Valkyria Squadron

Ch74: Under Attack

Under Attack

Times Square, Manhattan, New York.
March 5st
8:45 AM

Today started pretty early for everyone. Because the UN council meeting where the president would appear would take place at 9 in the morning there were many things to prepare so from six in the morning we were awake. My mother had already gone there with Xian, they would take care of her safety and transportation. But just in case I also made Lisa go with her in her shadow, obviously, she is not allowed to leave unless it is to defend my mother from an imminent attack, this time I even made sure to give it to her as an order because with so many people important we cannot take risks.  Tamamo and Maria, for their part, wanted to check out one of the largest stores in New York that were a little further south, so I let the two of them go, in any case, they have telephones and Charlotte is monitoring what is happening. For my part, I was with Momo and the twins still at the hotel. Well, since I couldn't be close to the UN then I would stay here to be able to respond to what might happen, as it was quite close anyway. 

And the truth was everything was fine until it wasn't.

We were watching on television the news about the visit to the event to see what the result of our mission would be, there were about 15 minutes before the President came to the stage to give his speech, but suddenly the signal on the television left. It seemed strange to me that something like that happened in a place like this and less in a hotel so I got up to ask one of my daughters about what just happened. Sirens began to sound all over the city, anticipating that something was coming. 

"Emergency services are reporting a lot of unusual activity on the Lower East Side and the Financial District!" Charlotte yelled giving a while she jumped from the chair.
"Something big is happening!"
"Right now the Pentagon is communicating with the National Guard, the Fort Garrison and Fort Bragg went on red alert, they are preparing to mobilize."
"The city's air defense system is online!"

"Oh, God!" Immediately my stomach turned over and I felt a great need to go to the bathroom.
"What the heck is going on !?"

But Charlotte did not need to answer me, because as soon as I finished speaking I listened as the C-Ram hidden between the buildings began to shoot towards the south, not long after a couple of explosions were heard in the air. Kazumi who was looking at the window ran, took out her cable, and also connected to the computer to help. 

"D.I.A reports the presence of unidentified flying objects in the area"
"They appear to be short-range missiles"
"According to initial reports they are proceeding from about 7 kilometers to the south" Kazumi reported

Again the C-Ram fired and a couple of explosions were heard again. This escalated very fast.

"Okay, call Tamamo immediately, tell her to protect my sister and return immediately"
"Also let my mother know, call her but if she does not answer do not insist, leave her a message"
"She could be very busy and she also is in the safest place in the city"

The people in the street began to look confused at what was happening. In the sky, I could see now how the missiles were approaching the city and how the air defenses were doing their best to destroy them before they reached the buildings. It seemed to some managed to impact somewhere.

"This doesn't look like your typical bunch of soldiers on the loose, this is big"
"I want to know what is happening now!"

"An armed group is heading towards the UN building on second and third avenues!"
"They have heavy attack vehicles, it seems that they are tanks according to the police" Said Kazumi
"Currently they entered into combat with the building's defense corps"

"What the hell!"
"Tanks !?"
"How did they get to a city like New York without anyone noticing!"

"I can't contact Mom or grandmother"
"Public telephone lines have been shut down"
"Only military level communication is available"
"If I connect to them they will notice our presence"

"Okay don't do it"
"Momo, can you do something about it?"

"Maybe I can do something with the laptop to mask the IP and mac addresses, but I don't know if they will work" She said as she immediately got to work with said computer 

"The second wave of missiles is approaching!"

I looked back to the window and saw the lines of fire from the defense systems rise into the air to repel the imminent attack. But this time the level of the attack was much more numerous, there were many more objects in the air and although they managed to destroy the initial projectiles, some of those flying things began to behave differently, their courses changed radically in mid-flight and they rushed towards the origin of the anti-aircraft shots. Then some explosions followed, it seemed that they had managed to destroy some of the C-RAMs. As the missiles got closer to where we were, I could see their shapes. They weren't missiles, they were androids with flight equipment, I already knew them, they were DOLLS of the empire! They were flying around looking for defense systems to destroy them. 

Suddenly one of those DOLLS looked at me in our direction and rushed towards here. At first, I didn't think she was pointing at me, but as she began to get closer and closer I realized that if we were his target, I took Avalon out to block his attack. She went through the glass and hit me hard, but nothing happened as she hit the sword completely. To our amazement, she did not look very different from my daughters, because if it weren't for her equipment and the color of her eyes they would be difficult to differentiate. 

"I'm in the target room right now"
"I will check the place for the information" she said.

"Who is she?" Asked the Angel.

"She's a combat doll, get the twins out of here"

"Excellent, someone wants to play!"

"Shut up!" I said as I threw myself at her with my sword

She sidestepped, I later kicked her but she managed to grab my leg. Trying to free me I took my pistol and shot her in the head, but the bullets from her hardly hurt her. She looked like she was about to destroy my leg with a blow when something hit her head, it was one of the laptops we had, Kazumi had thrown it at her in an attempt to help. 

"Leave my father alone!" she said with a face between angry but quite scared

The DOLL got distracted and flew to see Kazumi, a moment that I took advantage of to save Avalon and invoke the sword but on the ceiling with its edge down. When the sword finished coming out of the ceiling and the gravity lowered it by the weight of it, it split the android in two. But even that was not enough to stop her, because as if it were a horror movie its two halves kept moving, they crawled across the floor towards me. Without wasting time I kicked the remains through the shattered window so that they fell into the void. 

"That was one of my ...?" my daughter said

"No, that over there was a killing machine" I interrupted her immediately
"Those stupid machines could never be compared to you because you decided on your own to seek a better life"
"After all, you just saved me because you wanted to, didn't you?"

"..." Kazumi and Charlotte fell silent thinking

"Unfortunately we have neither time nor options"
"It seems those things are attacking the city"
"This place is no longer safe, we have to go"
"We have to find a better place where we can collect information to see what we can do"
"We can't communicate with Tamamo or Adelis"
"And you are not combatants, so I have to take you out of here"
"Since Tama was closer to here, we could go south to try to meet her"
"If not, I'm sure she can find us with her powers"
"My mother is in a place that could hold out at least long enough for us to plan something later"
"I would like to get out of manhattan, maybe we can go out over the Brooklyn Bridge and turn around north to go to the UN from behind using the Queensboro Bridge"

Turning again to look towards the window I could see how the third wave of enemies was now doing it flying. Even more DOLLS than before and even several drones flew through the city, and what was worse, none of the antiaircraft battery of the city's defense system was heard again. Had they been rendered useless or destroyed? But as soon as I asked myself that question, I saw an air force plane fly at full speed, I shot down several of the drones but just when I thought that maybe the situation could improve, the C-RAMs opened fire on the jet. There was not much that the pilot could have done, in less than a second he became a ball of fire in the air, and his remains fell into the city, probably further increasing the number of victims. 

"This is very bad"
"We have to get out, move, now!"

I kept looking up looking like crazy in the air for more of those things. Because right now those damn DOLLs and various drones were flying over the city sky in an unpunished way. They were flying overhead looking for any form of resistance they found. Most of their objectives seem to have been places used by the police or the army that were scattered all over the place. 


We used the stairs and got out of the building as fast as we could and started down Broadway to the south. I took my daughters by the hands and Momo followed us from behind but touching my shoulder so as not to lose me, she was wearing her suit that she put on on the run, but I don't think anyone would notice her now with all the commotion that is happening. The whole damn city was in chaos, black pillars were coming out of some parts of the city and there were people running in a panic in all directions. I was maybe one of the lucky few who knew more or less what could be happening and think about what I could do. But I couldn't stand up and try to save everyone, that was impossible and it would only end my life worse. Right now all I could do was once again focus on saving only what was important to me, and I'll let others save the day when I finish my job.

Once again this would be quite a long and exhausting day if I wanted to be the winner of whatever they had prepared for me today.

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