Urban Sims

Chapter 13 - Carry a heavy load

Father lay in the hospital for five days. In order to save expenses, with the help of several coworkers, he was carried home on a stretcher.

“Abba, how come your legs are gone, can you still grow out in the future?” The four-year-old brother Tian Dong asked with wide eyes.

“Dad, daddy, how did you wrap your hands in cloth?”

The three-year-old sister Tian Jia approached curiously, squeezed his father’s arm with four fingers broken, maybe he was more powerful, and pulled the wound, his father Tian Nian’s pain broke out.

“The two of you who are not sensible can’t make people save time. You are disobedient! You are disobedient!”

Mother Zhao Xia took a bamboo whip and pumped it hard at the two children, and the room was filled with the sound of two children crying.

“Your dads are all like this now, you are so young, how can I a woman afford this family!”

Tired of beating, mother Zhao Xia was sitting on the ground and crying.

“Grandma, come back to work in the factory, let me do everything at home.”

At this time, Zhou Ming, with his one-year-old brother Tian Qiang standing on the side, stood up, and he suddenly said calmly.

“Jian’er, you …” Zhao Xia looked at his elder son in surprise, as if he had met him for the first time.

Zhou Ming said seriously: “Ma, I have already thought about it. You continue to work in your factory. I take my brother and sister at home and take care of my dad. When I get better, I will go. Find a job in the city to earn money to support the family. When the younger brothers and sisters get older, I will take them out to work together. Then you will resign from the factory and take care of your father. We will earn money to support you and your father!

After listening to these words, Zhao Xia opened her mouth in surprise, and could hardly believe that this was a word spoken by a six-year-old child.

At this time, the younger brother Tian Dong and younger sister Tian Jia also stopped crying wisely, walked to the mother’s side, and took her hand comfortably.

“My hard-working son!”

Holding the children in front of him, Zhao Xia burst into tears more sadly.

Uh …

Two and a half months later, after the wound on his father was almost okay, Zhou Ming, carrying a small package, stepped into the magical prosperous Shiliyangchang of Shanghai with the sobbing sound of his mother.

First, as a newspaper boy, after accumulating a bit of original funds, he started a business to sell cigarettes part-time. Later, because of the long-term sale of newspapers, he recognized the above text and usually brought some anecdotes on the streets to the editorial department to increase the editorial department. Zhou Ming, who has received a lot of news material, has also successfully become a non-editor of the “Shanghai Metropolis Daily”.

Relying on the convenience of being a non-editing reporter, when he was eight, Zhou Ming began to write some manuscripts on the “Shanghai East Newspaper” as “Mr. Dong Guo” because of his uniqueness that has led this era for nearly a hundred years. The vision, whether it is a political commentary written by Zhou Ming or a popular novel, reveals very unique insights and charm.

In particular, the series of “Industrial Revolution” that he wrote about why Western powers are powerful has set off a wave of public opinion in society, which brought Zhou Ming a sum of more than 100,000 yuan in manuscript fees. Wave’s search for “Mr. Dong Guo” temporarily chose “Retreat”.

The road of literary giants can’t go on for the time being. Zhou Ming also earned his own “first pot of gold”. With this initial development fund, the next step should be better.

However, I still haven’t figured out what to do next. A news from my hometown made Zhou Ming hurried back home.

The mother who worked in the spinning mill had an accident.

In the spinning mill, because you have to put your hands in a boiled cocoon pool for a long time to peel off the thread of the cocoon, the mother’s hands have been boiled down over the years, and the factory supervisor sees her efficiency of peeling off cocoons continuously. Then, she found an excuse to dismiss her. The mother and the factory had a big fight. Without any compensation, she was beaten up and sent home with bruises.

“Grandma, I tell you not to go to work in spinning. You are going to go! Now I can carry this home, and I can feed you!”

Went home and saw her mother, who was covered in gauze, blamed loudly in distress.

Mother Zhao Xia lifted up her rotten hand with almost phalanx, and rubbed on Zhou Ming’s face with difficulty, and shed two lines of tears: “Boy, you are only 8 years old, Grandma wants to do it again. A few years. “

“Grandma! Don’t do it, I made a lot of money, I really made a lot of money!”

Zhou Ming’s tears burst out, took the package he brought back from the city, opened it, and poured out all the coins, banknotes, and bank checks in it, more than one hundred thousand.

Looking at the table full of cash and cheques, the whole family opened their mouths in surprise. How did they get so much money, how could Jianer make so much money?

Zhou Ming did not explain how the money came from, nor could he explain it, so he had to tell his family to keep it secret, otherwise it would be known to others, and the life of the whole family could not be guaranteed.

The economic situation of the family has improved. At the suggestion of Zhou Ming, the family decided to buy a house in the city and move to the city to live, and then let his brother Tian Dong, Tian Qiang, and sister Tian Jia all go to school and study hard Cultural knowledge changes the future destiny.

School, Zhou Ming actually wants to go, but relying on the ability to sell newspapers and learn by himself, to go to these primary and high schools, I feel that it is a waste of time. Some good universities can go, but …

Now he is only 8 years old, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is 9 years old, so small, the university is unlikely to recruit him.

However, thinking of the 80,90,000 yuan left, Zhou Ming had the idea of ​​going to an industry.

Relying on the advanced knowledge brought from modern times in his mind, if he is allowed to open a factory to produce some industrial products such as bicycles, cars, and airplanes designed by him, he can definitely make a lot of money and become the world’s richest man in minutes!

However, with the industrial foundation of this fragmented country, it is not remarkable to be able to produce one ton of low-sulfur steel, not to mention the production of high-end industrial products such as bicycles and automobiles. To produce these industrial products, it must be in a This is only possible in countries with relatively complete supporting industrial systems, and the investment is very large.

Therefore, in front of Zhou Ming, apart from heavy industrial steel, cement, glass, and basic chemistry, there are only light industries such as textiles, flour, food processing, and cigarettes.

“Choose cigarettes, because of their addiction, cigarettes are the most profitable of all light industrial products, and they are light in transportation and low in investment costs. It is currently the most suitable industry for my investment.”

Zhou Ming, who has sold bulk cigarettes for two years, knows that people in this era have a great survival pressure and a low happiness index. There are many people who use drugs and smoke. He cannot sell drugs, but cigarettes are definitely very profitable!

“First, gain a firm foothold in the cigarette market, gain a certain market share, and then develop into consumer sectors such as food processing, catering, real estate, entertainment, and then light industry such as textiles, grain and oil processing, and then steel, cement, Heavy industries such as glass, and finally cars, planes, tanks, artillery, mushroom eggs … “

Formulated a long series of development plans in his heart. Zhou Ming, who was more and more excited, was ready to start from scratch. In this great era, do a good job!

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