Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Vol.2 Chapter 33 – Gilligan

Novel suggestion: Technomancer: Birth of a Goddess

Technomancer: Birth of a Goddess


"I'm starting to think you're the scariest monster in here." - And that's just what her friends say about her.

When Emily Coldstone discovers the lightning gem in the smouldering ruins of a crashed airship, her own fate, along with that of those she loves and those she hates, is sealed. Experimenting with the gem’s powers, Emily is awakened as a Mage and finds herself inducted into a secret world of magic by a mysterious entity, who sets her a task that will take her from the slums of her birth to war in the far reaches of space.

For Emily is far more powerful than anyone could have imagined. Not only is Emily a Mage, she is a Mechanic; her talents combining to create a Technomancer, a being capable of building herself an indestructible body, an army of spell-flinging robots, and her very own time machine.

The universe will know her wrath!


Please give it a try. It's a super good read, I guarantee it! ;)

From the seclusion of the special room for players, the noise of the crowd is a constant, distant hum. It's a muffled symphony of cheers, gasps, and applause, punctuated by occasional peaks of excitement that reverberate through the walls.


Though the sounds are muted, the energy and anticipation are palpable. Every cheer, every gasp, every roar of approval or disapproval carries a story of the battle unfolding in the arena. The noise is a constant reminder of the hundreds, perhaps thousands, of spectators watching every move, reacting to every strike, and living every moment of the battle.


“A-and there you have it, folks! The winner of the battle is Ariadne from team Paragons!”


I didn’t expect their representative to be their captain, and I certainly didn't anticipate the match being so one-sided. It's clear that this girl has made significant improvements from my current data gathered on her. It seems she has undergone rigorous training, presumably hidden from the public eye, to achieve such a remarkable level of skill in such a short time.


“Hearing how the commentators praise her too much, that girl seems strong. I want to fight her…” Lua said longingly.


“Patience, you'll get your turn in the main tourney. All we need is a single win here to move to the upper bracket. Therefore, let me take care of this.”


"But I haven't even fought anyone strong ever since the qualifiers! I'll throw a tantrum here if you don't let me fight," she whined.


I sighed... What are you, a kid?


"Wait a bit longer. You can go all out in the main tournament. I assure you,” I replied placatingly.


“You also said that in the qualifiers! Now we’re in the tournament so you have to let me play,” she countered.


It seems that she is determined and not easily swayed this time. I can understand her perspective since I have intentionally kept her skills hidden from public knowledge since the beginning of the tournament. Now, the pressing matter is how to approach and address this situation. Convincing Lua when she has set her mind on something is a challenging task, and I am uncertain about handling it alone without any assistance.


"Um, Miss Lua, I believe it would be best for Sir Gilligan to handle this," a soft, childlike voice chimed in from one of my teammates.


I breathed a sigh of relief as Haeun Lee came to my support. She is always excessively formal, but that is to be expected considering the importance Koreans place on formality. She also deeply respects strength, and I'm certain she holds Lua in even higher regard than me, her own captain since Lua is the strongest player on our team.


“I agree. It won't be fun if you go there. The battles would be too one-sided and the champion would already be decided. Let Gil handle this so it would be more interesting that way!” Antonio, our last team member, said cheerfully.


Again with his happy-go-lucky attitude. But I suppose it helps if he is backing me up on this.


Sensing she was outnumbered; Lua gave us a pout. “Alright, fine. I’ll agree… but on one condition.”


I looked at her exasperatedly despite knowing she could not see my current facial expression.


“What is it this time?” I queried, having a bit of a clue what would happen next.


“I’ll concede if Haeun gives me a hug~,” she said with a playful smile.


“W-wha Miss Lua! B-but t-that t-that's improper," Haeun exclaimed as her mind went overdrive. I could clearly see the metaphorical steam coming right out of her head.


“I told you for the hundredth time, drop the ‘Miss’. Just call me Lua. Now, now, don’t keep me waiting~,” she said while opening her arms, gesturing for a hug.

“Wha-eomeo!” Haeun exclaimed something in an unintelligible mix of Korean and English, likely a reflection of her shyness and distress. Feeling sympathetic towards her, I stepped in to lend a hand.


“Don’t tease her too much, Lua,” I admonished my mischievous teammate.


“Boo, what a spoilsport. Fine, I’ll concede the representative slot, but you owe me on this, Gil. And don't you ever lose on the first match or I will never let you hear the end of it.”


“Don’t worry. The probability of me losing this match is less than one percent.”


As if on cue, there came a knock on the door of our room. The door opened, revealing one of the staff for the tournament.


“Uhmm... Excuse me. Team Variable, might I know who your representative for the 1v1 will be?" the staff asked.


I stood up from the comfortable sofa seat dedicated to the participants of the tournament.


“It will be me.”




“Here we are again, folks! Your favorite caster duo, DJ Riot and Paratrooper, for your match commentary!” the caster hollered, signaling the near start of the match.


The hum of the crowd grew louder with each step, a symphony of anticipation that filled the air. It was a sound that fueled the adrenaline coursing through my veins, as I made my way towards the center of the stadium.


With each step towards the stage, the noise of the crowd became more distinct. The cheers, the applause, and the anticipation, all merged into a powerful, pulsating rhythm that matched the beat of my heart.




“The crowd sure is lively…” I murmured to no one in particular.


As I ascended the steps to the stage, the noise of the crowd reached a crescendo, a wave of sound that washed over me. It was a sound that echoed the magnitude of the moment, the significance of the match, and the expectations of the spectators.


Standing on the stage, the noise of the crowd was an exhilarating symphony of anticipation and excitement.


I stopped at the destination, the center stage. In front of me is a room encased in transparent, high-tech glass, it provides a clear view for the spectators. From the outside, the room appears as a gleaming transparent cube suspended in the middle of the stadium.


Upon entering the designated transparent room for the VR pod that I would use, the ambient sounds seemed to fade into the background. A tournament staff member already inside acknowledged my presence with a professional nod and proceeded to assist me through the necessary preparations for the upcoming match. He also reiterated a few important points regarding fair play and other guidelines, which I already read in the rules and guidelines as I settled on the VR pod.


“…This includes not exploiting any game glitches, not using any unauthorized software or hardware, and treating all opponents with respect. Any other questions,” the staff queried.


“None,” I curtly replied as I closed the pod.


“Then, good luck,” The staff member's voice echoes in my ears, his final words of instruction and encouragement resonating as I prepare to enter the virtual battlefield.


Luck? I don’t believe in something as unreliable and unpredictable as luck. It is best to keep a clear grasp on my future with my own hands through hard work and preparation instead of relying on something superficial.


As I logged into the game, the familiar Guild room from my previous session appeared before me. Almost immediately, an invitation for a custom match popped up, capturing my attention.


"Accept," I murmured under my breath.


In an instant, I found myself transported to a lobby room, where I took a moment to assess my surroundings. On the other side of the room, I noticed my opponent, HiddenDemon, radiating a strong sense of determination along with the room master.


So, they are already sending their ace. I smiled in self-satisfaction. Just as predicted. This is the best outcome for me since his gameplay is the one I studied the most.


"Now that both participants are present. Are you both ready for the match?" queried a Game Master whom I recognized from the qualifiers.


"Ready," I promptly replied.


My opponent responded to the question with a simple nod, indicating his readiness without speaking a word. It seemed that he was one of those quiet, reserved types. Nevertheless, I already knew that in this match, we would simply let our skills do the talking.


The GM types something on his field of vision, possibly to inform the match organizers that we are ready to start. A short while later, he seemed to receive a response.


“Then, Team Variable vs Dragon Dynasty, Match Start!” he declared.


As I was teleported onto the surface of the stage for the match, my grip tightened around the hilt of my trusty rapier. The weight and balance of the weapon felt comforting in my hand as if it were an extension of my own arm. I narrowed my focus, shutting out the distractions around me, and honed in on my opponent— HiddenDemon, a skilled Bo staff user—standing before me on the opposite side of the gladiator-styled arena.




HP: 100%





Match Start!



At that moment, my mind became a whirlwind of calculations and predictions. As I analyzed my opponent's movements, my brain worked overtime, assigning probabilities to each potential action. An estimated 84% chance that he will rush in and a 16% chance he will adopt a wait-and-see tactic due to his nerves getting the best of him. A prediction I instinctively came up with in my constant analysis of his battles and fighting an AI model of his gameplay for my preparation.


Considering the higher likelihood of a rush attack from my opponent, I mentally prepared myself for the onslaught.


Right on cue, my opponent wasted no time and swiftly charged towards me as soon as the match commenced. It was evident that his strategy was to overpower me with a barrage of aggressive strikes, which aligned with his typical gameplay style.


I meticulously calculated the chances of my opponent striking at specific targets—the head, the torso, or the legs—and adjusted my defense accordingly.


An estimate of 90 percent probability that my opponent will strike at my head with a sweeping strike, his usual go-to play when probing his opponent. The surge of confidence within me stemmed from hours spent dissecting his gameplay patterns. Considering the high stakes of the match, I highly doubted he would deviate from his usual strategy at this critical moment.


With that percentage etched in my mind, I subtly shifted my stance, angling my rapier to defend against the expected attack. My muscles tensed, primed to react with lightning speed as the bo staff arced towards my head.


As the attack came, time seemed to slow down. My training and intuition took over. I parried the blow with a swift and precise movement, exerting just enough force to redirect the trajectory of the strike. In a seamless motion, I countered with a swift riposte, using the opening created to launch my own attack with all my strength for maximum damage.





HP: 73%


“Ack!” he exclaimed in shock at how easily I countered his move.


I took a glance at his expression, noticing his clear disbelief at how easily I had managed to handle his initial attack. Based on my assessment, there was a 72 percent likelihood that he would switch to a defensive stance. No, scratch that. Considering his surprised reaction and the crucial importance of this first match for his team, the probability of him adopting a defensive strategy may increase significantly.


At that moment, my mind was a flurry of calculations and adjustments. I recalibrated my predictions and reassessed the probabilities. More than a 90 percent chance that he will switch to a more passive stance to get a good read on my movements. Recognizing this opportunity, I decided to unleash a full-on aggressive assault and capitalize on his indecisiveness. It was time to seize control of the match.


The clash of steel against staff and the rhythmic sound of our movements filled the virtual arena. Despite the intensity of my blows, my focus was still unwavering. Each decision I made was informed by the meticulous analysis happening within my mind, as I sought to outmaneuver my opponent's every move.


As the match intensified, my ability to predict and counter my opponent's actions became second nature. The percentages shifted, adjusted, and guided my strategies. I fought with precision and finesse, exploiting every advantage offered by my statistical calculations.



HP: 52%



HP: 24%


Observing his HP, I noted that it fell within the threshold where he typically resorts to using his weapon skill to turn the tide in his favor when faced with a challenging situation. Based on this observation, there was an 82 percent probability that he would employ his weapon skill in our next exchange.


As predicted, my opponent's bo staff transformed, enveloped in swirling, blood-colored flames. His weapon skill ‘Counterflow Qi Surge’ allows the user to channel the damage taken in the past 5 minutes into one single attack, a strong weapon to turn things around. The spectacle was impressive, but it only confirmed what I had already anticipated. I knew this would be his last attempt for a counter play.


“Hraaahhhhgg!” he shouted with all his might.


As he lunged forward, bringing down the flaming bo staff upon me, I remained calm, my instincts finely tuned. I had calculated the probabilities, estimated his strategy, and predicted this very moment. Sensing an opportunity to secure victory, I resolved to bring this match to a decisive end.


In response to his charge, I unleashed the weapon skill I specifically prepared for this match. Channeling my skill and focus, I attempted a masterful parry.


“Reversal,” I murmured.


In that fleeting moment, our weapons clashed with intensity. With expert precision, I skillfully diverted the force of his attack, effortlessly redirecting it back toward him. This maneuver was made possible by the weapon skill I specifically used for this fight known as 'Reversal,' which enabled me to reflect the damage of his attack onto him by making a successful parry.




As my well-executed parry redirected the force and damage of my opponent's attack, a gasp of disbelief swept through the virtual arena.





HP: 0%


"Good game," I uttered, acknowledging my opponent's display of skill.


In response, he lay on the ground, speechless and clearly consumed by the anguish brought about by the outcome of the battle.


The crowd erupted into a cacophony of cheers and applause, witnessing the conclusive turn of events brought about by my calculated parry just as my opponent turned into blue motes of light.


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