Urban: Unlimited Cashback

Chapter 47 - Silver gun wax head

Chapter 47—Silver Gun Wax Head

“Okay, very good, you two wait for me!”

Cao Wei has never suffered such a great humiliation, being slapped in the face of so many people, and this hatred will not avenge the non-gentleman.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and started calling and calling people, staring at Ye Xuan viciously. When he saw Tian An’an, there was a trace of obscene expression in his eyes, and then take care of you as a bitch!

Aren’t you very tugging, very high-minded, then you will be trained to become a **** with thousands of people riding a tens of thousands of people, and see how you drag it down.

“Brother Tyrant, let’s go quickly.”

Tian An’an was actually a little worried. After all, when he first met this person, he was obviously surrounded by social people. If there were some fights, he would inevitably fall into a disadvantage.

Pulled Ye Xuan, ready to leave here.

Although the matter of her cousin last time made everyone feel a lot about Ye Xuan, at least they knew that the other party was very powerful and actually made that person so scared.

But power is one thing, being able to fight is another.

Two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and the master is beaten to death by random fists.

“do not worry!”

Ye Xuan gave her a relieved look, if he was a little scared before, after all, he was just an ordinary person, and he was slightly more able to fight than ordinary people.

But now that he has the strength of a master, all aspects of his body have been improved a lot.

If you play against a world-class Sanda champion, you can’t be 100% guaranteed to win, but it’s not a matter of dealing with some local ruffians.


After all, this incident was caused by her, so I don’t want Ye Xuan to be hurt in the slightest. Tian Anan wanted to say something, but Ye Xuan finally stopped it.

A faint smile said: “It’s nothing, don’t you know how good I am?”

Hearing Ye Xuan’s teasing tone, Tian An’an cast a blank glance at the other party, remembering the scene of pleading that night, and suddenly his cheeks flushed.

She’s worried, okay, she still has the mind to molest others, huh, don’t care.

Seeing Ye Xuan’s calm expression, Tian An’an was also relieved because of each other’s influence.

Before long, three Mercedes Benz drove over.

Although the price of each vehicle is not very high, it is only four or five million yuan, but three of them are driven into the campus at once, which still attracts a lot of people’s attention.

When the car stopped, a dozen burly men walked out of it.

Because it is summer, everyone wears very little, and even only wears a small vest, which can clearly see the strong muscles.

The explosive muscles make people feel scared when they look at it. If an ordinary person is punched by the opponent, he may not even be able to stand up and be knocked out directly.

The arms of these people are all carved with dragons and phoenixes, and they are all tattooed. At first glance, they are not good people.

Many students began to secretly call the police and contact the school security.

If something happens inside the school, it is definitely ten times more serious than outside, so it is better to try to prevent it.

One person who got out of the car saw Cao Wei whose face was swollen on one side and asked in surprise, “Cao Shao, what’s the matter with you?”

“It was all beaten by this kid!”

Seeing that the person he was shouting had arrived, Cao Wei also began to act unscrupulously, pointing to Ye Xuan and said viciously, “I will be beaten to death later. I will let him stay in the hospital for a few months. The next few hundred thousand will be used as tea money for the brothers!”

Hearing Cao Wei’s promise to give them the money last time, this person immediately shined. That’s more than 600,000 yuan, enough for them to be happy and happy for a while.

He immediately patted his chest and promised: “No problem, let this kid lie down in the hospital for a while!”

After speaking, a pair of eyes stared at Ye Xuan intentionally or unintentionally.

Slowly stepped forward, showing a cruel smile, “Boy, blame you for offending people who shouldn’t be offended, brothers!”

Ha ha!

It is said that some people train their brains into muscles when they train their muscles. What’s the use of being strong, they have no eyesight at all, and even the salespersons in many stores are far inferior.

If you can understand, Ye Xuan’s clothes are at least 100,000 Chinese coins. Coupled with his watch of more than six million, can such a character be something he can afford?

Just ask someone casually, knowing that Ye Xuan came here in a luxury car.

A Lamborghini worth twenty million, this car alone is enough to make him beyond the reach, dare not make the slightest move.

“What a pity, what a pity!”

It is also difficult to be a social man, and not to be able to go further, and it is not without reason.

“Boy, what are you pity?”

Ye Xuan sneered: “It’s a pity that you made your head stupid in order to train your size?”

“you wanna die!”

Following this person’s roar, more than a dozen people who came around immediately began to move, and they launched an attacking posture and attacked towards Ye Xuan.

And everyone has been instructed in advance, but he didn’t mean to keep his hands at all.

“Huh, just rubbish!”

Ye Xuan pulled Tian An’an back, and then, like a cheetah, squinted his eyes slightly to collect everyone’s movements in his eyes, preparing to kill the prey.

He moved!

Like a gust of wind, the speed is very fast.

Mizunbu is instantly used to directly increase the speed of the individual to three times the original speed.

Don’t underestimate these three times, maybe the endurance is not good, but in terms of explosive power, it can completely abuse the so-called world champions.

As Ye Xuan quickly dodged, all of these people’s attacks failed, and none of them could hit the other side.

“How can it be?”

Although they didn’t use their full strength in the face of Ye Xuan, the siege of a dozen people actually made the other party escape. What kind of concept is this?


By the time this word appeared in my mind, it was already too late.

Ye Xuan turned his hands into palms and slapped on these people. Although each stroke seemed to be very light, or even without any strength, it contained strength. The hit on the body made a dull sound. Even if there were no fractures, it would be short-term. Don’t even think of standing up inside.


In just five seconds, more than a dozen brawny men who were still aggressive, all fell to the ground like sheep, screaming in pain.

“what’s the situation?”

Many people showed puzzled expressions.

Why did all these people fall? Touch porcelain, blackmail?

Regarding the scene just now, many people didn’t see it clearly, even if they saw it clearly, they couldn’t understand it.

Ye Xuan just patted these people lightly, and didn’t see how much power was used, but they all fell down. This is too insignificant, silver gun wax head.

A lot of students booed around, which is really useless.

Each of them is so strong, even the muscles are bulging high, but in the end it is a second shot, which is really surprising.

Cao Wei saw the people who fell on the ground and fell into a daze for a while. Is it possible that everyone is ready to touch the porcelain.

“Sun Qiang, what are you doing? If you don’t get up yet, give me a severe lesson to this kid. If the money is not enough, I will add another 400,000 yuan!”

As the leader of these people, Sun Qiang also had a hard time talking.

I often walk by the river, how can I not wet my shoes.

Unexpectedly, one day he would fall into the hands of such a young person, and the other person does not seem to be in the slightest, but the palm of his body just now, I am afraid the whole bone will be broken, this will not be relieved. .

His forehead was sweating constantly, and he didn’t even have the slightest strength to speak.

Seeing his achievements, Ye Xuan was also a little moved. After all, this was the first time he had used the ability exchanged from the system mall.

Unexpectedly, it was so strong that the Grand Master deserves to be a Grand Master. The Bagua palm that was shot out had a hidden power, which seemed soft, but in fact it was a hurtful attack.

Although these people don’t say how strong they are, they still have no problem dealing with one or two ordinary people.

But even so, facing the strengthened Ye Xuan, he can only recognize the plant.

Slightly raised his head and looked at Cao Wei who was standing by and shouting, showing a wicked smile.

“To the death, and want me to stay in the hospital for a few months!”

Walking slowly towards Cao Wei, Ye Xuan wanted to see how to make him lie in the hospital.

“You, don’t come over!”

At this moment, Cao Wei had discovered that those who fell on the ground were never wailing because of the performance, so they could only be able to express the great pain that they really endured.

Could it be that Ye Xuan’s eyes are not a special master?

He was scared, and was talking there with a little trembling.

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