Upgrade Beyond Rampage

Chapter 42

Chapter 42: Li Kuangran

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After being separated from the Jiucheng mercenary regiment, Tang Yi did not leave Fengyue Forest, but went around in a circle. After the Jiucheng mercenary regiment left, he returned to the place where Zhang Yuxi and others were killed. Ap;

Looking at the bodies that fell in the pool of blood, Tang Yi stretched out his hand, and a small purple flame appeared in his hand.

Just now there were people from the Jiucheng mercenary regiment. He didn’t want to expose the fire, so he waited for them to leave before he returned to the scene to destroy the dead.


The small purple flames were divided into several plants and fell on each corpse. Suddenly, the fire light came on, and the sound of “zizi” sounded. The dark night was suddenly covered with dazzling purple meaning. It turned into countless fly ash and disappeared in the sky.

Zhang Yuxi and others, except for the blood stains and black ashes on the ground, had no trace of them.


After Tang Yi burned the body with three thousand flames, he suddenly felt something was wrong and counted it.

One, two, three, four, five…

Five bodies? One less!

Li Kuang, and later Zhang Yuxi and others, had a total of six, but only five bodies were seen at the moment.

“How is this going?”

The people of the 9th City Mercenary Corps could not take the body away. Was it taken away by the monster?

“Is it… bad!”

After thinking for a while, Tang Yicai said secretly. .

Before he slapped Li Kuang, he didn’t confirm whether he died. When he saw him lying on the ground and lost his fighting power, he ignored him.

After the battle, he only talked to Liu Tian and others, and forgot to confirm whether all the corpses were dead. Unexpectedly, there were still fishes in the net.

The only missing body must be Li Kuang. He may not have died, and he ran away while he was away with the Jiucheng mercenary regiment!

This is terrible!

Li Kuang is a member of the Wolf Sky Mercenary Corps. If you let him go back, it will definitely cause unnecessary trouble!

Moreover, Tang Yi killed Zhang Yuxi, the core member of the Wolf Sky Mercenary Corps. It is impossible for the Wolf Sky Mercenary Corps to pass Tang Yi!

Tang Yi hurriedly walked around the scene, looking for some clues to see if he could find Li Kuang’s escape, but no matter how he searched, there were no traces of Li Kuang.

Besides, the scene is so messy, with dust, blood, and gravel. It is hard to find clues from such a place.

“Hey! It’s a blessing, not a curse, it’s a curse to avoid.”

Tang Yi sighed. The purpose of his return was to destroy the corpses, but unfortunately, he did useless work to make the biggest omission run away.

However, he was not too nervous, he would always come, he could not hide, as long as his strength reached a certain level, even if the Wolf Sky Mercenary Corps found him?

Isn’t it why he couldn’t help him?

Therefore, Tang Yi just looked for a while, then gave up, and then flashed into the depths of Fengyue Forest. ®.®&reg

Although Tang Yi’s current strength in the Tang family can already be fearless to anyone, he agreed with Tang Mingtian that the three-day period passed only one day, and there is no need to return to the Tang family so early.

Besides, use this period of time to upgrade quickly, and then go back in a crushing posture, not afraid of the genius of the Tang family or the characters of the seven elders.

Then you will not be convinced, and I will convince you.

Therefore, Tang Yi once again went deep into the forest to hunt for more advanced monsters to gain more experience points.

Originally, he only played some first-level and second-level monsters on the periphery. Now, he has to enter the third-level or even fourth-level area to kill more advanced monsters.

Because I just played against Zhang Yuxi and used a mountain rupture, now there are 2o points left in the God of War. If you want to save 1o points to save your life, then Tang Yi can also waste a finishing technique to use monsters.

This time, Tang Yi should make good use of it, attract more blame, and strive for maximum benefits.

While thinking, Tang Yi couldn’t help but sigh if there were more God of War points, there is no need to be so bothered.

The rules of obtaining God of War points probably made Tang Yi understand a little bit. In addition to starting rewards, the God of War points obtained later were obtained by completing the mission and killing the key characters of the mission.

You got 1o points for killing Tang Ark, and 3o points for completing missions.

It seems that completing the mission will get more God of War points.

However, until now Tang Yi has not received the task of the system, and it is impossible to obtain the God of War points.

Only when the task is received in the future will it be completed actively, in order to regain the God of War points.


Tang Yijian walked like a flying man, and went all the way to the depths of Fengyue Forest. During the meeting, he met some monsters of the first and second grades.

After walking for about ten minutes, Tang Yi finally met a dozen third-level monsters. It seems that he has entered the area of the third-level monsters.

These dozen monsters have red hairs, some white hairs, and even black ones. Each color is different. They are monsters that look similar to cats on the earth. The only difference is red eyes. The limbs are extremely long.

Unlike cats on the earth, all with short legs, but like a monster with a cat’s head but a monkey body, Tang Yi’s one-eye surgery still passed, and he got information from the monster.

Name: Bloodthirsty Cat Demon

Level: 23 (three monsters)

Description: Living in groups, it is extremely fast. It will become extremely crazy when it sees blood. It has claws on its limbs, which are extremely sharp and can tear the enemy’s armor.

Judgment: Medium threat.

If a general warfighter encounters such a monster, there is no second way to go except being caught up and killed.

However, Tang Yi is different. He has a phantom step and eats a lot of pills. The degree is faster than the ordinary war spirits, so it is still possible to deal with these famous monsters.

Start the Great Cause!


A stone was aimed at the head of a bloodthirsty cat monster, but the cat monster’s reaction was extremely sensitive, and the speed was extremely fast, and the figure moved, and he hid in a single click. To cat demon.

But ~www.ltnovel.com~ This also angered this group of bloodthirsty cat monsters.

A dozen pairs of scarlet eyes stared at Tang Yi, and then quickly rushed to Tang Yi.

Originally Tang Yi was still annoyed that he didn’t hit the cat demon, but seeing this effect, obviously the goal has been achieved.

Running the Phantom Step, he hung the bloodthirsty cat demon and ran deeper into the Fengyue Forest.

During this period, Tang Yi encountered wave after wave of bloodthirsty cat demons, but none of the other monsters met.

He wanted to enter the exclusive territory of the bloodthirsty cat demon, maybe there will be a big boss of a cat demon here.

At the thought of Boss, Tang Yi’s heart is full of fire, and his brain is full of experience points and treasure rewards.

As the saying goes, whatever comes to your heart comes, but no, Tang Yi just wondered if there would be a big boss with a bloodthirsty cat demon, and a cat demon with blood red glow appeared in front of Tang Yi.

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