Valkyria Squadron

Ch60: Disrespectful Visit

Disrespectful Visit

February 24

  Maria POV

Everyone in my house was on high alert after seeing Stella casually walk into our house. Most of those present had been her victims at some point, both Cesar and her two girls watched her with some caution. And now that new angel was drinking a cup of coffee served by my mother, and after a light sip, she began to speak.

"Thank you for the coffee cup, Mrs. Adelis."
"Although we have not seen each other before, I want to thank you for all the work you have done over the years, because although you may not have realized it, you and I have been working together for quite some time."
"Thanks to you and your son, we were finally able to find and retrieve the codex."
"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Stella and I work as a supervisor and coordinator for the Celestial Security Section, my job is quite similar to yours, I am in charge of assigning missions to our field agents as well as making sure they have everything they need to do the job successfully".

"Oh! Thank you very much."
"I guess it means that I have been doing a good job all along if I get congratulations from an angel like you in my own home." My mother replied as she also served herself coffee.

"Although I am sure you enjoy my presence, this time it will be rather short because I am a bit short of time.
"So I'll get right to the point. "
"A few hours ago, one of our agents in the city was attacked by a demon similar to the one that attacked Cesar in the Ueno Dam tunnel.
"The agent did not survive due to his injuries, but what worries us the most is that he was unable to destroy the computer he was carrying."
"The demon used that computer to access our databases."
"According to our security technicians, they were able to determine that the demon only attempted to search for information on two people before it was detected by security and the computer was ejected from the system."
"The first was you, Cesar, the good thing is that your information is considered very important to us, so your information is handled with the strictest security measures."
"The probability that you have achieved anything is absolutely 0 percent."
"Unfortunately, the other person did not have the same luck."
"She is a journalist here named Nozomi Yasuda.
"We do not know the reason why this person participated.
"But according to my boss, Archangel Michael, he thinks the chances of her being attacked by the demon are quite high."
"Obviously, this is not something we can ignore, so we must watch over her and protect her from it at all costs."

"That sounds fun and all, but our job is to keep the Codex safe." My brother suddenly interupted her
"I'm sure a demon on the loose is something that falls under your jurisdiction, so try to stop the demon on your own."
"Besides, the same demon is endangering the same Codex."

"As I said, our only agent in the city died facing this unknown demon."
"Right now, we don't have anyone closer than you to help us."
"And bringing in additional agents would take time we don't have."
"Even now, this demon may be attacking an innocent person with impunity."

Cesar stared at Stella with a clear face of displeasure, it seemed that he was wondering what could or could not happen with his involvement in this problem. He seemed to want to say no, but at the same time the feeling that the demon that attacked him in the tunnel might return was a bigger issue that needed to be resolved.

"Two weeks, that's all I'm watching her for."
"After that, how this ends is your problem."
"And I swear to you that as this is another one of your weird plans, I'm not going to help you ever again."

"Although the suspicion is justified, I assure you that there is nothing behind this time."
"This is just a sudden problem that we need to find a solution to quickly."
"Besides, as I said before, I don't have much time right now because I have to prepare everything for the arrival of the new agents, so I will leave here immediately."
"One week is enough, thank you again for your help."
"I leave everything in your capable hands."

While Stella was talking, she kept looking in the direction of the fireplace, which although rare for a house in Japan, was something our family liked to have for important things, at first I thought it was just the curiosity of the white angel, until when she finished talking, she stood up and approached it, taking the Luna Core in her hands.

"Could that be a dragon core you have here?"
"Don't you know how dangerous it is for something like that to be here on Earth!" she asked with the green gem in her hands.

But when I turned to look at my brother something had changed, I could see in real time how his pale blue eyes changed color to violent red without even blinking. With his gaze fixed, he took his gun from his bag and raised it pointing it at Stella without hesitating for a single second, it was clear that something had changed and his distrust had turned to anger and from there to deep hatred.

"You have five seconds to put it back where it was or I will send you to heaven in the fastest way," He said as he pulled back the hammer on his pistol.

"May I know the meaning of this?" Stella replied confused.

"The meaning is that if you don't put that back where it was, I will put a bullet in your head."
"There's no other fucking meaning bicth."

Stella seemed to realize the mistake and carefully put the green gem back in its place and walked a few meters away from the fireplace to demonstrate that she fully complied with his demands. My mother, Tamamo and Momo just stood there in silence, trying to figure out what this was all about.

"I hope there is a reason why you have this object here in your house and have not turned it over to the appropriate authorities and are hiding the fact."

"The fucking reason why this gem is with me is due to the fact that the stupid weakness with which the angels handled all that shit came back to them.
"If you had done your fucking job, all that shit wouldn't have happened."
"But since you couldn't even do one stupid thing right ever, it's up to me to do my best to clean up your shit."
"And the reason this gem is here with me is because I fucking say so and you can't fucking do anything against it."
"Because you don't even have the balls to take it from me by force."
"Is that right Mrs. Stella? "

"It's just like you say"
"It was foolish of me to even discuss this matter."
"Please forgive my ignorance, unbecoming of my race and position."
"I am deeply sorry to have offended you."

My brother spoke of Stella with utter contempt, saying she was not a person but an insect. With no fear of repercussions and impunity, he insulted her and even emphasized how much he despised her peers. It was clear that there was no argument or negotiation in his demands, only law and punishment, the emperor's word was absolute. Stella, in real fear for her life, Stella immediately dropped to her knees on the floor and bowed her head in apology and with reverence, as if apologizing to a king.

"So with one action Cesar would have red eyes immediately"
"But of course it is important enough for you, right?" I said without thinking.

"Maria, can you just fucking shut up?" 
"Did you hear anything she said?" 

He looked straight at me with his terrifying eyes of blood and condemnation, so much so that he robbed me of the strength to say another word.

"Absolutely nothing as I was very busy thinking deeply about my actions and my lack of politeness," Stella replied still on the ground showing her apology.

"That you weren't short on time?"
"I think you must be very late already, so you should leave immediately."
"And if I find out that you even remember what was in that box, I will tear off your wings with my bare hands as well."

"You're right"
"I will leave immediately.
"I'm sorry to have bothered your day with my presence."

Stella got up and hurried to the door, which she opened on her own to leave immediately. Once she was gone Cesar picked up his gun and checked the Luna core to make sure it was okay, his eyes returned to their normal color and he went back to talking to us, this time with normality and not authority, but one of seeking support.

"Don't let an outsider touch this gem"
"The dragon cores were collected by the angels to never touch Earth again."
"For the Heavenly Security Section, even the existence of Luna's Core is a threat."
"But I won't let them take it, no matter what."
"Can you help me with this?"

All the other girls in the room stared in surprise at what had happened, seeing how he could talk in such a way to someone with such an important position and yet treat her like complete trash. But my brother just looked at us with a bit of doubt, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. It seemed that we had all just discovered a new face that Cesar possessed but almost never showed.

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