Urban: His understanding is incredible, and he becomes an immortal starting from practicing martial

Chapter 63

Hearing Bai Xuan's obvious hint, Professor Jerry naturally wouldn't fail to guess the correct answer.


When he guessed the correct answer, he was even more shocked.

Not only was it shocking, but there were also many doubts in my mind.

"Is this bioelectricity?".

"But the bioelectric current in the human body is so small, how can it be separated from the body to produce an electric arc?"


"Since you're able to create an arc, it's proof that you can control much more biocurrent than that. "

"Could it be that you have undergone some kind of special human modification, or some kind of genetic engineering?"

"So you have the ability to discharge electricity like an electric eel?".

As a scientist in the field of life, Professor Jerry naturally does not know about electric eels.

So when he thought of this, he naturally remembered detailed information about electric eels in his mind.

Although the electric eel is called "eel", it is not a type of eel, it is more taxonomic to catfish, and it is placed under the general order of bone bladder.

The electric eel's ability to discharge electricity comes from its specialized musculature. Muscle tissue can discharge almost all of its electricity, accounting for more than 80% of its length, and there are thousands of dischargers.

The head of the electric eel is the negative electrode, the tail is the positive electrode, and each discharger can produce a voltage of about 0.15 volts, and when thousands of dischargers are discharged together, the voltage is as high as 600~800 volts.

However, this high voltage is only maintained for a very short period of time, and the ability to discharge decreases with the degree of fatigue or aging.

Electric eels can freely control the amount of electricity to be released, and it is generally believed that the purpose of electric eels to release low electricity is to warn, test or detect.

The electric eel is able to discharge electricity because there are cells in the electric eel that act like small tandem cells that, when excited by nerve signals, can abruptly send ions through its cell membrane.

Electric eels have such cells in their bodies from head to tail, like many tandem cells stacked on top of each other. When an electric current is generated, all these batteries are connected in series, which creates a very high voltage between the head and tail of the electric eel.

Many of these battery packs are connected in parallel so that a large enough current can be generated outside the body. Use this electricity to stun or kill its prey or predators.

Electric fish in freshwater need more batteries in series together because freshwater has a higher resistance and requires a higher voltage to produce the same current.

Therefore, electric eels can discharge electricity at will, and to grasp the time and intensity of discharge, the main hub of the generator is the nerve part of the organ.

The average voltage of electric eels when discharged is more than 350 volts, but there have been records of 650 volts discharge. The maximum voltage of the Star Alliance Electric Eel is more than 800 volts, which is enough to kill a cow.

The electric current produced by the electric eel discharge is very weak, usually less than 1 ampere, and sometimes the observed voltage is 500 volts and the current is 2 amperes, i.e. a short discharge of 1000 watts. Although direct current is emitted, the discharge frequency can reach 300 pulses per second.

The damaging force of the discharge depends on the size of the eel and the condition of the organism.

When the electric eel is less than 1 meter long, the voltage increases as the electric eel grows. When it grows to 1 meter, only the intensity of the current increases. Electric eels can discharge 50 times per second, but after continuous discharge, the current gradually weakens, disappears completely after 10~15 seconds, and can regain the discharge ability after a while.

Within 3~6 meters in the water, people often touch the electricity emitted by the electric eel and are knocked unconscious, or even fall into the water and drown.

The electric current emitted by the tail of the electric eel flows to the receptors in the head, thus forming a weak electric field around its body.

There are specialized cells in the central nervous system of electric eels to monitor the activity of electrical receptors, and can direct the behavior of electric eels based on the results of monitoring and analysis, and decide to take predatory behavior, avoidance behavior or other behaviors.

Someone once did such an experiment: put two vertical wires in the pool, put the electric eel, and put the pool in a dark environment, and found that the electric eel always shuttled between the wires, and did not touch the wires at all, and when the wires were energized, the electric eels quickly ran backwards.

This shows that electric eels rely on "inductance" to judge the surrounding environment.

The electric eel's discharge organs are on both sides of the body, and most of its body or vital organs are encased by highly insulating structures, which are like a large battery in water. The current passes through the path with the least resistance, so when it is discharged in the water, the current will be transmitted through the water, and the electric eel will not be charged to itself.

But if an electric eel is caught in the air, the resistance of the air is greater than that of its body, and if it is discharged, it will be electrified.

In addition, if the electric eel is injured and the insulators on both sides are damaged at the same time, a short circuit will occur when discharging like two bare wires.

Electric eels can use this electrical current to "remotely control" their prey, causing the hiding fish to twitch and reveal their location. The electric eel's current also induces the prey's muscles to contract involuntarily, paralyzing it.


Based on this information, Professor Jerry was roughly able to judge the approximate ability and strength of Bai Xuan's extraordinary power.

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