Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Vol.2 Chapter 35

“And we're back, ladies and gentlemen, with the highly anticipated continuation of the one-versus-one tournament match!” the lead panelist exclaimed, his voice infused with excitement.


“That is right Raze! And for you guys who just tuned in, take a look at the bracket for the remaining participants!” the other panelist, whose name I forgot, chimed in with practiced ease and professionalism.





"As you can see, the next fight is about to begin between the representatives of both Team Paradigm and Team Round Table," the panelist announced, his voice filled with excitement, capturing the attention of the crowd. "This match features two players who have truly proven their skill and determination. In their previous matches, they showcased unwavering resilience and a refusal to back down, with them winning with a mere sliver of health remaining."


The atmosphere in the crowd grew electric, anticipation mounting as everyone eagerly awaited the clash between these formidable opponents. The panelist's words only served to enhance the excitement, setting the stage for what promised to be a thrilling encounter.


"You're right, Raze, those two matches were incredibly close and intense. The determination and skill showcased by the players have truly impressed us all," the panelist acknowledged, affirming the excitement that filled the air. "Now, turning to Mr. Bogdan, what are your thoughts on the upcoming fight?"


The other panelists finally included Vlad, giving him the opportunity to share his professional insights and analysis. As the camera turned towards him, Vlad adjusted his position in his seat, preparing to provide his expert commentary.


"Hmm, I must say, this upcoming fight has the potential to be a real showdown," Vlad began, his voice tinted with the usual deep and calm tone. "Both of these players have proven their mettle and have displayed remarkable resilience in their previous matches. It's clear that they are determined to secure victory for their teams. I’m pretty sure this would be a close fight like their previous ones.”


That was… such a safe answer, I guess. Maybe he already knows the clear advantage of Arthur in this battle and just doesn’t want to spoil the match for the spectators. I could be wrong and he truly thinks the upcoming fight will be a close one… although I’m not getting my hopes up for our team since I know we are clearly on the backfoot on this matchup.


"Hey, you still haven't told me what I should do for the upcoming fight?" Clarence interrupted, snapping me out of my thoughts.


"Hmm… I’m not quite sure," I admitted with a shrug.


"W-what?!" he exclaimed, bewildered by my response. "What do you mean 'you don't know'? Don't you have some convoluted plan or strategy to help me turn the tide and secure victory from what seems like an inevitable defeat?"


“…Please don’t make me into some kind of omniscient being. I haven't thought that far ahead, and even if I did, we don't have enough time to fully prepare and practice the plan like we did when you faced Hana. The best I can do is offer encouragement for you to give it your all."


Clarence's expression turned more deflated. "That's not reassuring at all! I at least want to win a game after talking bid in that interview earlier. Otherwise, I'll look really bad!" he exclaimed.


“You bought it on yourself, so you take the fall,” I deadpanned.


“Urk! T-true, but can you at least make a plan to increase even a bit of the chance for me to win?” he pleaded.


"Want to hear my honest thoughts?" I locked eyes with him, my expression serious, causing him to gulp nervously.


"G-go on..." he replied adamantly.


"He outclasses you in every aspect. In skills, weapon skill, stats," I explained, emphasizing the noticeable advantages held by our opponent. "I'm also pretty sure he has analyzed your gameplay from your first match, so the surprise factor is absent. Moreover, I’m sure he is already aware that you can only execute two stances within your current play style if he so much as watched your first fight at least once and analyzed it thoroughly. And most of all, his resolve will not crumble under pressure, unlike your previous opponent. His confidence seems unwavering, and his sense of self is infallible, making it unlikely that he will be susceptible to your taunts," I explained my unfiltered thoughts.


"Hey! Whose side are you really on!?" he exclaimed, shocked by my analysis.


"I'm only being realistic. It's fine if you lose now since we are already guaranteed a place in the upper brackets of the main tournament. There's no need to worry too much," I reassured him, trying to alleviate his concerns.


While my words may not be what he expected, I wanted to offer support in a more realistic sense. Understanding the difficult circumstances he faced, it was important to manage expectations and focus on the bigger picture. Regardless of the outcome, our team had already secured a favorable position in the main tournament due to his efforts, and this match could serve as a valuable learning experience for him… if he is planning to continue going pro that is. It would be very bad if he became too reliant on me as I couldn't always be by his side to provide constant guidance and strategies… especially since this would be my last tournament run.


"Uhm, Kat, does that mean we have no chance of winning against their team?" Liz, who was listening for a while butted in, her voice filled with concern.


I paused for a moment. It wouldn't be bad for our morale if I dwell on the negativity too much, "Well, we can exploit his straightforwardness and honesty."


Clarence perked up at the statement. "You have a plan, then?!" he asked excitedly, eager for more information.


I took a deep breath, contemplating the best way to explain my thoughts. "Sort of," I eventually replied.


"While our opponent may have the clear advantage in many aspects, including skills and stats, there's always a weakness we can exploit. In his case, his straightforwardness and honesty may make him predictable,” I continued.


Examining my surroundings, I could see the undivided attention of my teammates, ready to hear my thoughts, Chu included who was secretly listening from the beginning. Now that I think about it, these guys really do seem to trust me a lot recently. Had I genuinely reached a point where they could rely on me and place their utmost faith in my abilities without question? Well, friends do need to trust each other… they consider me as their friend, right?


Directing my gaze towards Clarence, I singled him out to share my plan. “So here is what you should do.”




Renz’s PoV


As I step into the arena, the grandeur of the surroundings overwhelms my senses. The atmosphere is electric, the air charged with anticipation and the echoes of the crowd's excitement. Beneath my feet, the sand of the arena feels firm and steady, too realistic even for a VR one. I take a moment to refocus myself and calm my nerves.


As I shift my gaze to the other side of the arena, I find my opponent staring back at me with a resolute and unwavering determination. Arthur’s eyes lock onto mine, piercing through the distance that separates us.


In his unwavering gaze, I sense the intensity of their focus and commitment to victory. It is clear that he is prepared to give his all in this battle, leaving no room for doubt or hesitation. His sheer determination shines through, adding to the arena’s energy as we both waited for the countdown that inevitably came.






Match Start!


Sensing the right moment I decided to initiate the plan my teammate concocted.


“Hey, you have one of the strongest weapon skills in-game, right?” I immediately queried after the start of the match.


While he was clearly taken aback that I started talking, he instantly composed himself to answer my question


"I wouldn't claim it to be one of the strongest, but this sword holds great significance to me," he remarked, his gaze transfixed on the intricate details of his cherished weapon. There was a fondness in his eyes that revealed a deep connection. "Ever since I started playing this game, it has symbolized the unwavering resolve I have carried within me,” he continued.


I see, so that weapon does have a sentimental value to him, much like my current weapon that Clarissa gave me, the very first in-game gift I received from her in this game. A weapon I will use to win this match with all my might.


“…Then, let us see whose weapon is stronger, your or mine.”


He paused, seemingly contemplating the implication of my innuendo.  “…If you’re asking me for a showdown of weapon skills, then I shall accept!”


“Huh? You’re going to accept my challenge just like that?” I said skeptically.


Katherine did say that this guy is honest and straightforward to a fault, but I had not expected that he would agree so readily. It seemed almost too easy, which is extremely suspicious.


"I truly believe that when you triumph over your opponent's strongest efforts, it is an acknowledgment of the arduous journey they have undertaken to reach that point," he explained passionately. "It is a recognition of the sacrifices, the sweat, and the relentless pursuit of perfection they have poured into their craft. As my opponent, you deserve to have that opportunity. If you want to fight with what you are truly strong at, then I want to challenge and defeat you at your very best."


Holy shit! I don’t really get what he's saying since I’m not entirely paying attention, but he sounded so cool! Maybe it’s how he said it with such conviction while spouting some self-righteous words that got me. Either way, I need to step up my game and match his ostentatiousness. Let's also say something cool to set up the stage for the hundreds of thousands of viewers watching.


“I’m also glad to be the one facing you at this stage. It's an honor to face you in this match and witness your strength and skill!” I said while adopting a striking stance in preparation to use my weapon skill.


 “Likewise,” he replied eagerly giving me an appreciative smile, a sense of camaraderie that can only be felt between two men, giving their all in a fight with both their pride at stake.


"Then, let's go... All or nothing! I’ll give it my all in this one single strike!" I proclaimed with a determined voice.


Whoah! That sounded really cool, like something straight out of an action movie that Clarissa and I usually watch! I always wanted to say something like that.


With the distance between us and the start of the match, I can ramp up the damage of my weapon skill to the maximum. I’m certain that my sprinting speed is one of the fastest, making this next attack a sure one-hit K.O. if he receives it head-on. With the weapon that Clarissa gave me, this will be my win!


As I charged towards my opponent to unleash my weapon skill, he took his stance. Time seemed to slow down as I observed his every move, noting the way he lifted his sword with a sense of purpose as if drawing energy from the very sun. His poised position, perfectly balanced and symmetrical, commanded a sense of admiration. The intensity of his focus was evident in his unwavering gaze.


I couldn't help but be captivated by the sight of his sword, illuminated with a striking golden glow, in stark contrast to the burning blue hue of my own weapon.


As my charge was nearing its end, our energies surged, and in perfect synchrony, we unleashed our attacks simultaneously.


"Sovereign's Charge!" I shouted with conviction.


"Golden Sanctity!" he exclaimed with unwavering determination.


With our battle cries harmonizing in the air, I thrust forward with my trusted spear, channeling all my strength and skill into the precise movement. At the same time, my opponent brought his extravagant sword down in a powerful overhead swing, showcasing his own mastery of the art.


The clash of our weapons resonated, creating a thunderous impact that echoed throughout the arena. My senses were immediately overwhelmed by the exchange, and then almost instantly, everything went blank.




Seeing the clash of blue and gold was a sight to behold. The impact of the colliding attacks reverberated through the arena, creating a radiant explosion of blue and gold, a breathtaking clash of opposing forces. Each player clearly poured their all into both their respective attacks. The intensity of their clash sent shockwaves rippling across the arena, a testament to the immense DPS of both their weapon skills. The blue and gold energies battled fiercely, intertwining in mid-air, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of colors that captivated the audience as I heard a couple of exclamations from the crowd even in this room.


“Oh shit! What an intense display of weapon skills and mastery! These two really know how to liven things up!” the caster explained doing his best to hype up the crowd even more.


For a brief moment, time stood still as the sounds of their clash echoed through the air, drowning out all other noise. In the aftermath of the climactic clash, Clarence found himself staggered, the damage output of his opponent's weapon skill overwhelming his own. The force of the impact sent him stumbling backward, his body succumbing to the strength of the blow.



HP: 0%


When two opposing powerful weapon skills clash as perfectly as theirs did, it is programmed that the one with the higher damage output wins and does damage to the opponent. Well, I can't say I'm not disappointed, but at least we tried. Now I know that his weapon skill is more powerful than Renz's. I've seen him one-shot tanky opponents in the qualifiers with one hit using his weapon skill, but I had thought Renz's weapon skill, with the help of his insanely fast sprinting speed, could surpass the opponent's damage output. But I guess I was wrong. What a truly broken skill that guy has.


I heard that Arthur was the only user of that weapon since it’s a milestone type of equipment, something that the first player who achieves a certain task could acquire, meaning there are no other weapon users like it. He might have gotten it through helping a lot of players or NPC or something given his personality, what a lucky guy. Well, he is a player from day one so I guess it's fair.


“A-and there you have it folks! The match was over in an instant! It looks like we have our very first finalist for the 1v1 tournament! Please give it up for Arthur!” the caster hollered.


I sighed. In my observations of Clarence, I have come to realize that behind his tough exterior and crafted persona lies a gentle heart. I guess I’ll just have to console him later as I’m sure he would be too beaten up and blame himself for this loss. It is partly my fault for suggesting the strategy after all so it's the least I can do.


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