Vagabond’s Ambition

07: Shock

In the expansive guild hall, the warm woods and stone materials making up the interior illuminated by the pale light from the overcast skies leaking in from the windows all stood there, as silence descended on the hall. With the curtains fluttering in the wind, being blown by the crisp outside air coming through the open windows. 

Moments later, following Dexter’s and Kaitlyn’s dramatic entrance, some of the veteran adventurers hanging out who were not out adventuring turned away, returning to their previous chatter. 

With the bustling atmosphere returning to the guild hall as the wind died down, Kaitlyn walked over to her friends that came from another world, waving her hand in their face while asking, “Anyone here? You all are just... frozen.”

“It’s because they’re surprised, Kaitlyn,” Dexter explained with a pat on the back, ignoring the gazes from the newer adventurer’s who were not familiar with Dexter and Kaitlyn’s friendship. Gazes that ranged from curiosity, to envy, and even to suspicion.

“Oh...” Kaitlyn murmured, letting her hand fall back to her side, “I hope I didn’t do anything wrong then.”

“You didn’t tell them about your identity did you?” Dexter noted, letting out a small sigh of exasperation, “Of course they’d be surprised at your identity...”

Shaking her head with vigor, Kaitlyn retorted, “N-No, no, they shouldn’t! Their identity is much cooler than mine and more important too...”

Walking over to the table that Kaitlyn’s friends were sitting at, a table made of a rich dark wood with benches on either side that was positioned near the front desk and the second floor balcony above the desks, and taking a seat, Dexter laughed, feeling the inquisitive gazes of the other adventurer’s around him. 

“Well, I heard you all are little Kaitlyn’s friends! Nice to meet you!” Dexter laughed, his large frame shaking with his hearty laughter, “What are all your names?”

Gathering himself, having just seen their previous innocuous traveling companion, Kaitlyn, and a man with a hulking frame jump down from the second floor, Oliver introduced himself with a nod, “I’m Oliver, the leader of this adventuring party.”

With a bright smile, Josephine exclaimed, “Nice to meet you! I’m Josephine!

“I’m Rachel~” Rachel laughed, flashing a peace sign.

“Damien,” Damien introduced, raising his hand before taking another bite of the sandwich he was in the middle of eating, “What’s your name?”

Chuckling as he reached over to the side and grabbed a sandwich, Dexter introduced himself, now surrounded by a serious air, “I’m the Guild master of all adventurer guilds, Dexter, I’m also a former member of the adventuring party that defeated the demon lord 7 years ago. Lastly, because I was a part of that party, I’m an X-Ranked Adventurer!”

Shock descending upon the table once more, Kaitlyn nodded, interjecting in silence, “He’s an old geezer, he’s 43.”

“T-That’s unimportant!” Josephine exclaimed, slamming a fist on the table, drawing the attention of several other adventurers nearby, “He’s an X-Ranked Adventurer! One of the 5 people who defeated the demon lord, he’s our idol!”

Confused, Kaitlyn sat down between Dexter and Rachel, inquiring, “Aren’t you all S-Ranked Adventurers? You all are already like... fancy people.”

“Oh! S-Ranks!” Dexter nodded, approval clear on his face, patting Kaitlyn on the back, “You made some good friends! We could always use more manpower with so many monsters around!”

“Sorry to burst your bubble,” Oliver apologized, interrupting with an awkward chuckle, “We got raised ahead of time by the Varis Empire government, so our capabilities currently are more at low A-Ranked Adventurers.”

Nodding with a wise expression, Dexter reassured, “I see, I see, I’ve heard of you all. No worries, no worries, just stick with Kaitlyn for now and continue training. It’ll all be fine, Kaitlyn is an X-Ranked Adventurer too after all!”

“You’re WHAT?” Rachel exclaimed, her jaw dropping in surprise as she leapt up from her seat, “The whole time? Why didn’t you tell us?”

Sitting back down with an awkward glance around the room, Rachel muttered, “Sorry for the outburst...”

Pulling out her pure black guild card with gold lettering, Kaitlyn mumbled, “Well, uhm... You all never asked, so I just didn’t think it was that important. See, here’s my Adventurer’s Card, it’s ermm... needlessly opulent I feel, so I don’t take it out ever.”

“It’s a pretty important thing if you ask me,” Oliver sighed, exasperation clear on his face as he kneaded the  “I’d personally love to hear more about your past though, and I think everyone else would too because we were always told to be like the 5 heroes of the past. So if you’d like to talk about it sometime with the group of us, that’d be really nice!”

“Also, I’d like to spar with you!” Josephine added, excitement beaming off her face as she leaned in closer over the table, “I know I'll lose, but I just want to fight more people!”

Leaning back as Josephine creeped closer, Kaitlyn nodded, before taking shelter behind Dexter and his massive frame, “Sure, we can spar some time, I’m like, alright at swordsmanship I guess...”

“She’s very good I assure you,” Dexter corrected with a grin, moving aside so Kaitlyn couldn’t use him as a shield, “She’s probably at this point, the strongest person from our old party.”

With a surprised stare and her jaw separated, Josephine cleared her throat, regaining her composure, “I-I see, I see, I’d still love to have a bout with you!”

“Do you also find it as surprising as I do?” Rachel whispered to Damien as she leaned over the table, watching Kaitlyn’s awkwardness trying to respond to Josephine’s excitement, “She really doesn’t give off those vibes you know?”

Nodding as he scarfed down a sandwich, Damien agreed, “She doesn’t at all, she’s quite quiet and... pure in some senses, so I’m very surprised, but also, this sandwich is such a bomb that I can’t really express it...”

Looking out the window to see the skies still overcast, but the clouds still bright, Dexter continued on, standing up, “Why don’t we continue talking somewhere else, Kaitlyn and I can answer all of your questions there, I feel like then we can be more open. I’ve heard all of your situation after all, so you’re all fine to be trusted.”

Thanks for reading~!!

yeah I got a massive migrane the day after the call... so i missed a daily sorryy... also kinda like

dead... so sorry the schedule's going to be shottt...

Take care though!! Thanks for reading!! please leave a comment!

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