Urban Romance

Chapter 1294

Chapter 1295 Where is this hospital?

[The text of Chapter 1]

Section 1296 Chapter 295 Where is this hospital?

Li Feifei’s body was shaking uncontrollably, and even the movement of extending her arm could not be so accurate. Tears burst out of the eyes, and the turbulence dripped down. The sound was hoarse, choked and not loud because of the long depression. In this case, the word Suker is the focus of everyone’s attention.

So for a moment, all of them focused their eyes, and next to Li Feifei was Bai Xue, following her arm direction, and soon saw the newspaper.

That photo also attracted her attention at once, and quickly reached out and grabbed it. It was Su Ke, but there was a picture in front of it, which looks like it should be a hospital. Su Ke was lying on the bed, but There was a woman curled up beside him, nestled in his arms.

“Suker! Suker is found!” Shirayuki’s eyes lightened suddenly, and he stood up while talking, just like Li Feifei’s performance, the whole person could not control his emotions.

Everyone froze for a moment, then swarmed over to Shirayuki.


Wu Nuanyue was in a bad mood. Yesterday, the nurse in disguise turned out to be a reporter of a newspaper, and the newspaper is now on his desk.

Constantly adjusting his breath, his eyes always unconsciously looked at the pictures in the newspaper, and lying in Su Ke’s arms was the largest one of all the photos.

The title of the article was even more irritating. Looking at the line of black typing, Wu Nuanyue struck his fist hard: “Shameless!”

“The Resentment and Resentment of the Infatuated Female CEO — People Who Get You Without Your Heart! 》

Although in the entire article, the three words Wu Nuanyue did not appear once, and the company name of Universal International did not even appear, but it was also said that insiders broke the news.

Due to emotional problems, the president of a large company caused a car accident, rammed his ex-boyfriend into a vegetative, and willingly spent a lifetime with the vegetative, and then contacted the previous photos, and the sighted person would guess what happened.

And it is irritating that the photo did not have a mosaic on the face. Based on Wu Nuanyue ’s legendary experience in Yanjing, especially in the business world, few people would ignore her existence, and this emotional entanglement is common people. The most enjoyable thing, Wu Nuanyue can feel that a storm is slowly brewing.

Looking back at the nurse yesterday, the most likely camera device must be the watch on her chest, which has been specially modified and has the shooting function, and these photos can really be seen from the video Cut it down.

Wu Nuanyue leaned on the back of her chair, her eyes closed, her fingers pounding on the desk of the desk rhythmically, and the crisp sound of crickets sounded in the room. This was her usual means of controlling her emotions. This was boring. The set rhythm will soon calm her down.

Soon the corner of Wu Nuanyue’s mouth slightly lifted, and a sneer appeared. She even guessed the upcoming scenes. Many guys might play a little clever again because of this incident, but this little cleverness is in front of powerful strength. It is definitely vulnerable.

Open your eyes, and when your emotions calm down, pick up the newspaper in front again and carefully look at the photo above. You are resting on the man ’s arm like a kitten, with your eyes closed, and the man It seems that I can feel this warm scene. Although there is no expression on his face, he always feels that he is smiling.

“It’s not bad!” Wu Nuanyue’s smile added a warmth this time, and I don’t know how he is doing today. Would you like to see it?

Looking up and pressing a button on the desk, Zhang Ying quickly knocked in from the outside and walked in.

“How is it outside? Anyone?”

Zhang Ying knew what Wu Nuanyue was asking for. These newspapers were sent to her, but to her surprise, the boss’s mood didn’t seem to be affected at all, and he was even a little bit energetic.

“A lot of media reporters have gathered outside the company. There must be at least twenty homes secretly and secretly! I even saw people from” Daily Finance “outside!”

“Huh! These people!” Wu Nuanyue chuckled, then looked at Zhang Ying: “The next work arrangements are all postponed for a week, this week I see what kind of ghosts they can make, so excited! You Say if my siblings are more stupid and more moving! ”

Zhang Ying knew that she was not suitable for discussing this issue, and Wu Nuanyue was just talking to herself, so she stood still, but she thought of something else.

As the head of Global International, Wu Nuanyue said that all work arrangements should be postponed for one week. This is simply impossible for a company that has maintained rapid development.

Moreover, since Wu Nuanyue took charge of the company, she has never even taken a real break. It is even more fun to go out on vacation and relax. There is only one way to rest, which is to sit in an old coffee shop for a few hours.

Four years later, Wu Nuanyue did not even arrive late and leave early, except for her illness, but this time she came directly for a seven-day vacation. Zhang Ying’s eyes fell on the photo in the newspaper unconsciously.

Since the appearance of this man, Wu Nuanyue seems to have become another person, and even herself felt that there was a little more smile on her face.

But to be honest, I’ve seen the photo before. The man and the woman snuggle up to each other. In all fairness, they also give themselves a very good illusion.

This is, of course, an illusion. Wu Nuanyue, the proud woman of the sky, must also be a man of great brilliance. Although this man of righteousness also has a flash point, but to apply a very popular phrase, that is: the light of fireflies Dare to compete with Haoyue?

“Zhang Ying, go to the hospital with me!” Wu Nuanyue suddenly noticed that the secretary Zhang Ying seemed a little distracted and could not help raising her voice.

“Oh! Yes!” Zhang Ying nodded quickly.


“Ah? It’s Wu Nuanyue? This person is Wu Nuanyue!” Zhou Fang has always regarded Wu Nuanyue as a goddess. Even in the world, many people have this idea, so in When he saw the photo, he recognized it at first sight.

“It’s her!” Li Linglong leaned forward and finally saw the photos in the newspaper. Because Bai Xue’s throat had just passed, these women were all squeezed together and formed a circle. When Zhou Fang said so, she I also looked carefully and confirmed again.

Except for Zhou Fang, Wan Qihong and Li Linglong, most people here have never heard of this name. After all, the circles are different, and the information they usually come across is also very different.

“Su Ke is in the hospital now, he really has an accident! Who do you know, where is this hospital?” Is this woman Wu Nuanyue, not the point, the point is Su Ke, Su Ke in the photo, eyes closed Lying on the bed, there is also a heart rate detector working next to the bed.

This all shows that Su Ke has really happened!

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