Valkyria Squadron

Ch65: From The Side Of The I.S.C

From The Side Of The I.S.C

BioLife Secondary Labs, Kitamoto, Saitama Prefecture, Japan
February 29

Brandon entered the place with several notebooks full of things he should keep in mind while he was here. His face showed only concern, his eyes had dark circles and the way he walked showed that he was in a hurry. There were several people waiting for him at the sale, dressed in clothes very similar to his own. They were gathered around a rather large table full of papers and screens, all filled with information and numbers of all kinds. When they saw him come in, they felt a little more distant when they saw that their boss had continued working instead of resting as he was supposed to do.

"How are you on your side?" asked Brandon worriedly.

"Not much better, I'm afraid," another of the researchers replied.
"The final arrangement of the VFD and is DNA sequence is still too unstable to even make a reasonable list of the possible uncontrollable genetic changes that could occur."
"It also seems that the only thing they have in common is a predisposition to violence or rage."
"This will not serve as an early demonstration."

"Okay, try just one RFA-4365 dose test more and send me the results as soon as they're ready."
"In the meantime, I will continue to look for a way to create something more stable and try to find a way to increase the quality of the samples".
"If you need anything extra, send it to your section leader."
"The kitchen has been filled with more new food, so feel free to have a drink, remember to take your breaks and that it is forbidden to talk about work in the dining room".

After that Brandon left the room and went to his temporary office where the next problem is waiting for him. Inside the room, a man was waiting for him in one of the chairs, he was here at Damien's request. He was a mysterious person, known only as Mr. Gomez, nothing was known about him except that he was a trusted person of Mr. Damien Raven. He was almost two meters tall, he was tall, he wore a black suit, he wore dark glasses next to his immaculate hairstyle, and there was only an expression of concentration on his face. He was here because in the last few days several workers had fallen victim to a seemingly insane hunt by some unknown vigilante, so Mr. Gomez was asked to investigate the origin of these events in order to hunt down those responsible. Brandon looked at him from behind, sighed, and then walked over to his desk to put down the notebooks he was carrying.

"Who was it this time?" asked Brandon disappointedly.

"Kenta Miyata"
"He was a truck driver."
"He was found a few hours ago, staked to his own vehicle," Gomez placed a few photos on the table, showing the police at the scene, as well as the side of the truck where the body was.

"Hell, he never set foot in this place?"
"He had no connection to our project as far as I remember."
"This negates our theory that the researchers were the targets of this madman," Brandon said as he took a package of cookies from a drawer to eat to satisfy his hunger, the result of several days of working to the limit.

"But he was still a worker from here, He was one of those in charge of the “vounteers” of the streets."
"The message is clear, he is attacking everything connected to this place."
"Our theory remains the same, only the number of people who could be targets has increased."

"The violence of the deaths is terrifying, but it is too conspicuous compared to before, it is clear that what they want is to attract attention."
"So it might be that "Valkyria" Akane reported when she returned from the Ueno Dam, who now seems to be on the same team as Adelis" Now Brandon took out a bottle of water from another drawer to drink, not wanting to waste the little time he was not fully working on his project.

"Actually, that's a very good assumption on your part, Mr. Brandon."
"I'm afraid I have more bad news for you, Mr. Brandon.
"I took the liberty of checking the access logs to the database and came across something unusual.
"Well, a few days ago there was an unauthorized download of several files by an researcher here."
"His name, I am afraid, is Fuji Igarashi, perhaps it will be enough for you to know the name"

"Was he the first victim or something like that?"

"I have no idea what he did with the information he stole."
"But maybe we should assume that he could have given it to that lady from the Alliance and they killed him later to prevent us from finding out anything."

"How likely do you think that is?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but it's quite possible, so I wouldn't rule it out."

"Okay, get on with it, but please hurry to finish as soon as possible"
"No one can concentrate if they think they might be the next murder victim."
"Maybe I'll be the next one, and you know what happens if that happens, don't you?"

"Not really"
"Raven just asked me to find the killer, nothing more."
"If you feel insecure, maybe you should bring Akane back or buy a dog"

"Just go now, I have a lot of things to do"

Mr. Gomez stood up, gathered his things and left the room. Brandon, for his part, seeing that he finally had a free moment, took out several bottles of medicine from his lab coat, took out several of each and then swallowed them. Some were to reduce sleep, others to reduce stress and others were supplements, normally a doctor would not advise taking so many pills together, but Brandon did not care because it was not the first time he had done this. Then his phone rang, bringing him back to work.

"It's me, Akane."
"I've already managed to take care of Jiro Iwasaki."
"It cost me to find him, but I managed to find him when I searched with the thermal camera while I was flying."

"Excellent, finally some good news on this day"
"Dispose of the body, burn it in a deserted area"
"We don't want the police to find it."
"After that, come back here, because I'm afraid I need you to take care of something else now."

"Roger," she said before hanging up.

Brandon hung up the phone and started to pick up his notebooks to go to the lab and continue his work, but just as he was about to leave, the phone rang again. When he heard that the ringtone was different from the previous one, he realized that the call was important, so he ran to answer it as quickly as possible.

"Mr. Raven!"
"I didn't expect you to call me back so soon."

"It was in the news again."
"Journalists are already calling it a serial killer."
"Surely the police will not ignore now that all the victims came from the same company"
"How is the project going? Any unexpected problems?"

"No sir, at the moment the project is going well"
"We have run into problems, but they are all the kind we expected."
"The DNA of the VFD is still difficult to predict or control and you need to order a new machine that can take a higher quality sample."
"As you can see, these are normal things in this kind of development."
"Now come to the serial killer, we still don't know anything."
"Gomez recently came to talk to me about the same subject.
"We think it might be the same Alliance team that has been giving us problems from the beginning."
"When we are sure that they are responsible, I will talk to Mr. Miyazaki so that the government can take care of them.

"Do you need more money for this new sample machine?"

"No sir, at the moment it is within the current budget"

"It does not matter, I will transfer more money so that you can negotiate the delivery as soon as possible"

"Don't bother so much Mr. Raven, this machine is not a priority right now"
"I believe that with the current one, we can advance the project enough to present an early sample that will convince the Japanese Defense Ministry to proceed."
"It is not necessary for the company to continue to put more money into this project."

"It's not company money, it's from my personal account."
"The night before, I dreamed about her again, and it reminded me of the importance of this."
"This is the least I can do, consider it a gesture of my commitment to make this work".

"Alright, you are the boss"

"Okay, I'll leave this in your hands for now"
"I look forward to some encouraging news on this, Mr. Brandon."
"I'm looking forward to it, don't let me down," Mr. Raven said before hanging up.

Brandon put the phone back on the desk and with a trembling hand pulled out the bottle of pills to swallow them again. He was aware of how important this was to his boss, so he could not let him down, and that was the origin of all the overtime he had been working. That he and the rest of his team, who he thought were serving or protecting his country in this way, were working hard to keep this going despite the odds. This was finally the shining moment Brandon had been waiting for all his life, if he could succeed here, he would finally stop being the shadow of others, he would finally be an important person in the scientific field, so he had no plans to leave anything to fate. Although Adelis wasn't behind the serial killer, she was still a threat to his job. So he thought he should try one more time to finish her off. But how could he try to kill her this time?

They had already tried to use her as bait, kidnapped her, and even tried to raid her house, but all those times they had failed for the same reason. She had a formidable team protecting her, in addition to the dangerous white girl who had been lost in the continental war, and it seemed that Adelis had somehow managed to get her hands on her, if not she was the one who had planned it in the first place. But he had to try, otherwise they would see her face again sooner or later. Brandon thought that maybe the approach had to be changed, because if the previous attempts to be elusive had failed in his plans, maybe a frontal attack to where she thought she was safest could work.

So he picked up the phone and made a few more calls, this time to a group that might be brave enough to try this plan, but in his opinion had nothing to do with the I.S.C. in case they failed. It was a radical group on the Internet that seemed very opposed to the presence of the U.S. military in Japan, and that maybe they just needed a little push to do something stupid. Like attack Adelis for example.

Hello everyone once again. This time I just want to mention that I think with this chapter I'll finally finish rewriting this novel.

As I mentioned before, this novel is quite long, and I think at this point, the major changes I wanted to make have already been made. I really don't want to spend the remaining 200 chapters trying to figure out how to change them or what major elements I could tweak, only to end up deviating from the story just to make everything fit. Even though it may not seem like it, and even though it may seem like I'm just moving words around, it's actually an overwhelming, exhausting task, and if I'm honest, it's pretty demotivating to think that I'm going to be stuck doing this for months before I can get back to writing new arcs. I had a few planned, but I can barely remember them now, so it's time to focus on writing new adventures.

From now on, I'll limit myself to copying and pasting the remaining chapters from before to get everything done faster. However, please remember that you can always let me know if something is wrong, and I'll try to fix it if I can.

Alright, I think that's all for now.

Thank you all very much.

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