Unpetrification – When a cat girl cries

Chapter 2 – Stefan Feuchtwanger





Stefan turned off the light, put down his phone but still left the music on. The up-lifting beat, the catchy guitar riffs and the cute singing voice of Bery-chan was so relaxing that it slowly put his mind to sleep. 


Please, don’t blend me, cause I am not a fruit

Bery’s not berry, and my love is not juice.


The lyric was about a bery who did not want to be blended into smoothie by their love interest. It didn’t make any sense and was downright stupid, but to Stefan, this was just perfect for his soul. Yes, only the soul of a 35 years old weeb who was still single and had no girlfriend could appreciate these kinds of stuff. But so what? It was not like that he was too ugly and fat and creepy that no girl wanted him or anything. He was quite fit and made good money actually. It was just his own way of enjoying life. 


After all, this was 2080, not 2020.


“Master, are you going to forget to take your medicine again?” a woman's voice suddenly woke Stefan up.


Yes, that was Nyanko, Stefan’s personal assistant who was also a human-sized android cat girl. See, when your anime waifu became real, no normal girl could even compete. Unlike the android assistants which were sold commercially on the internet for everybody, Stefan made Nyanko himself. Well, not a hundred percent from scratch, as he had to order the synthetic skin and hair from labs to make a physical body, but he did write every single line of code which formed her computer brain. This made Nyanko unique. Tall, red hair, big chests, ruby eyes... Perfect! This cat girl, Nyanko, was everything that Stefan had ever wanted, and he, Stefan Feuchtwanger, was truly the best Artificial Intelligent developer in the world currently.


“Too lazy to get out of bed now, don’t you?”


Because Stefan refused to, Nyanko grabbed the medicine on his desk and gave it to him. Stefan then took the medicine, and swallowed it.


“Kaaa!” the medicine had to be taken with a lot of water. “Thanks a lot,” Stefan said, and suddenly had dirty thoughts for no reason. “Yo, want to sleep together today?”


“No,” Nyanko refused. “Are you crazy?”


“Hehe, I guess.”


Stefan smiled bitterly. Apparently, the Stefan a few years ago for some stupid reason had decided that he should not use Nyanko for sex. Therefore, he even programmed the cat girl to auto detect and reject any “malicious” code that her creator could write in the future. 


This turned out to be the dumbest idea, and Stefan deeply regretted this decision.


“However, lately you have been having strange dreams every night, right?” Nyanko suddenly asked.


“Oh… right,” Stefan answered.  “I had one last night too. I was in the same place again.”


“With the same people?”


“Yes, same people. They looked like wolf people in a game I played. And it was snowing, and cold. Actually, every new dream was colder than the previous.”


“I see…” Nyanko said, then paused.


Well, she seemed to pause and think a little bit. Three seconds. But… Why did  the one with a super computer brain need that much time to think? 


“Well,” Nyanko then spoke softly... “If you really want to, then you can sleep on my lap.”


“Yahoo!” Hearing this, Stefan quickly jumped out of bed and put his head on Nyanko’s lap, who was sitting on the floor. Why suddenly Nyanko became so nice? Stefan had no idea, but the important thing was, this opportunity could not be wasted! 


“Thank you so much! Can I have head pats too?” Stefan also asked for something else.


 “What? Are you a child?” 






Nyanko licked her tongue but still proceeded to put her hand on Stefan’s head. She patted it aggressively at first, but then suddenly became more gentle. The way she looked at Stefan also changed.


“You have so much more silver hair than before. Please don’t overwork yourself too much,” Nyanko said.


“Yeah, you’re right.” Stefan touched his hair and said, “I’m having a lot more headaches too. Guess I will try to… Wait a minute!” he suddenly exclaimed after realizing something. “Am I hearing this incorrectly, or are you actually caring about me? When did I program this?”


“Huh? What are you talking about? Sleep now or return to bed!”


Hearing that, Stefan quickly put his sleep mask on and pretended to snore. 


“G-good night, Nyanko-chan.”






“Yes, good night.”


Right when Nyanko said that, all the light in the room suddenly turned off without anyone doing anything. Then, in just minutes, Stefan’s brain wave and heart rate which Nyanko was monitoring became calmer. She waited for her master to fully fall asleep. Then, she too, put herself in standby mode to preserve battery.


Finally, moving her hand close to her chest and narrowing her eyes, Nyanko whispered, so quietly that there was no way her master could hear...


“Master… You know…”


Suddenly, Stefan's brainwaves became active again, and his hands twitched.


Hello, thank you for reading. I'm planning to do 2k per week, so there will be one more chapter this week, probably on the weekend.

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