
Chapter 51: Tokihiko's crisis

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"Nothing huh? should've expected that honestly,"

Night was aware of how afraid the locals were and understood that their fear was more than justified, for all they know, he could be a high-class or high-ranked demon in disguise, although the probability of that happening is low, the locals were paranoid, they were afraid as they could lose their life any second.

Every time they stepped out it was a life and death situation for them, but this was only for those who don't usually step out, Night did find a few who were walking out, they carried logs and sometimes even wild animals, it was natural since they couldn't stay inside forever.

There was one specific man he decided to approach, he looked quite old and was walking carefully, it looked like the others respected him quite a lot.

Upon approaching him, Night learned that he was the town's chief, initially, the old man was quite reluctant to talk to him but once Night mentioned his master, the man's face lit up.

"You are that man's disciple??? Oh thank you, you must be here to save us, please come with me," the man guided Night to his small but cozy hut, it was big enough to hold at least 5 people at once, and since the old man lived alone, it was quite spacious.

Originally, Night only wanted to ask for what his Master did when he came to Tokihiko and perhaps directions that could help him reach the Norse kingdom earlier but after hearing the situation and everything that was happening, Night was speechless, Shade was quite nervous as well, he was well aware of demonkin and how brutal they were, of course, there were demonkin that were friendly or not hostile and neutral but according to the old man the demonkin were ruthless, the weather was a blessing and a curse as it helped stop the demons, the locals decided it was better to bear the harsh weather than try and fight demons.

"Why didn't you guys run away? move, shift, pack up your things and go somewhere else, survive," Night said trying to understand the reasoning behind the locals.

The old man's face had a disappointed and a weak look, "that... we cannot, it's impossible for us to leave, for some reason, there's a force here that prevents us to leave, I do not understand as well, we the locals, lack the power required to leave, I do not mean in a psychological way, there appears to be something caused a barrier to appear and until that is destroyed we cannot leave, adventurers such as yourself are free to leave because of the power you possess but we're normal people trying to live an honest life.... how could we possibly try to achieve something that great," the old man had an embarrassed smile on his face as he looked down in disgrace.

"I plead you, young man, please save us, if it is you then I'm sure it can be done, after all, you ARE that man's disciple, he may not have fully finished what he came for but we...we're in no place to complain, thanks to him we are still alive," he said while kowtowing.

(Kowtowing: kneel and touch the ground with the forehead)

Just then a notification popped up on Night's screen:

[World Quest: Tokihiko' crisis

Grade S

The region of Tokihiko was once a peaceful and lively region but due to the sudden appearance of the Frost Witch, the region's climate worsened, making the previously cold Tokihiko, unbearable. The Frost Witch's barrier stops the locals of the region from leaving and to make the situation worse, they are now surrounded by demonkin.

Quest Requirements:

1)Kill the Frost Queen and save the locals.

2)Look into the unnatural appearance of the Demonkin(Optional)

Quest rewards:

1)Affinity with the locals of Tokihiko increased to max

2)Title: Emperor of Frost

3)Glacial Balance.

4)Skill: Demon heart(Conditional reward: If the second requirement is triggered and completed)

Quest failure penalty:

1)Destruction of Tokihiko

2)Cyclops (Epic Grade) will be unleashed(Conditional penalty: If the second requirement is triggered and failed or if the second requirement is ignored)

Time remaining: 1 week


[Accept quest? Y/N]


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