Urban Sims

Chapter 15 - Harvest

Autumn is here.

The leaves of the forest turned yellow, and the grass in the fields withered.

In the farmland, the golden wheat waves rolled like waves in the breeze.

The heavy ears of wheat pressed the straw so that it could hardly lift its head.

Passing through this farmland, looking at the golden wheat fields with full and round grains, each plant has 30 to 40 grains of wheat, no farmer in the town of Rose Town was attracted by the sight.

Gradually, the harvest time is coming, and there are more and more farmers talking about this farmland. The heated discussion even reached the ear of Lord Lord Connor. Lord Lord came here with his family and several knights. By the farmland, I watched this scene in disbelief.

“Oh God, the output of these pieces of land is at least 10 Tarun (1 Tarun ≈ 20kg). There must be some miracles in this land. Only God ’s power can make this land. There are so many ears of wheat in the land! “

Wearing a cloak-waisted gown and a long skirt supported by a huge skirt, the aristocratic woman with exposed chest and greasy chest covered her lips and exclaimed.

“Mum, butler Bunod said that this land may also be black magic by the witch. Only the black magic of the witch can make a piece of land that has never grown so much food, suddenly grow so much food, so None of these foods can be eaten, they must be burned! “

The little boy next to the noble woman was one or five or six years old and had many freckles on his face.

“Is that true, Bunod?” The noble woman asked the butler with doubt.

The chunky butler Bunodha lowered her waist and said flatteringly: “Dear Mrs. Madeleine, I think it should be like this. This land has not grown so much food in two decades, and, I I heard that Little Lane, who planted this land, was just a six-year-old child. How could he do something impossible for adults? And some time ago, Little Lane did a lot of weird things in the town. He He even picked up all the dirty and unpleasant excrement into his own home. The people in the town suspected that it must be a witch, and secretly used dark magic to confuse Little Lane! “

Bunod’s words made a conclusion.

“Is it so, God, I didn’t expect those evil witches to let a six-year-old child pass it.” Madame Madeleine was scared by covering her chest.

“Kyle, go and bring Little Ryan, I have something to ask him.” Baron Connor realized the seriousness of the problem and said to a blonde knight beside him.

“Yes, Lord Lord.”

Uh …

After a while, his face was at a loss, with a “frightened” Zhou Ming in his eyes, and was taken by the knight to Baron Connor.

“Little Ryan, say! Are the corn fields you planted under the black magic of the witch? Have you been secretly controlled by the witch?” Baron Connor asked solemnly.

Zhou Ming trembles on the ground and kowtows ceaselessly: “No lord lord, no lord lord! There is no witch to do black magic on me, these wheats are my own way to grow.

“Dare you lie in front of me? Say, who is the witch who controls you!” Baron Connor’s face flashed with a hint of anger, and his right hand was already on the saber sword handle.

“My dear, Little Lane is just a child, don’t scare him like this.”

As a mother of three children, a majestic Madame Madeleine persuaded her husband to squat down slightly, pulled Zhou Ming up, took out a handkerchief to help him wipe the tears around his eyes, and his face was kind and kind Authentic: “Little Ryan, you tell me, how did you grow this corn field?”

Zhou Ming stopped crying, and said the reasons and consequences of planting this corn field one by one.

“Cow dung?”

“You mean that after using cow dung for this field, the wheat will grow like this?”

“Impossible, little Lane is lying! No matter how powerful cow dung is, it is impossible to grow four acres of grain on one acre of land.” Butler Bunod flatly denied.

“It’s true! I saw many places with cow dung, and the grass next to them is very tall and dense, so I thought: if you get these cow dung into the wheat field, will the wheat be like the grass? , It grows more and denser, I collected the cow dung and sheep dung, and crushed them a little, and applied a little under each seedling, so that these wheats are not all tall and dense What? “

Zhou Ming’s explanation, the people around him nodded, and this explanation seems a bit reasonable.

Several knights also searched on the nearby grassland. Sure enough, in many places where weeds were found, more or less the presence of cow dung or other animal feces was found.

“What a smart little Lane!”

Madame Madeleine picked up Zhou Ming, and Bobo kissed him several times on the face. The little boy with freckles, five or six years old, looked at the side and grunted heavily.

“Although what you said makes sense, but cow dung is useless, you have to use it in the field before you know it. If it’s useless, little Lane, do you know the consequences?”

Baron Connor actually already somewhat believed what the six-year-old boy said, but looking at this little boy who seemed a little too clever, Baron Conner had a strange feeling in his heart. He always felt that this boy, with the territory Others are not the same, and they do not know whether it is good or bad.

“Thank you Lord Baron, thank you Lord Baron!”

Zhou Ming, who knew that he had been let go, immediately bowed his head in gratitude … and he was relieved for a long time. This level finally passed.

Soon, with the “enthusiastic help” of many townspeople, Zhou Ming’s six acres of wheat fields took only half a day to complete harvesting, threshing, and bagging.

Placed on the balance scale, a cry of exclamation, six acres of wheat field, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com hits 70 tarun grains, the output is four times that of ordinary wheat fields!

Zhou Ming was quite satisfied: “The land in this world is not as barren as I thought. I just improved the planting method a little bit and applied more fertilizer, and the yield per mu can reach more than 460 kg. Great, farming in this world is definitely very promising! “

However, Zhou Ming also knows that everyone is innocent and guilty. The lords and masters of this world are not good at all. Without violating their fundamental interests, it does n’t matter if the farming is better. If it violates its roots Interests, when the other party has the idea of ​​clearing his own “threat”, changing strategies and how to survive has become a matter of urgency at that time.

Now he planted a few acres of good land, mainly for food and clothing, but also for exploring the way.

70 barrens of Taren, 42 of them were handed over to tax official Dirac, and the remaining 28 tarans belonged to his own barley. Zhou Ming asked several kind neighbors to help him to his house and looked at the barn These piles are full enough to eat food for himself and his sister for a year, and he has a lot of confidence in his heart.

Less than two days later, Mrs. Madeleine in Lord Fortress, after hearing that Zhou Ming’s family had only him and a three-year-old sister, dropped a few tears sympathetically and asked the servant to send a large bag of flour and a piece of bacon … Although there are some sympathetic elements in it, it may be that after Zhou Ming discovered the secret of increasing the production of cow dung, Baron Connor, the lord, tacitly gave a small reward.

Soon afterwards, there were more people picking up cow dung in the town, and even began to learn the appearance of Zhou Ming’s house, and also dug a pit in the door of the house.

As for the nickname “Shit Ryan” in the mouth of his little fart boy, it has now become a “smart little Ryan” …

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