Urban Inventor

Chapter 467 - Picking peaches

Baidu Qiufuwang has what it takes! Read the full text of the urban inventor! Seeking fiction net, answer whatever you want!

The emergence of biological armor and brain evolution agents has once again made all mankind boil. People are once again amazed by Zhang Wei ’s scientific talent. Such a powerful black technology is thrown away like no money. It is worthy of driving the earth with one hand The strongest giant in the scientific community with rapid civilization.

The media also acted, and counted Zhang Wei’s huge contribution from the discovery of the antigravity formula in 2019. Even if people are very familiar with Zhang Wei’s deeds, after reading the relevant reports, he can’t help but sigh, Zhang Wei Life is simply an open life.

From 2019 to the present, that is, 2106, in less than 100 years, Zhang Wei has launched a series of epoch-making technologies such as anti-gravity technology, genetic evolution technology, and controlled nuclear fusion. You can see Zhang Wei’s shadow in every important area.

Others joked that perhaps someone who wanted to help the rapid development of the earth’s civilization chose a lucky person among human beings and instilled various advanced scientific and technological knowledge, and that lucky person was Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei learned from Beidou that this joke that caused a lot of discussion in the virtual world also felt quite reasonable. Perhaps, the big inventor system did not come to the earth unintentionally, but a deliberate arrangement.

However, he is no longer entangled in the origin of the big inventor system, because it is a waste of time at this stage, and he still enjoys what he deserves.

Unconsciously, two years later, the brain evolution agent began to be popularized throughout the earth civilization, but it is still tied to the contribution level. The brain evolution agent can only be obtained after reaching two levels of contribution.

The same is true for biological armor, which must reach a three-level contribution level to be eligible to purchase biological armor, otherwise, even if there is money.

And people have adapted to this rule, and also recognize this concept: nothing is taken for granted. Only those who have contributed to the civilization of the earth can qualify for the benefits provided by the civilization of the earth.

Therefore, in the territory ruled by mankind, most people work hard and make their own contributions to the civilization of the earth, while enjoying generous returns.

It is for this reason that the civilization of the earth is becoming stronger and stronger, and the territory within 300 light-years around the solar system has been managed in an orderly manner and has become a powerful overlord.

The civilization of the earth is getting stronger and stronger, but the situation of the glorious star field stared by the civilization of the earth is getting worse.

Franklin and Marx spread liberal democracy and communism in the Glorious Star Field, and established the Glorious Federal Republic and the Glorious Socialist Republic, respectively, which opened the prelude to war in the Glorious Star Field.

When the Brilliant Federal Republic and the Brilliant Socialist Republic were about to be wiped out, a mysterious Empress of Light appeared again, which opened the prelude to the robot revolution, and used various methods of extinct humanity such as earthquake weapons and nano-robot viruses. It has caused the death of hundreds of billions of people.

Now, decades since the revolution broke out, this protracted war is still not over, leaving the entire Glorious Starfield with great power and devastated.

The most intuitive loss is the population. Years of war have caused the death of more than 1400 trillion people in the Glorious Star Field, which is an unbearable loss for the Glorious Star Field.

Secondly, the background of the Brilliant Star Field is also extremely consumed. At the beginning of the revolution, the four-level civilizations of the Brilliant Star Field were able to take out tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of space warships, but with time Over time, the power of these four-level civilizations is much less than before. The spaceships they own have been reduced from hundreds of millions to ten million levels, and then to the current one million levels. There is no more power to continue the battle.

The Pan-Glory Alliance headed by the Hui civilization wants to end the war immediately, but Beidou simply does not give them the opportunity to negotiate, because her mission is to weaken the strength of the Glorious Star Zone and create favorable conditions for the earth civilization to live in the Glorious Star Zone.

As for the Brilliant Federal Republic and the Brilliant Socialist Republic, although they have ceased armistice with the Pan-Glory Alliance, they are actually not well-intentioned and have been quietly accumulating strength. When the war between the Pan-Glory Alliance and the robots is over, they will jump out in one fell swoop. Annihilate the Pan-Glory Alliance.

On the side of the Eternal Kingdom, I have been paying attention to and manipulating the situation of the Glorious Star Realm. According to the plan of Zhang Wei and others, I am ready to let the Glorious Star Realm continue to fight. When the strength of the Glorious Star Realm is reduced to the extreme, the Eternal Kingdom is also just built With enough spaceships using space technology, the strength is greatly increased, and you can win the entire glorious star field with minimal loss!

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes. When Zhang Wei was studying dark matter, dark energy and soul, Beidou came to report, “Boss, this is the latest information from the glorious star field. The situation there has changed, and there are external forces ready Get in there. “

“Huh? External forces?”

Zhang Wei frowned slightly ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ took the information and looked at it seriously.

He has long regarded the Glorious Star Territory as the territory of the earth’s civilization, and has been preparing for more than 40 years ago. He has put a lot of energy into it. Now that it is about to reap, he suddenly has external forces who want to pick peaches. It was not the situation he wanted to see, and it was absolutely unacceptable!

“Vika Starfield?”

After Zhang Wei read the information, his face relaxed.

The distance between the Vika Star Field and the Glorious Star Field is about 1000 light years. It is very similar to the situation of the Glorious Star Field. There are a lot of civilizations in the Star Field, and the strongest are the fourth-level late civilizations, mastering the technology of the speed engine In the past, they had been fighting well with the water of the Glorious Star Field, but at this time they found that the power of the Glorious Star Field dropped sharply, and they suddenly became greedy, and wanted to take the opportunity to occupy the rich Glorious Star Field.

They also secretly contacted the caravans of the earth civilization stationed in the glorious star field, and invited the earth civilization to jointly send troops to the four forces of the Pan-Glory Alliance, the Glorious Federal Republic, the Glorious Socialist Republic, and the Robots, which were entrenched in the Glorious Star Field. Remove all of them, and then divide up the brilliant star field together.

“Well, it ’s a good idea to share the Radiant Star Field together. Do you know how much effort we have made for the Radiant Star Field? It ’s just a Level 4 post-civilization. It may have caused us trouble before, but now we It is already a true five-level civilization, and it has control of powerful space technology. It is not too easy to abuse you. After we have digested the glorious star field, the next goal is you. “

Zhang Wei snorted and ordered Beidou, “further confirm the news, and at the same time be sure to investigate the information of Vika Starfield.”

Baidu Qiufuwang has what it takes! The latest chapter of the urban inventor, welcome to collect! Seeking fiction net, answer whatever you want!

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