what if the foxtail was also just as realistic then maybe!"

"No, not the tail, that no please have mercy"
"Don't pull so hard! That hurts!!"
"Stop Please!"

"Impossible, Is really attached to you and you can move it at will!"
"What the hell are you Elise?"
"Wait, Tamamo, is she also the same as you?"

"Damn abuser, that should not be done to anyone"
"Not even Lisa has treated me so bad"
"It hurts to sit down, I really thought you were going to rip my tail off"

"That wouldn't have happened to you if the tail was fake"
"What the hell are you two?"

"We already told you, we're just trying to lead a normal life at school (Lie)"
"We have never done anything bad or hurt anyone (Lie)"
"We really are human, (Lie) Adelis is my real mother (Depends on how you see it)"
"I swear to you that everything I say is true (Super Lie)"

"Yes Yes, of course, it is going to be like that then I would be a spoiled princess"

"Like, weren't you already?"

"Of course not!"
"I have to strive for everything in my life"
"Well my grandfather sometimes buys me what I want"
"And sometimes he gets me delicious sweet"
"And yesterday we went to Disney park"
"And if it is true that I wear a princess dress in the castle"
"And that was the happiest moment of my life"
"But I assure you that I am not!"

"I think you just said you're a princess with extra steps"

"You're looking for a stupid fight, pale kitsune"

"Try me"
"I am not afraid to use the cast as a weapon"

"It's okay, you win this one, but only because I don't want to see you arrive at school with two."

"Yes of course partner"
"Whatever you say, I swear to you I know taekwondo, jiu-jitsu, karate, capoeira, Muay Thai, Line and many other words that I heard yesterday on TV "

"Do not believe the great thing that for that"
"I know how to do a Rasengan and Kamehameha"
"That's better than boring normal fights"

"Huh huh"
"So the princess just admitted that she likes anime"
"Surely you have several manga books stored in your room, right?"

"...." Haru's face changed completely and turned red.
"How did you realize that!"
"Please don't say it out loud! I don't want school or my grandfather to know about it!"

"Ok I won't say anything if you don't say anything"
"It's a deal?"

"Ok deal"

"Very good now you have to negotiate with Tama because she also heard you"

"She too!"

"Hahahaha" Tama started laughing uncontrollably.
"I'm sorry I didn't want to bother, it's just that I found it funny how you guys are taking all this as a joke"
"The truth is that I was very worried when Haru discovered us, but I see that maybe my fears were unfounded"
"How I wish that people had also taken it that way with me when they discovered me the first time" The face of the goddess began to change to a slightly sadder 
"These laughs would have been better than the pain that time"
"Sorry, it's just that this brought back memories of the stupid things I did back in the day"   She said at the end almost crying.

"I see, so something like that is what happened"
"Sorry I'm very sorry for my behavior"
"I know for sure it has been hard for you two to deal with this issue, because that is why you left your home, right?"
"Rest easy, I promise you that I will not tell anyone"
"In fact, I'll even help cover you in case something happens"
"After all it seems that in the end, we are not so different, everyone has their own problems" Haru said putting her arm on Tamamo.

"I can't take it anymore, that brat doesn't seem to leave yet, I need to eat!" An annoying voice was heard from the stairs.

Down from them was Lisa, who was walking pretending to be calm to the kitchen, she served herself a plate of meat and began to put ketchup on it in a rather peculiar way as if someone had been quartered. When she finished, she passed by the room, pretended not to have noticed us, and went up the stairs without saying anything else.

"And who was she?"
"You are going to tell me that she is also "family" of yours"

"Who she?"
"She's just Lisa, she's in our cosplay group"
"Pretty cool the costume of her right"

"It can't be,  you are real kitsunes."
"Is she a demon?"
"Is it safe to be with her? She looks just like the villain from a manga."
"Is she kind?"

"No, Lisa, she is an ordinary human"
"As normal as anyone"

"Okay, so tell me how she had black eyes with red pupils"
"How can you do that?"

"Come on, it's not that difficult, you just have to ..."
"If not, you can always resort to ..."
"Good question how can you do something like that?"

"Are you even trying to make up an excuse?"

"Are you not behaving a little calm when you see all this?"

"Well it's true that she looks like a bad person"
"But she is still living with Adelis and she is a trustworthy person of my grandfather, so for sure she is a good person too"

"Let's go better just say it directly, you want to know more about whether it is real or not, you are curious to know what she is"
"And you are accepting all this because surely you have read this type of stories your manga"
"You like stories where a fantasy creature lives with normal people"

"Do you want to put aside my taste in books?"
"That is not the problem here!"

"So you don't deny it"

"It's surely not the only weird thing in this house"
"I'm going to check what other strange things are here and unravel the mystery of this house!"

"Ho no that's bad, please stop!"
"If you bother Lisa, she will pin you to the wall!"

"The first thing I have to know is what is this weird thing over there"
"I thought it was a weird piece of furniture but it has a shape for a person to stand here, but what are these cables for?" Said the annoyance when seeing the terminal of the twins.

"That is an internet gateway for computers"
"You maybe want to get out of there before you hurt yourself or break it"
"It is quite expensive!"

"This is super uncomfortable"
"A normal person wouldn't use this to rest"
"What is its function?"
"Is it of alien origin?"

"Great, now aliens"
"You can stay still for a while"
"You look like my sister when she sees magic!"

"Aha, so you say that there are magical things in this house!"
"What else is here !?"
"I'm going to check the second floor!"

"Please stop"
"You are not seeing how much you are bothering!"
"Remember that you are the visitor in this house!"
"Didn't they teach you manners!"

"What the hell is this here!"

But what the hell happened to this girl, she thought maybe there was a mystery here and changed her way of behaving completely. I prefer the Haru that she teased for abiding by the rules from before. I went up immediately to avoid an "accidental death" by the demon. First, she went to Maria's room but when she opened it and saw my sister using the computer she left her alone, it seems that Haru is not interested in human things now. Then she went to the twins' room, but thanks to the fact that they were still hiding downstairs there was only a normal room. The next was my mother's, a simple room, with a desk and a double bed. 

"What the hell is wrong with this place, it's too normal"

"I don't really know what you expected to see, this is just an average house in an average neighborhood."
"Sorry to disappoint you for not having dragon skulls adorned the walls, the species is long extinct"

But even so, that girl did not want to stop checking everything, the next door that would open was my room. Also completely average, except for the glass statue of an angel posing with her wings.

"What the hell is this here?"
"Why do you have this sculpture in your room?"

"What do you think?"
"It is an idea that we are working on for the cafeteria, we thought about having a theme of fantasy creatures"
"This is one of the ornaments, a crystal angel"
"It's good enough right? I was the one who came up with the idea"

"Well the idea of a themed cafe about fantasy is pretty good"
"It will help to disguise  you three "
"What strikes me as a pretty dumb idea of the crystal angel"
"But I have to admit that it is quite well done, it almost seems that it is alive, as if I could feel its breath"
"Okay but be careful with that, you have no idea how expensive it was to make it" 
On Momo's face, you could see how she was trying with all her might to avoid moving. I think she was even trying to hold her breath. But Haru couldn't stop looking at her, fascinated by the quality of her details. Suddenly I could see how Momo's gaze drifted upward in a panic, there was a rather large spider that landed on the poor angel's head. You could see how Momo was completely in a panic, but when Haru looked up again, Momo kept pretending again. 
"Haru, wouldn't you like to come to turn around and walk over here without asking questions?"
"Believe me you would thank me"
"Why would I do something like .... SPIDER !!!!!"
"AAAAAA !!!"
"Don't don't use that for that!"
Haru grabbed a large book that was nearby and used it to kill the spider with it. The blow was so strong that I couldn't believe that Momo was still standing, but miraculously she continued to pretend. As for the spider, well let's just say that it made a mess in Momo's head, one not pleasant to look at. It was only a matter of time until the poor victim of circumstance began to scream. A great blow was heard from the side of us. Lisa came out of the closet, she had come out of there to clean the plate in the kitchen. When she saw the visitor, she just made a grimace of disgust and left the room. Haru shifted her focus and went after her to try to confirm her suspicions about Lisa. 
"Take it away from me! Take it away from me!"
"Get that out away of my head now!"
"I'm on it, calm down!" I said to her while cleaning her head with one of my shirts
"I can't take it anymore, take it away from me now!"
"Wait, I heard voices coming from the room before! Who was Elise talking to?"
"Ho shit!" I said scared.
Momo was so scared that she freezes again in the position she had before, but I slipped and we both fell to the ground, one on top of the other.
"Why are you kissing the glass statue down there?"
"Do you like it so much?"
"At least expect me to leave if you want to do something so embarrassing"
"What would your girlfriend think to see you like this"
"Who? the two of them?" Lisa appeared speaking for further torment.
"Don't worry about it, Tamamo knows"
"They do it should on time when no one is looking at them"
"Can I do it later too?"
"It's unfair that only the two of them have been kissed so far!"
"Wait what did you just say?"
"Are you dating Elise too !?"
"Tamamo knows!?"
"What the hell is going on in this madhouse!"

"Why is there so much noise here, you already brought my pudding, Elise?"
"Ho, ok so that's what's going on"
"Good luck trying to explain that to Haru"

Somehow I managed to make Haru continue to believe that Momo was just a sculpture, but about Lisa, I couldn't do much. I told her that she was a yokai that we met on a forest trip,h as be with us for years, and that she is a good person. Lisa was pretty quiet and didn't complicate things anymore, mainly because I ordered her not to speak. I told her that Lisa and Tamamo loved each other so much to separate to form a single couple, so we decided to form a harem. Haru was quite surprised to hear all of this, but her questions were still about trying to find out some other secret. With her thirst to reveal mysteries, we managed to make her believe that Adelis was the one who discovered me and adopted me, so that would explain that Maria and I would be sisters, then Tamamo and Lisa appeared.  But the part with which we managed to win his full support was when Tamamo told him that we had formed a secret group to capture the villains and defeat evil yokai that tormented humans. Basically the typical story of a group of friends who get into supernatural problems that appear in anime. This idea grumbled very deeply with Haru, as later she begged us even on his knees to try to enter our fictitious group, she herself invented the one that In that way was how I broke my arm. I told her that we didn't have a name yet but she said that she would take care of getting the name and making an emblem. It seems that the idea of belonging to a group of clandestine detectives was precisely the hidden dream of the young girl. Later the inspector arrived by car to pick up his granddaughter, with him my mother came, but he dont entered the house. When I explained the whole horrible day to my mother, She couldn't stop laughing at how bad we had it, but she said it was fine, as long as Haru had fun and was safe, everything would be fine. What I wonder is what Haru will do to try to explain or convince her grandfather to come to visit us more often in order to fulfill her dream of being a model detective like him. 

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