Urban Inventor

Chapter 8 - 1 actor who wants to be an inventor

Not only the Internet, in reality, Zhang Wei has also attracted the attention of countless people!

Chinese Academy of Sciences.

A group of old academicians with gray hair are meeting to discuss Zhang Wei and his antigravity formula.

Dean Wei Lei said with emotion, “It’s really a genius. The anti-gravity formula he invented has no less than the law of gravity. According to my estimation, with the current theoretical basis, humans have the opportunity Advance anti-gravity technology to the practical stage within twenty years, which means that humans will invent anti-gravity devices.

By then, the pattern of the entire human race will change.

First is the space field.

Rockets and space shuttles will be completely eliminated. Humans can develop more powerful spaceships. At that time, humans flying to the moon will be as simple as flying from Beijing to New York. This means that humans can completely conquer the moon. Not only can the lunar resources be easily developed, but also a real base can be established on the moon to immigrate to the moon.

Then came cars and planes.

Both traditional cars and aircraft will be eliminated. Anti-gravity flying cars and anti-gravity aircraft will occupy all markets. The automotive industry is one of the pillar industries in the world. The huge changes in this industry will undoubtedly seriously affect All major countries in the world.

In addition, humans can build a city of sky suspended in the air, and rich people can build villas suspended in the air.

It can be said that if our country masters anti-gravity technology one step ahead of other countries, we can take the lead and completely surpass the European and American countries.

Therefore, I think that anti-gravity technology is a strategic technology that is comparable to “two bombs and one star”. We must immediately establish an anti-gravity technology research center and deploy the best physicists to conduct anti-gravity technology research.

The above is my point of view, welcome to add. “

An old-fashioned academician said, “I think it is necessary to incorporate Zhang Wei into the anti-gravity technology research center and recommend him as a candidate for the Chinese Academy of Sciences. With him, we can definitely lead the research and improvement of other countries. Anti-gravity technology. “

“Academician candidate?” Someone immediately questioned, “But he is only 22 years old, and he hasn’t got his college diploma yet. There is no such precedent.”

Dean Wei Lei said, “For such talents, we can do something special.”

Well, the old academicians present seemed to have forgotten to consider a question, that is, whether Zhang Wei would like to join the anti-gravity technology research center.


After receiving instructions from their superiors, the Taiwan leaders immediately dispatched a group of elite soldiers to prepare for a live broadcast of the press conference in Tsinghua tomorrow. He emphasized at the meeting, “As long as this task is successfully completed, everyone present will double the bonus this month!”

Tsinghua University.

In the principal’s office, President Liu’s hand was soft when he answered the phone, but the smile on his face could not be concealed.

Since the announcement, he has successively received calls from principals of domestic universities and colleges. During the call, those principals all lowered their posture, hoping to be able to conduct technical exchanges with Tsinghua University. In fact, President Liu is very clear that these The goal of man is … Zhang Wei!

After answering these calls, Principal Liu was refreshed and only felt a few years younger, but then he frowned again, “What should I do to make Classmate Zhang Wei stay? The little guy seems to be intent. Sure. No, I have to talk to him again as soon as possible. “

Not only in China, but also abroad, this news has also attracted great attention.

American White House.

Mr. President is holding a press conference, and the content of the meeting is to promote counter-terrorism strategies on a global scale.

After Mr. President ’s speech, a CNN reporter raised his hand and asked, “Mr. President, we received news that a Chinese physics student invented the anti-gravity formula, which means that anti-gravity technology is no longer only seen in science fiction. The fantasy in the movie will become a reality.

A reporter from this station interviewed the well-known physicist Dr. Davis on this matter. Dr. Davis said that the antigravity formula invented by the Chinese student was feasible, and he predicted that the Chinese student would be able to perfect the anti-gravity formula within ten years. Gravity technology, invented anti-gravity device. This means that China can master anti-gravity technology within ten years, and the United States has lost in this field.

Dr. Davis said that this is likely to cause a devastating blow to China’s aerospace industry and the automotive industry, causing a significant economic recession in our country. Moreover, China will truly have the ability to develop lunar resources and conquer the moon completely.

Mr. President, my question is, what measures will the government take to deal with this potential crisis?

In addition, China has the best education in the world, the most scientists, and the country with the most investment in science and technology and education. Why did the Chinese invent the antigravity formula? Not us? Should the government reflect on this? “

Mr. President said immediately, “The Federal Government has decided to establish an anti-gravity technology research center and plans to invest US $ 10 billion in anti-gravity research.”

In addition, American NBC TV, British BBC TV, Japanese TV, Al Jazeera and other media have reported the news of Zhang Wei’s invention of the antigravity formula, and conducted a popular science about how antigravity technology will change human life.

For a time, Zhang Wei became a global figure.

And Zhang Wei, who is a flamboyant figure, did not know about it. He was very happy to discuss with Professor Hawking and others in the conference hall. During the discussion, he listened most of the time, but the theory and insights he occasionally thrown out also amazed Hawking and others and shouted genius. And for his ability to pretend to be in front of Professor Hawking, Zhang Wei’s heart called a cool, which can hardly be described. Therefore, he then threw out a lot of advanced theories he had studied before, so that Professor Hawking and so on People’s Congress is rewarding.

However, whenever everyone talks about singularity data, Zhang Wei ’s answer is still unchanged, that is, he has not yet conceived more singularity data.

As for the future, he “flashes his aura” and can naturally conceive more singularity data, but he will not release it.

Because he still needs to make money with anti-gravity technology. With enough money, he can improve the lives of himself and his family, he can build the most advanced laboratory, he can become the greatest inventor in the history of mankind, and he can fulfill his deep ambitions.

Only by monopolizing technology in one’s own hands can this goal be achieved.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei felt a little unreasonable, because he actually regarded many people, including Professor Hawking, as a tool to brush his reputation, and the role he was playing at this time was actually … a person who wanted to be Actor of the greatest inventor in human history.

Life is like a drama, all rely on acting, this is really true.

Unconsciously, it was more than nine o’clock in the evening, that is to say, their discussion lasted for six or seven hours.

Hawking, Kip Thorne and Marcia Nut are all elderly people. At this time, they obviously lost their energy. Zhang Wei quickly got up and said to everyone, “Professor Hawking, Professor Thorne, Ms. Nat, time It’s not too early, everyone hasn’t had dinner yet, I think I’ll be here first today. See you tomorrow. “

Professor Hawking nodded, and Zhang Wei turned to go out.

Went out and looked at the scene in front of him, he was all bad.

The corridor was full of reporters with long guns and short cannons. When Zhang Wei came out and looked at them like bloodthirsty sharks, the momentum was really scary.

Subconsciously Zhang Wei wanted to go back, but he had to go back to the dorm to rest even if he did n’t eat, and he could only stand on his scalp.

“This classmate!”

“Hello, is this Zhang Wei’s classmate?”

A group of reporters surrounded Zhang Wei in an instant, and pointed each microphone at him. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Strange to say, Zhang Wei was still a little nervous at first, but at this moment, he was not very nervous, and he even had a bit of enjoyment, but he had n’t eaten dinner yet, he was so hungry that he was unwilling to stay here. This group of reporters, he looked at the reporters and smiled, “I am Zhang Wei, I accept your interview, but I only answer three questions today, if there are more questions, you can ask questions at tomorrow’s press conference . “

“Is the anti-gravity formula invented by you independently?”


“How did you invent the antigravity formula?”

“I have been engaged in research in this area. Recently, the light flashed and I invented it.”

“Do you have a girlfriend?”

“nothing now.”

“Excuse me …”

“Okay, I have answered three questions.” Zhang Wei tried to crowd out the crowd and said, “That’s it, the interview is over!”

The reporters were reluctant to let him go like this, and they all followed. Fortunately, the school security guard came up to stop the reporters, which made Zhang Wei able to leave smoothly.

Walking on the road, Zhang Wei also feels completely different from before. Many people are looking at him curiously, just like watching the national treasure panda. This feeling is strange. It feels good to enjoy being noticed occasionally, but if he has been living under the watch of others, he can’t stand it. So he hurriedly finished his dinner in the cafeteria and went straight to the dormitory.

It didn’t return to normal until I returned to the dormitory. Zhang Wei went to bed ~ and murmured to himself, “It seems that I must move out of school as soon as possible.”

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