Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Vol.2 Chapter 22

Following the speech, the opening ceremony continued. The staff presented us with a choice: to either join the crowd and mingle or take advantage of the Player Lounge, where each team had its own private room. Naturally, we opted for the latter, relishing the opportunity to have our team's personal space.


The participant’s room provided an ideal vantage point, as each room was positioned in the topmost corner of the arena, separated only by transparent glass. The chamber also has two wide-screen TVs to not only feature the event but also to see the battles in the tournament. This arrangement allowed for an unobstructed view of the entire match, ensuring that we didn't miss a single moment of the action. The best part was the spaciousness of our team's room, as we had it all to ourselves, creating a sense of exclusivity.


Having our own dedicated space within the Player’s Lounge added to the overall experience, allowing us to fully immerse ourselves in the event while enjoying the comfort and convenience of a private setting. It was a welcome respite from the bustling atmosphere of the venue, providing a moment of tranquility before the intense battles that awaited us in the days to come. I'm also certain that the event planner intended for the privacy lounge to help us acclimate to the crowd, allowing us to relax and enjoy ourselves while still being fully immersed in the electrifying atmosphere of the event. It provided us with a valuable opportunity to recharge and mentally prepare for the challenges that lay ahead, for which I am truly grateful.


First is a breathtaking dance performance that took center stage, combining elements of traditional and modern dance styles. The dancers moved in perfect synchronization, their movements reflecting the agility, precision, and coordination required in the world of e-sports. The audience was captivated by their graceful yet powerful performance, a testament to the artistry within competitive gaming. Liz found it the best part of the opening ceremony since she did not stop talking about it for a while.


The highlight of the ceremony, for me at least, was the mesmerizing musical performance that brought the in-game soundtracks to life. Talented musicians graced the stage and delivered a captivating rendition that left me in awe. As the lights dimmed, a gentle piano melody filled the stadium, instantly creating an atmosphere of solemnity that sent shivers down my spine with the unforgettable performance that unfolded.


Gradually, the piano was accompanied by a symphony of strings, as violins, violas, and cellos joined in, adding depth and emotion to the music. The skilled musicians played with a combination of passion and precision, their melodies evoking a sense of mystery. The audience was completely captivated by the delicate yet powerful sound of the instruments, their harmonies resonating throughout the venue.


After that, there was a part that I personally found quite boring. A well-known e-sports YouTuber named 'Axion', whom I believe the speaker from the opening ceremony earlier was referring to, made a special guest appearance that garnered a lot of excitement among the crowd. I wasn't familiar with this particular YouTuber since I don't usually watch content creators on YouTube. I find that most of their information about the game is not only unhelpful and heavily biased but also created solely for the purpose of gaining views, making their videos unreliable when it comes to forming strategies. However, judging by the audience's reaction, it seemed like Axion was well-received, so perhaps he isn't as bad as I initially thought.


Currently, we are in the middle of watching a team match featuring various streamers. As a dedicated fan of Liz, I am not familiar with any of the other players involved since I don’t watch any stream other than hers besides passing curiosity. My loyalty to Liz is unwavering, after all, and I have no interest in watching anything other than her content. It's safe to say that I really am a great friend to Liz, prioritizing her stream above all else.


Fortunately, Liz, being a seasoned veteran in the streaming industry, is now helpfully providing me with valuable insights to fill in the gaps in my knowledge.


"And that guy who uses the spear is Camat; he is the most skilled member of their group. Unlike his teammates who prioritize entertainment, he emphasizes skilled gameplay. You know, he even leads his own semi-professional team that plays in minor tournaments. They even won a couple of times! How impressive is that!" my friend shared her take on the game with great enthusiasm, showcasing her passion for the game and streaming.


"Uh-huh..." I responded with disinterest, sensing the lack of skill among the other participants.


As she was elaborating on the happenings of the match, (which the participants didn’t seem that skilled except for two players on a semi-pro level that were currently fighting for the bottom orb) a sudden knock echoed through our room, abruptly interrupting our once sided-conversation.


Clarence, who was seated closest to the door, stood up and opened it. He was greeted by a staff member who politely greeted him in return before speaking words that were barely audible over the noise of the crowd.


Clarence appeared momentarily confused before turning towards us and raising his voice to ensure he could be heard over the background noise

"Katherine, she wants to speak with you," Clarence informed me.


I have a bad feeling about this.


I stood up and approached the staff members, while Liz followed closely behind, her curiosity piqued.


She was dressed in a crisp black suit, a walkie-talkie clipped to her belt, and an official badge hanging around her neck. Her face was professional, yet friendly, and she held herself with an air of urgency that immediately caught our attention.


"Excuse me," she began as I approached, her voice clear and respectful. "I apologize for the interruption, but my boss would like to speak with you," she said while turning her attention to me.


Her words hung in the air, sparking a wave of curiosity among us.


Both Clarence and Liz glanced at me with curiosity before redirecting their attention to the guest.


"What does your boss want with Kat?" Liz voiced her thoughts.


"I apologize, but he did not inform me of his exact intentions," the woman replied respectfully to Liz's question. "The only instruction I received was to escort the participant named Katherine Katyusha to the VIP room of my boss. I believe he wishes to speak with Ms. Katyusha there."


"May I accompany her?" Liz asked, her tone tinged with worry, which I couldn't help but notice.


The staff member shook her head. "I'm afraid our boss specifically instructed us not to allow anyone else," she explained.


"And why is that?" Liz questioned, her tone becoming increasingly confrontational as her suspicion grew.


"I myself am not aware. I apologize, but I am simply following orders," the woman replied.


"Can we refuse, then?" Liz pressed further.


"Yes, my boss instructed me to treat Ms. Katherine as I would treat him. Therefore, you have the option to refuse if you wish," the staff member clarified while respectfully informing me of my right to refuse.


The woman's statement clearly shocked Liz and Clarence, and I could see the increasing inquisitiveness in their eyes as they looked at me.


"Is this boss person she's referring to one of your dad's business partners or something?" Clarence joked, trying to lighten the mood while also prying for information.


"I think it's a bit shady," Liz expressed her opinion, her voice filled with apprehension.


"It's alright, Liz. She is one of the event staff, so I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. It's probably just a misunderstanding or a form I forgot to sign," I reassured her, trying to calm her down.


"But..." Liz hesitated, still reluctant, but it seemed like she was starting to believe my words. "If you say so..." she finally conceded.


I then turned towards the woman, who was more than respectful since earlier. "Please lead the way," I complied.


The staff member gave a nod of acknowledgment, her expression remaining professional. She stepped aside, gesturing for me to follow her.


As I excused myself from the group and followed the staff member out of the lounge, a surge of emotions washed over me. I had an inkling of why this 'Boss' wanted to speak with me, and it stirred a mix of apprehension and curiosity within me. While I could choose to ignore it, doing so might create more problems and raise more suspicions. It seemed wiser to address the situation head-on and clear any misunderstandings they might have.

The hallway outside was bustling with activity, a stark contrast to the relaxed atmosphere of the VIP lounge. Staff members rushed past us, their faces focused and determined. The excitement of the event was palpable, even away from the main stage.


As we approached the destination, a well-decorated VIP door, I noticed two male staff members standing guard. They nodded in acknowledgment and respect towards me as we approached, then proceeded to open the door, indicating for us to enter.


Upon entering, I was met with a spacious room filled with screens displaying live feeds from the tournament. The ‘Boss’ stood by a large window overlooking the stadium with his back turned, his silhouette outlined against the bright lights of the stage.


“Please leave us alone for a bit Seana, and close the door while you’re at it. Make sure no one interrupts us until we are done talking,” he voiced in an authoritative tone.


As he spoke, I recognized his voice from the earlier speech. It was the same person, the CoA Marketing Manager from earlier, Harper Stone.




"It's a pleasure to meet you again, Ms. Katherine, or should I call you Yuusha?" he greeted me, turning to face me with a charismatic smile.


Can’t say I’m surprised by his agenda. At least this room appears to provide a high level of privacy with its soundproof walls, ensuring that no one would be able to eavesdrop on our conversation.


"...I would prefer if you called me by my real name," I replied respectfully while defaulting to my tried-and-true poker face.


“Oh, forgive me. I’ll be sure to keep that in mind,” he responded, his smile still toned to perfection.


"Please take a seat," he gestured towards a chair, where a beautifully arranged tea set awaited on a polished wooden table, accompanied by an assortment of delicate tea cups.


As I sank into the comfortable plush chair, he carefully poured a cup of steaming tea. The aroma gracefully drifted through the air, enveloping the room with its enticing and aromatic fragrance. It was evident that this was not your average tea; it appeared to be a blend of the most exquisite and opulent leaves. As someone who is not entirely unfamiliar with tea, I could appreciate the quality and craftsmanship that went into this blend.


"I hope you enjoy it. This tea is sourced from a remote plantation located high in the misty mountains of a distant land. The region's distinctive climate, fertile soil, and careful cultivation techniques have all contributed to the exceptional quality of this tea," he explained.


“…I’m more of a coffee person,” I replied nonchalantly, trying to convey a sense of disinterest.


If my assumption of his agenda was correct, having an advantage in negotiations would prove to be quite useful. Not showing any signs of favorability would help me greatly.


"I believe that anyone with refined taste, coffee lovers or not, can appreciate a good tea," he responded amiably.


“What did you call me here for?” I went straight to the point.


“As curt as always, just as the rumors say,” he remarked. "However, I must say, you appear to be more relaxed now than when I first approached you to join our team at CoA as our star. You’re not driving me out immediately at least," he spoke in a jovial tone, as if remembering a funny story.


Suddenly, everything fell into place. I recalled why this individual seemed so familiar. He was the one who visited my home shortly after I won the AC, aiming to meet me and persuade me to become the "face" of CoA.


Back then, I remember rudely declining his attempts and forcefully shutting the door on him. I wasn't in the mood for… anything, really, after what had happened.


"Well, let's get straight to business then, as I don't want to take up too much of your time away from your friends. I would like you to collaborate with us. Please use your main account in the upcoming matches of the tournament," he proposed.

“…And why is that?” I asked a bit warily.


"You're incredibly intelligent, Ms. Katherine. You know how the fans you gained even during your absence would go wild for your return. That's why we've put so much effort into making this event a success. We spared no expense in ensuring that the comeback of someone as high profile as you in the CoA world would be as unforgettable as possible," he paused, allowing me to absorb his words.


I see, so that explains the all-out advertising for this event. The grand entrance with the luxurious cars further emphasizes that they really aren’t cutting any corners in the spending department.


"All the pieces are in place. This will be the grand return of a legend! People will be talking about this event on social media for months, even years! It will be a monumental revelation! The legendary player returning after such a long time to win the tournament, and her true identity will be known to all!" he exclaimed, gesturing enthusiastically as if conducting a grand symphony.


"You certainly have a flair for the dramatic, don't you?" I deadpanned.


"Let's just say I'm passionate," he retorted, flashing his practiced charismatic smile.


I understand that my presence here may have given him the impression that I intended to participate in the tournament using my sister's account to secure a victory. He went to great lengths, even opting for a face-to-face conversation instead of a phone call, in an attempt to increase the likelihood of me accepting his proposal. However, I have already made up my mind from the start.


This tournament is a one-time event for me. And it will never happen again in this lifetime.


"Forgive me, but I have no intention of using my sister's account for publicity," I firmly stated.


He paused, the perfect expression he was showing till now showing signs of cracks.


“Of course, you will have everything you’ve ever wanted in return: money, fame, glory? Name your price, and I'm confident we can reach an agreement. All you have to do is dedicate your time and dedication to promoting the game,” he hurriedly replied.


"I believe that money is merely a means to buy time, not the other way around," I responded casually.


After all, time is the most valuable resource for every individual. Once it slips away, no amount of money can bring it back.


He let out a sigh, clearly frustrated by my stubbornness. "Don't you realize how fortunate you are to be in this position?" he exclaimed. "You're young, so perhaps you don't fully grasp that there are countless people who would do anything to be in your shoes. To be the face of the most popular game in the world. You could make history just by simply using that account again!" He emphasized his point with animated gestures.


"...I'll have to decline," I replied firmly.


Every decision we make always comes with a price, no matter how sound it may be. As tempting as his offer of a life filled with fame and luxury may be, I would have to sacrifice my freedom and peace, something which I value more. All I ever wanted was to live a normal life, free from any constraints. Having everyone’s eyes on me, following me wherever I go, pestering me for every little thing, and creating assumptions about every little thing I do seems to defeat that purpose. Feels like a nightmare if I were to be perfectly honest.


"I don't understand," he said, confusion evident on his face. "Why would you participate in this tournament if you're not planning to make your return to the pro scene?"


"…I played because I genuinely love the game," I explained. "And I also… I owe someone a huge favor. I simply wanted to fill in for the team she created."


However, that doesn't mean I won't take the matches seriously. Initially, I went with the flow as I usually do, given my personality, but witnessing the passion my teammates have for the game ignited a desire within me to support them in achieving their dreams. Liz has always expressed her dream of becoming a professional streamer and performing well in this tournament would greatly enhance her prospects. Chu sees this event as a stepping stone towards his goal of becoming a professional esports player. As for Clarence, he undoubtedly has his own reasons for wanting to win. Witnessing their dedication, seeing them give their all in our practice matches, diligently practicing every day, and gradually improving compels me to support them with everything I have. That is the primary reason why I am fully committed to this endeavor as well and taking the limelight from their debut tournament would undoubtedly be counterproductive to what I am aiming at.


"...Fine, I'll respect your decision," he finally acquiesced. "Even if I could, forcing you to do something wouldn't be profitable if you lack the will and drive to do it."


It was a subtle power play, insinuating that he could persuade me if he wanted to. And considering his influence, he might actually have the means to change my life simply by revealing my identity. Even if it meant breaking some privacy laws. I am certain that a corporation as affluent as theirs could easily afford teams of lawyers to mitigate any potential repercussions.


"Nevertheless, my offer still stands," he added. "I hope that someday we can find common ground."


With our agenda concluded, I stood up, preparing to leave but not before having a last say. "I wouldn't count on that. This will be the last tournament I participate in, after all."


After we win this tournament, my teammates won't need me ever again. They will have the push they need to accomplish their goal, even without me.


Having said my piece, I went for the door and left.

A novel that I highly recommend you guys to read!



The opening of Pandora's Box changed the world, giving rise to an age of superhumans and monsters. Yet mankind was not safe from its own hubris, and in the end, it destroyed itself. It's the end of the world, but Sonya Chernovna has been given a chance for a redo. With her memories of the world to come and her deep hatred of the society that had risen out of Pandora's Light, Sonya sets out to change the future.

Even if it means being the most heinous villain that ever lived.


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