Valkyria Squadron

Ch69: Fight in time

Fight in time

Shiba Park, Minato, Tokyo.
March 1st

Remembering that I was in an emergency situation, I woke up as fast as my body allowed. looked around and I could see how I was on a park bench, quite close I could see the Tokyo tower, so I must have been in Shiba Park. But how did I get here?  Did I fall asleep here and everything that happened in Akasaka was just a bad dream?  But just when maybe I thought that everything had been a creation of my imagination, something caught my peripheral sight, I turned to see and I could notice something that made me want to vomit. 


Near me there were three people, the first was a child crying completely defenseless before what he was seeing. In front of him was something that could only be described as a demon with blue skin, black wings, and horns, who was quite busy playing with what was behind her. The body of an older man, but it was so shattered that it was almost unrecognizable, it was nailed by numerous metal stakes in the ground, next to a huge pool of blood, it was undoubtedly dead. When the demon got tired of playing with the remains of her victim, she stood up and out of nowhere took out another metal stake. But this time he turned to see the boy and started walking towards him. The crying boy could only call out to his father, who seemed to be the thing nailed in front of him. The demon upon hearing this began to laugh as if she enjoyed what she was causing.  Her next victim would undoubtedly be the child, he would end up just like his father and I couldn't allow it, I had to do something. So betting everything on a small guess I had about the demon, I ran and got between her and the boy. I extended my arms to try to defend the boy in case she attacked. I didn't know what I was doing, but it was better than doing nothing. 

"What do you think you're doing?" said the demon asking for my actions
"If you don't get out of the way I won't be able to play with him!"

"What do you think you're doing!"
"He is just a boy!" I said confronting her

"That is exactly why!"
"Men deserve to die!"
"They are all nothing but hideous beasts trying to prey on women, and the few men who are truly different kill them for getting in their way!"
"Also just look at that boy, that look of panic is so innocent that it makes me want to turn it upside down off myself for reminding me of my stupid past"

The demon was mad at me for getting in her way, but there was something funny about all this. Well despite this she had not attacked me in the slightest and was even willing to talk to me, which seemed to be a great exception to her way of acting. I must have been important alive to her in some way, but what exactly was it?

"If you want to hurt him you will have to step on me!" I said taking my luck to the limit

"That's stupid!"
"Why are you so stubborn to protect that brat?"
"He's the son of that sick bastard back there"
"Do you know how many people he could have saved but preferred to kill them himself?"
"Ten innocent  people"
"Ten human lives wasted by that guy's greed"
"How are you sure that his son will not repeat the same mistakes as his father?"
"That you do not dedicate yourself to the same?"
"To kill the people who would cause the most damage in the long run?"

"The child does not have to pay for the crimes that his father committed!"
"He doesn't even know what's going on"
"The best way to make them understand what is wrong is by teaching them."
"Perhaps his father did not comply with his part, but the rest of his family or neighbors, or his own teachers taught him that it is good and bad that his father did" I said the first thing that crossed my mind trying to reason with the demon

"Are you not thinking of getting out of my way!?" Said the demon very angry.

It seems that I had made her angry with my actions, but she could not back down now, because it was up to me that the child could be saved. In the worst case, I will have to buy time for him to escape.

"I won't let you hurt him" I said in a determined way.

What was the demon's next action going to be now?

"This is bullshit"
"It's ok, you win"
"Go ahead the child can go, I will not hurt him"

"Will you really let it go?"
"Won't you try some dirty trick?"

"Unlike the hypocrites men, I do keep my word"
"Even if that leads to my ruin, I am not going to back down with something that I promise!" Said the demon as she turned around and seemed to try to keep playing with the mess behind her again.
"Also I do not plan to go against what my mother-in-law wants"

Another time she called me the same way. It seems that this once again had something to do with Cesar's past, but now I didn't know anything to try to solve this problem on my own. The best thing was to wait for him to figure it out on his own, so I decided to focus on what was most important for now. I quickly made the boy and I told him to run away, find a policeman and tell him everything he had seen. After that I helped him get up and pushed him to move, after that, I put myself between the demon and the child in case something happened. But she, true to her word, only turned to see that the child was gone and she continued to drive more stakes into the man's corpse.

Suddenly I heard a vehicle approaching at full speed and braking suddenly a couple of meters from where the demon and I were.


Once again I was driving like a maniac despite my height, the car I drove was stolen of course, but I had no other option. An hour ago my daughter Charlotte informed me that the office where my mother worked was attacked by an unidentified group, that was enough to put me in a panic, but when she later informed me that I managed to see how Adelis was taken out of the building, not by the facility staff but by the demon that I have been trying to chase all this time a different feeling appeared. If she had a problem with me it was fine, but why also get my family involved in this? This time I had planned to end this at once and move on. 

"Turn right at the next cross and continue another twelve meters"
"Grandma is in the park that you will see after that" Charlotte said helping me to try to get to the place where my mother was as soon as possible

I did what she told me and I could see that in the large park that there was, near a bench I could see my mother standing looking to the side, from which she could see the damn demon and his most recent victim. I wasn't planning on letting my mother be next so she accelerated even more and when I was close enough I slammed on the brakes fully. Tamamo came down with her naginata, I with my submachine gun and immediately we ran towards where they wereWe approach with caution. My mother saw me approach.

"Stay there and wait!"
"Tamamo you stay with my mother and protect her"
"I'm going to take care of the demon"

But just when I finished speaking Tamamo pushed me from behind and I fell to the ground. Right after I heard a crash of metal and when I turned to look I saw how my wife was defending me from the devil. Where did she come from?

"Be careful, it seems that she can move in any place where there is darkness"
"It seems that he took advantage of your shadow to attack you from behind" Tamamo warned me while fighting with her.

"She can also do the same with her weapon"  I answered her 

"Stupid annoyances!"
"Why is everyone always against me!?"
"I will not stop until I have done my duty!"
"I have to finish this!" Shouted the demon jumping back to get space between her and us.

"What do you plan to achieve with this?"
"What do you want?" I asked her

"How can you be so stupid not to realize it!"
"All this is happening because you are here!"
"Thanks to you, everything is repeating itself!"
"The only solution is to kill you so they won't find you again!"  The blue girl said as she plunged into the ground and lost herself in the darkness. 

"I hate when the people I fight have superpowers"

"Darling, do you have any idea how that thing might work?"
"That looks a lot like how you can use your sword"
"Do you have any idea to what extent she can use that?"

"I don't know, but if she needs something dark to be able to use it, wouldn't it be better to go to a more illuminated place?"

"Ok, working on that"

Tamamo took several of her talismans from one of her sleeves and threw them at different places around us, and a short time later, great columns of blue fire illuminated the battle even more. There was almost nothing dark around us, and thanks to the places where the fire was, our shadows were barely visible. Even so, our concentration was at its highest, for we still did not know that the demon could hide.

Suddenly, the demon came out of one of the pillars of fire at full speed, scythe in hand, charging at me. I quickly called Avalon and grabbed her, but she struck sideways and her weapon caught the side of my sword. Tamamo, who was behind me, seized the opportunity and moved sideways, delivering a thrust with her naginata. The demon dropped her weapon and jumped backwards, narrowly avoiding the blow. Seeing that she had lost her balance, I came out on the other side of Avalon and shot her with my weapon. And again it happened, she came back to make that weird move and by the time I noticed she was a few steps behind and had dodged my shots.

"Goshujin-sama? what are you doing?"
"Why didn't you continue attacking?"
"You let her get away!"

"Wait what?"
"I did?"

"You could have attacked with one of your knives when she moved to dodge the shots!"

"Wait what?"
"I am not that fast"
"Didn't you see the speed at which she moved?"
"It's like she can teleport"

"But what are you saying?"
"She ran back while you just stood there doing nothing"
"You could have hurt her while she ran backwards"

"What the hell are you talking about!?" The demon said surprised

She also seemed to doubt what Tamamo was saying, or perhaps rather was surprised that what she was saying was the truth. As ridiculous as this was, it reminded me a bit of something similar that happened in the past, but even vaguely I had to try it.

"It seems that she uses that as a last resort to dodging an attack"
"Since it looks like you can see her when she uses that, attack her when she does"
"Ready?" I asked the goddess 


As soon as she finished speaking, Tamamo fiercely threw her spear directly at the demon, at the same time, I ran straight towards her and also attacked, throwing a knife at her. The demon on her side dodged her to the side, when she finished moving I shot again, with no way out again, the demon had no choice but to use her weird technique again. When she finished blinking this time, she was not far from her original position and the Tamamo Naginata was on the ground near its owner. The dark girl was bleeding on one arm, it looked like a fresh wound because not much blood was coming out yet.

"What happened?"
"What did you do?" I asked Tamamo

"I think I already understood what she does"
"It seems like she can pause time for a couple of seconds"

"Stop the time?"
"Just like Dio?"
"Are you sure?"

"When she uses her power the whole world turns gray and everything stops moving except her."
"It seems that power only partially affects the gods"
"Because although I couldn't move myself,  but I was aware of what was happening"
"I had to control my naginata back to hit her"

"Is she able to stop time !?"
"I can't do anything when she uses that!"

"Maybe if you hold your sword when she activates it, it can protect you, but I don't know to what extent"
"Regarding her power, I think I understand a little how she does it, I think I can do something about it but I need time to create the correct technique"
"I need you to protect me"

"Ok I will do my best"
"I leave you in charge when she uses za warudo"

Heeding my wife's advice, I brought Avalon back to me and had no intention of letting her out of my hand. With the sword in front of me, I charged forward and tried to attack the demon. Due to the simplicity of the attack, she dodged it from the side and attacked me with her scythe. Knowing that she would try that, I jumped and without letting go of my hand, I got right behind the sword and managed to protect myself from the attack. With my free hand I took out my pistol and fired at the other side of my sword, not knowing if she was still there. Suddenly, she jumped on top of me with the intention of attacking me again. I grabbed my sword from the ground and put it on my back to protect myself from another blow. Tamamo saw me and threw a talisman, which didn't hit the demon but exploded a short time later. I seized the moment and approached Tamamo again.

"Despite what it seemed"
"I know only one person who could do something like that"
"And although I would like to believe the opposite, I do not intend to take any risk of committing another stupid thing"
"Tamamo, if you can please stop her, don't kill her"
"I want to talk a little more with her"

"I will do it"
"Everything is ready"

"let's end this fight"

The demon rose from the ground, walked, and picked up her weapon again, as the blue fire surrounding her made it impossible for her to use her ability to move in the shadows. Then she threw a metal stake at us with her free hand. I drew my sword and protected Tamamo who was behind me. I felt like something hit the other side of Avalon several times, it seemed like she threw not just one stake but several. Suddenly, I could see the demon swoop around her side and put my sword between her and Tamamo again. She attacked with her scythe, but this time she used the crook of her weapon so that even though I parried her attack, her weapon would have almost hit me. Then it happened, she started moving strangely again. And since I was still holding on to Avalon this time, the core glowed and I could see what happened next.

The world quickly lost its color and everything was like watching a black and white video, though I tried, I couldn't move a single muscle, I couldn't even breathe, but for some reason I wasn't drowning either. The demon started to move, but with some difficulty, and it came closer to me. The only thing I could do was watch it get closer, because I couldn't even blink. She took one step and then another, raising her weapon and seeming to enjoy the moment as she slowly lowered her scythe to cut off my head. I didn't know what Tamamo was planning, but now everything depended on her, so I had no choice but to trust her. And in response to my trust, she made her move.

Despite the complete silence, Tamamo, who was behind me, said something out loud and then clapped her hands. And it seemed like the world was changing to a new color , now a sepia tone. The demon near me stopped moving when the color changed. I could see her face change from one of anger to one of fear, and when she stopped moving, she was just like me, she couldn't move at all, but I knew that she was aware of what was happening around her, just like me. Then Tamamo appeared in front of me, her eyes were shining golden light and an aura of light surrounded her, her clothes were majestic and she again had all nine tails behind her. She looked the same when I spoke to her after we were attacked in the forest of that planet. Tamamo moved with all the calm of the world, she took the demon's weapon from her hands and put it on the ground. Then she stepped between me and the demon, moved her arm back to gain momentum, and threw a brutal punch to the demon's stomach. It was so incredibly powerful that when she pulled her hand back from the demon, the shape of her fist was still on her victim's stomach. But despite the power of her attack, the demon didn't move the slightest bit, because even if she wanted to, she was in the same situation, she couldn't move because someone more powerful than her had stopped time. After that, the Goddess hugged me and moved me back a little to create some distance, and at the same time, the color returned little by little, first the gray returned, and then the rest of the colors. I could breathe again and everything returned to normal.

There was a powerful sound worthy of something that just broke the sound barrier, and the dark girl flew backwards, hitting her head on the ground. It seemed that the damage from the blow had hurt her enough to make her stop fighting. When my mother saw that we had won, she ran toward us. Tamamo received her while I went towards the demon on the ground.

"So this is it for me"
"No matter when I try, fate will always win over me"
"At the end of the day, I am someone who does not matter in the least"
"No matter how hard I tried, I could never avenge the innocent"

"What are you talking about so much?"
"I don't remember that you were such a cold person"
"The Lisa I knew would have done all of this in a different way, one that didn't involve killing innocents"

Lisa was an angel that I met during the fight against dragons. She appeared when I was trying to return with the survivors of the first expedition back to the capital of Atlantis and report Avalon to Rose. She helped me a bit by fighting and warning me about the overlord's fullness and how he was trying to get the codex. As far as I knew she was a watchmaker, and her main duty was to fix the damage caused by the dragons. And although in the end, she was the victim of her own innocence, I considered her a friend of mine.

"In the end, you knew who I was"
"If you know then you should know that this is your fault, I did not kill any innocent"
"If you had not returned he would not have died in vain"

"May I ask who is he?" I asked the demon.

"Who else is it going to be?"
"Cesar for of course, if you hadn't come back he would have lived a quiet life and I would have been able to talk to him one last time"

"So you planned to kill everyone you could before the angels stopped you"
"What were you planning to gain from that?"

"Avenge him and prove those stupid angels know nothing at the moment of truth"

"Is she someone you did know in the end?" Asked my mother approaching

"It's hard to tell"
"When I met her she was not very different from Momo, just that Lisa was visible"
"But I have no idea how she ended up this way"
"She does not seem like an angel in the least, quite the opposite"

"So to summarize it up, she passed something on to him and wants revenge for Cesar dying"
"To fulfill this revenge Lisa wanted to attack "Elise" the girl in white that Cesar tried to rescue during the war"
"Already now she was killing people to prevent history from repeating itself?" Tamamo asked a little confused.
"I think that all this is a great misunderstanding of what is happening here"
"Do you want to clarify this to her please"

"I hope it works"
"Lisa, do you remember how Cesar looked like in Atlantis?"

"Of course I did, he looked like someone brave ..."
"Just like..."
"And he always wore those clothes so ..."
"..." The demon's face flushed in surprise at whatever she was thinking.
"No wait, something is wrong"
"Why do you come out in all my memories of him?"
"What did you do to me!"

"I have not done anything" I replied to her 
"The one who has confused everything is you"

"So you think?"
"Well it could be..."
"Maybe I've been focusing so much on this that I didn't think about it well, I was already on it"
"Although now that I think about it this also explains why I loved you despite my phobia of men"
"Please forgive me!"
"It was not my intention to hurt you!"
"In fact what I wanted was to help you"

"What is happening now?" Asked my mother with an incredulous face to what she was seeing .

"Lisa never met me with my original body, whenever I talked to her I looked just like now"
"So I have no idea how she didn't realize that maybe I am Cesar again"
"Well she doesn't look like a very sane person now"

"What do you think we should do with her?" Asked Tamamo interested 

"For now I think the best thing would be to get out of here and take her home to better clarify all this"

"Are you going to take her to our house despite what she has done?"
"Don't you see that she is a danger!" My mother answered angrily 
"That thing almost killed an innocent child before you got here!"

"Well, that same danger has been the one that rescued from the attack on your office"
"The least we could do is at least see her version of the story"

"What do you think about this?"
"He is your husband, make him see reason!" My mother talked to Tamamo to gain support

"Well Goshujin-sama seems to have his reasons why he trusts her despite how she looks or did she act before "
"The least we can do is help him"
"Also in case something goes wrong I can still easily stop her"

"Oh my God!"
"Not another supernatural thing in my house please"

Since the demon seemed unable to move in the slightest still due to the damage she received, we took her to the car where my mother drove close to the house and abandoned the vehicle so that the police could deliver it back to its true owner. When we got home we put Lisa on the couch. Momo as soon as she saw her basically turned into a glass statue due to fear of seeing a demon for the first time in her life. 

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