Urban Inventor

Chapter 513 - Our anger is beyond your control

After so many years of cultivating in the brilliant star field with abundant resources, the strength of the earth’s civilization has been quite different. It can not only defend the existing territory well, but also have the strength to make a positive contest with the Nathan civilization.

After serious discussions with the empire leaders such as Beidou and Liu Hai, Zhang Wei decided to send an unprecedented army, 35 million space warships and 50 billion mechas, which is more powerful than the earth civilization had when it conquered the glorious star field. The overall military strength is even stronger. It can also be seen from this that a civilization, especially a civilization located in a barren region like the earth’s civilization, has to plunder the resources of other civilizations if it wants to grow and develop.

Quantity is second, quality is the key.

Thanks to a number of technological breakthroughs, the fighting power of the earth ’s civilized space warships and mechas has risen directly to a new level.

The stealth technology, which can be called a bug, is the biggest card of the earth’s civilization, and it can exert its unexpected effects and hit the enemy army in one fell swoop.

New weapons such as dark energy cannons, photon cannons, space smashing weapons, gravitational cannons, etc., let the attack power of earth civilization space warships and mechas directly detonate the table, even if they are confronted with Nathan civilization warships, they can have an absolute advantage.

Such strength, coupled with deliberate calculation and unintentional, the civilization of the earth must win, and to win the vigorous, to make the Nathan civilization pay a high price, but also to let other civilizations in the galaxy know that the civilization of the earth is not irritating.

Earth Calendar September 14, 2132.

Without declaring war, without oaths, the huge fleet of earth civilizations secretly went out. They locked in the direction of Nathan civilization and continued to advance. Space fusion technology integrating quantum transmission technology, wormhole technology, and speed engine technology, let the fleet each It can span dozens of light-years at a time, and it takes more than 5,000 light-years from the Glorious Star Field to Nathan Civilization in just two years.

The earth calendar January 12, 2135.

In the void that leads to the central area of ​​the Milky Way, the 35 million spaceships of the Earth Civilization assembled in a neat queue. After more than two years of voyage, they finally approached their destination.

Thirty light-years away, it is the territory of the fourth-level civilization Bailey civilization. Bailey civilization is a vassal civilization of the Nathan civilization. It is about 200 light years away from the base camp of the Nathan civilization. According to the plan of Zhang Wei and others First, start with Bailey civilization, with the arrogance of Nathan civilization, ca n’t bear it, will send a large army to rescue Bailey civilization, then, the earth civilization fleet can rely on the arranged traps to destroy the Nathan civilization rescue fleet in one fell swoop.

“Start, follow the original plan.”

After the command of the fleet commander Beidou, the entire fleet was drilled into the void one after another. Such a large-scale fleet united operation caused an extraordinary space fluctuation, which was like a stormy sea, crushing nearby meteorites, asteroids and other celestial bodies. Smash.

Civilizations near this star field have also detected abnormal fluctuations in space, but their quantum radar, gravitational wave radar and other detection equipment have not detected the target. Therefore, they can only summarize this incident as an abnormal event. People are thinking that perhaps the fleet of civilizations of level VI has just passed through this star field.

At the same time, in the distant glorious star field, Zhang Wei could not help flashing a look of anticipation after receiving the message from the fleet. The curtain was about to open.

He turned around and said to Beidou with a smile, “It’s time to start.”

Three days later.

All citizens of the earth civilization have received a message that the King of the Eternal Kingdom and the current head of China will jointly hold a press conference to announce an extremely important event for the citizens of the earth civilization and the ambassadors of other civilizations stationed in the earth civilization.

People were curious and put down their work, connected to the virtual world through the biological computer implanted in the brain, and watched the live broadcast of this press conference.

“I do n’t think everyone has ever forgotten that 10 years ago, on January 13, 2125, a tragedy occurred in our earth civilization. The Gale Star Invaders invaded the Rennes galaxy, plundered a lot of resources and equipment, and killed and looted A large number of compatriots on earth civilization. “

Zhang Wei cut into the subject directly, and what he said also silenced people.

forget? How could this matter be forgotten? This is the most tragic tragedy that the earth civilization has suffered since entering the interstellar age. It is the pain in the hearts of all the citizens of the earth civilization. It ’s just that this thing has passed for ten years. The remnants have also been wiped out by other forces because of the reward order of the earth’s civilization. It stands to reason that Zhang Wei should not mention this matter in such a big way. Is there any hidden reason?

Zhang Wei ’s next words confirmed people ’s guess, “I must apologize to all citizens of earth civilization! In fact, as early as seven years ago, we learned the truth from the blast star gang, and the blast star gang was hired. Yes, there is someone else behind the scenes! However, we were not strong enough at the time. If we act rashly, it will probably bring trouble to the earth civilization. Therefore, we chose to hide the truth from everyone! However, we never gave up The idea of ​​revenge! Hard-working people, uncompromising, unrequited salaries, three thousand victories can swallow Wu! We have been working hard to prepare, we have waited for seven years, we can finally tell everyone about this matter, and also tell the master, we The civilization of the earth is not so irritating. If you dare to do something with us, you must pay a heavy price. “

“What? Was there a leader behind the scenes?”

“What’s the point, even if you crush your bones, you have to let the behind-the-scenes master pay the price! Those who offend our earth civilization will be punished far away!”

“The envoy behind the scene must be a powerful civilization, otherwise, the high level will not choose to hide this temporarily!”

“I think that since His Majesty announced this event today, he must be well prepared, and I should also be ready and ready to sacrifice at any time!”

“Who is the principal behind the scenes?”

People were in a state of passion and discussed.

Zhang Wei turned his head and looked coldly at the ambassador of Nassen civilization, saying, “The chief envoy behind the scene is Nassen civilization. They think that the rise of earth civilization is too fast. There must be some unspeakable secrets. Therefore, They hired the Blast Star Thieves who have worked with them many times … “

Zhang Wei told the truth of the incident one by one, and also showed the relevant evidence, thoroughly convicting the crime of Nathan civilization.

People were immediately angry, and many people’s eyes were red. They all expressed that they would not hesitate to pay revenge on Nassen civilization even if they paid a big price.

The ambassadors of other civilizations also realized that there was a big story ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ This thing was actually done by Nathan civilization, and the earth civilization may have to declare war on Nathan civilization, but they all hold the theater Attitude, even desperate to fight the earth civilization and Nathan civilization, the more intense the fight, the better, let these two civilizations consume vitality in the war, and have since declined.

But Nathan Civilization Ambassador Bobby shrugged and said very arrogantly, “I have been in Earth Civilization for so many years. I have studied the culture of Earth Civilization. There is a saying in Earth Civilization. Meals can be eaten, but words cannot be messed up. Say, I think, your earth civilization should understand the meaning of this sentence! “

“We have absolutely nothing to do with the blast star group, no matter whether you believe in the civilization of the earth, we believe it anyway. As for the evidence you show, in my opinion, there are many loopholes and it is not enough to believe. You know, the civilization of your earth Having mastered the technology to modify memory, it is easy for you to modify the memory of these star robbers. “

Bobby said with a subdued tone, “I ’m very formal to inform you that this kind of nonsense nonsense is a provocation against the powerful fifth-level mid-level civilization Nathan civilization, which has completely harmed our two civilizations. The friendship between you, if you now formally apologize, we Nassen civilization can still forgive you, otherwise you are ready to bear the anger of our Nassen civilization! You ca n’t control our anger! “

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