
Chapter 72: Until next time

"It's a pleasure to have you with us, Mr.Reed, as you know it's been a few months since the VRMMORPG, Genesis2076 took the world by storm and is currently being played by almost half the population, of course, this is common information. Before we continue with the interview, would you like to say anything to the audience watching at home?"

"Ah, yes of course, first and foremost, I would like to thank everyone who has taken time out of their day to try out Genesis, I realize it is a game like no other, and calling it another reality wouldn't be an understatement but I would like to ask each and every one of you to play reasonably and not overexert yourself," Reed said with a smile.

"A wonderful reminder! as expected of the head of the development team of KYOJIN! now then, everyone the moment you've been waiting for, Mr.Reed is now going to be answering questions regarding Genesis and the recent events.

Mr.Reed, What advice do you have for new players and how would you suggest people approach the game? " the reporter asked.

"Well, I can't tell anyone how to approach the game but my advice to the beginners or new players would be, to not forget the most important factor of the game which is the fact that the world of Genesis just like the players, is constantly evolving and changing. Just like how players are affected by their own and others' actions, Genesis too adapts, improvises, and overcomes any problem." Reed said slowly and clearly so people don't forget what he said.

"Interesting, I hope everyone watching caught what Mr.Reed said if not you can watch the video on our website, 'Box News'," the Reporter said with a greedy smile.

'What a cheap plug....these reporters as always acting like blood-sucking mosquitoes,' Reed thought as he looked at the reporter and waited for the next question.

"Now then, onto the next question. Mr.Reed, what do you think about the classes and the classes available after the first ascension?"

"Most of this is public knowledge but just in case people have their doubts I'll clear it once and for all, the basic classes one can choose in the beginning are called primary classes and other than the primary 5 there are also 4 other hidden classes that can be acquired, these classes are called hidden primary classes.

It's important to note that all classes are special in their own way, of course, hidden primary classes would have an edge over other classes in the beginning but that is to be expected, if you haven't taken the risk, you certainly do not deserve the reward.

The balance of the game was naturally taken into consideration, allowing those with just the basic classes to be able to catch up after the first ascension, of course, anything can happen, keep in mind, KYOJIN has a no interference policy which means everything that happened so far is only because of certain actions that players took. Hidden class-change or hidden class quests are only available after the first ascension, anything that happens outside this boundary should be considered an easter egg or a special event," Reed said with a smile as he dropped information that could potentially be worth millions.

"Uh...Mr.Reed, could you please explain what you meant by the last sentence?"

When the reporter asked this he was hoping that Reed would explain what he meant as the last sentence was game-changing but Reed just slightly smiled and remained silent. Understanding his intention the reporter couldn't help but exhale and move onto the next question.

"Mr.Reed, players and families all over the world are claiming that KYOJIN is helping a specific player, and of course, this player in question is 'Night', KYOJIN has denied all such claims but player Night's actions and feats aren't something possible, especially since everyone had an equal start,"

Reed couldn't help but slightly laugh when he heard the reporter say that everyone had an equal start, he couldn't imagine the reporter's horrid reaction once he found out about Night's start which was most definitely horrible.

".....Is there something that player Night is doing that makes him stand out so much?" the reporter asked while slightly frowning as he noticed Reed giggle.

"All I can tell you is that Night has no ties with KYOJIN, and so far player Night has just been playing casually. That is all I wish to say about this topic," Reed said.

'Casually? what the f*ck? doesn't that mean he wasn't even trying?' the reporter thought and as if Reed could read his mind, he responded before any misunderstanding could be created.

"Don't misunderstand me, all I meant by that is that so far he has been playing the game how HE wanted to play the game, he didn't force himself to do anything he didn't want to," Reed continued.

"O-of course....there remains only one more question and that is, what should we, the audience expect from the event in Montreal, especially since this is a world event and is KYOJIN's first event for Genesis,"

"Well, that's quite simple..." Reed started while slightly bending forward.

"Expect entertainment, at the end of the day, Genesis was made for entertainment, of course, we do have events planned out for the audience but I don't want to spoil the event so I'll stop there."

// // //


"What do you want??!" Hades growled.

"Hmmm....can't say I was expecting a warm receiving...tch," Zeus said as he continued to step forward, slowly revealing his features.

He had white hair that resembled the purest of lightning, he wore a white chiton with the lighting symbol coming out from both the shoulders, every step he took, sparks could be seen flying off from the ground, his eyes were a mix of white, blue and violet. Within his eyes Lightning constantly danced around, it was as if his eyes were a separate dimension. Zeus wasn't as bulky as people thought he was but he certainly wasn't scrawny, it was rumored that he enhanced his body and drove it to perfection after striking himself with a million lightning bolts.

He walked with his hands behind his back and his beard that reached his chest, he continued until he was right in front of Hades,

"Brother, you certainly won't plot against me now would you?" Zeus asked while slightly frowning, of course, Hades was aware that he was just acting.

"Tch, don't get so close, and who do you think you're threatening? this isn't the sky for you to be flaunting your power, this is my region, my domain, my f*cking kingdom, and since you abandoned me here, I can do whatever it is I wish to do so don't go bossing me around, do not mistake me for those other 'Olympians', I don't owe you anything. Now, if there's nothing you need, you can leave." Hades said as he snapped out of his confusion.

"Interesting... you've certainly grown brother, very well, I shall take my leave then.... until next time brother," Zeus said before disappearing, leaving behind only a few sparks in the air.

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