Urban Inventor

Chapter 511 - 1 sentence determines 1 civilization

What kind of enemy is the most terrible?

The invisible enemy is the most terrible.

The stealth technology rewarded by the system can make Nathan civilization unable to detect the space warships and mechs of the earth civilization. Based on this alone, Nathan civilization has already lost. Of course, if Nathan Civilization purchased advanced detection technology from a Level 6 civilization, the results would be very different. However, Level 6 civilizations are not short of energy and common resources. They have always been above them, and they rarely trade with civilizations below Level 6.

“Beidou, the order will be suspended, and the construction of all mechas and space warships will be suspended. Newly produced mechas and space warships must use the latest stealth technology.”

Zhang Wei passed the technical data rewarded by the system to Beidou and told him.

After that, he summoned the senior leaders of the Eternal Kingdom to discuss how to retaliate against Nathan civilization.

Unlike last time, this time, he has enough confidence.

“Stealth technology? Can we avoid the detection technology mastered by the mechanical science and technology civilization below six levels such as quantum radar, gravitational wave radar, space vibration radar?”

Liu Hai, Qin Xiaobu and other high-level officials of the Eternal Kingdom heard that they were all beneficiaries of biological computers and brain evolution agents. They are extremely knowledgeable. They are officials, scientists, and military experts. For military significance, as long as you plan well, you can definitely hang Nathan civilization.

This is really exciting.

They can’t help but look at Zhang Wei, they are worthy of being the most legendary figures in the history of the earth civilization, throwing out a black technology if they don’t agree, even if they have known each other for almost a hundred years, there will still be such a shock.

“With this technology, we have no fear of Nassen civilization, but we have to bear with it for a while, using stealth technology to build a huge army, and then revenge on Nassen civilization to let Nassen civilization know us Earth civilization is something they cannot afford! “

“I think it should be a priority to build an army of mechas, because the construction time of mechas is very short and consumes few resources. If you do your best, you can build an army of mechatronics with a scale of 100 billion in one year. “

“But we don’t have that many soldiers, and if we recruit 100 billion soldiers, it will definitely have a serious impact on the development of other fields.”

“We can vigorously develop drone armor.”

After excitement and shock, Liu Hai and other senior officials of the Eternal Kingdom heatedly discussed.

“Then it was so decided.”

After summarizing the opinions and suggestions of everyone present, Zhang Wei said firmly, “Notify the fleets stationed in various territories to strengthen prevention to prevent further attacks by interstellar pirates, cosmic merchants or other civilizations.”

“In addition, to concentrate resources and give priority to the construction of mechas, we must build an army of mechatronics with a scale of hundreds of billions within a year, and the military must also develop suitable tactics for mechas.”

“After having the Mecha Army, prepare for another four years, and then carry out retaliatory actions against Nathan civilization, let Nathan civilization experience the fear of being dominated by us, and let the entire galaxy know that earth civilization is not easy to cause.

Zhang Wei is also a little excited. This time, the civilization of the earth will surely become famous in one battle.

However, he just wanted to teach the Nassen civilization, and at the same time demanded huge compensation, instead of fighting with the Nassen civilization in an all-round way, or even destroying the Nassen civilization, because the population of the earth civilization is too small, and the military power is not enough. Defending the current territory, even if it defeats Nathan civilization, it has no strength to rule the territory of Nathan civilization.

Time to return to Earth Civilization’s tracking fleet read the memory of the members of the Blast Star Rogue.

The members of the Cyclone Star Pirates are all uneasy, because they are very clear that they have no use value. If the Earth Civilization Fleet is untrustworthy and they are not allowed to leave, they will only have a dead end.

Will the Earth Civilization Fleet keep its original promise?

of course not.

Commander Zhang Xingkong is not the kind of pedantic person who keeps his promise to the blast star robbery who committed heinous crimes in the earth civilization? joke.

If he dared to do so, he would surely be drowned by the saliva of civilized citizens of the earth, and then be dealt with by military law.


Zhang Xingkong passed the relevant news back to the base camp of the earth civilization in the shining star field, and he decisively gave orders.

The space warships he commanded are all old-fashioned warships, and they have not been equipped with new weapons such as photon cannons, dark energy cannons, space smashing weapons, etc. But the power of the original laser cannons, antimatter particle beams, magnetic field weapons and other weapons is also quite good.

Hundreds of thousands of space battleships opened fire at the same time, and the whole void trembled, with a bright and deadly light everywhere.

Although the blast star robbers have been preparing, the more than 2,000 space warships they use are technologically equivalent to the space warships of the Earth Civilization Fleet, but their number is too small, and their energy shields cannot play a big role. For a civilization like Earth Civilization that has mastered the energy shield technology, it takes only a few rounds of attacks to lock the position of enemy warships hidden in the energy shield according to the harvested parameters, and launch targeted attacks .

“Earth civilization, despicable and shameless, we fight with you!”

The members of the Blast Star Rogue screamed and played the nature of the desperate. Even if they were to die, they would have to pay for the civilization of the earth.

It has to be said that they are elite in battle, coupled with advanced weapons, they have indeed caused a lot of casualties to the earth civilization fleet.

Half a day later, after the end of the war, the blast stolen regiment was annihilated, the Earth Civilization Fleet also lost more than 1,000 space warships, and more than 1 million soldiers were “dead”. However, the soldiers of the Earth Civilization enjoy free spiritual immortality And, after a while, they can be resurrected with blood in the Radiant Star Field!

“Well, in order to let the blast star group cooperate with us to read the memory, let them leave their two space battleships, and some important figures such as their leaders should have left with these two space battleships, don’t know me The tracking team sent to keep up with these two space warships. “

Zhang Xingkong looked at the star battlefield where the wreckage of the battleship was everywhere, and ordered, “Contact me to track the team and let them report the results.”

The correspondent quickly received a reply from the tracking team, saying, “Report to your Excellency Commander that the tracking team has been following the two space warships, but the two space warships are not much different in speed from our space warships. It’s hard to catch up. “

“Then let the tracking squad come back. We have eliminated most of the star robbers. We have also found the main ambassador behind the scenes. The mission has been successfully completed. As for those star robbers who have escaped, they have been included in the list of killings of our earth civilization , Before confirming their death, the killing order will not be revoked ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ they will eventually pay the price! “

Zhang Xingkong knew it was useless to chase it down, and said with a cold face, “Go back.”

The entire void was busy again, and countless spaceships lined up in an array and began to return home.

At this moment, the correspondent said, “Report to Your Excellency Commander, the indigenous civilization here sends us a message, expresses its gratitude to us, and says it is willing to submit to us, hoping that we will send a fleet to stay here, or to join our fleet. leave here.”

Well, the indigenous civilization here has been frightened by the action of the blast star group, they already have a shadow in their hearts, and there is a serious lack of security. They found that the earth civilization did not deal with them, they had a trace of expectations in their hearts, hoping to hold Tighten the thighs of earth civilization. In fact, this situation is very common in the universe. Many low-level civilizations lack a sense of security. Even if they know that they have to pay a huge price, they hope to be protected by high-level civilizations. After all, there is hope in life.

“Well, tell them that we are a five-level civilization, and we are willing to accept them as a vassal civilization, and then leave a small team to station here.”

Zhang Xingkong said casually, and his sentence determined the destiny of a civilization.

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