
Chapter 207: Get a weapon, Prince of Darkness

"It's bad…Nate's not hurt too bad but Luke…it's scary…." Layla said slowly as she grit her teeth. What or who could have possibly done such a thing to them. It was cruel. Luke's eyes were burnt, his bones cracked, but most importantly, he wasn't responding. "Let's go…."

Aurora followed her inside, it wasn't exactly a public hospital, it was a building that Milo. inc used in case of any medical emergencies. It was fully equipped and the staff was world-class. If there were other people here, then there was no saying what anyone would do. All of them were celebrities, and sometimes, people tend to forget the fact that they too are human.

"Val…." Aurora gave the saint a hug and looked at the expression on his face. It was bad, just like Layla had said, but she knew that even he had no answer as to what caused it. As she walked into the room, she saw multiple doctors discussing on one side of the room, and in the other in a glass room, which was soundproofed, were two hospital beds upon which lay Nate and Luke. Nate looked remotely fine, although his body was slightly red, as if he was tanned, while Luke's state was atrocious.

"...…" She could imagine the state he was in, when he first arrived, blood dripping from his eyes, his entire body in a bloody mess. "Do we know what happened…" she took a huge breath and asked.

"….No. I was looking at some files when I got a call from Luke. It was weird, and I figured something was off…..his voice….Aurora…..his voice sounded so cold and dead….it sent shivers down my spine….all I heard was the word help….." Valerian paused for a second and looked at the blue-haired anomaly. "I tracked his phone, and once I reached the scene….I thought it was too late. He was standing there, outside some warehouse, unconscious bodies all around him, I don't know if they were alive or not but it wasn't pleasant. It was then that I realized…..he was unconscious….but even then he wouldn't drop or let Nate down….."

"Sounds like something he'd do," another figure said, as the man walked through into the room, behind him was another. It was K Johnson and Aurora's grandfather, Jace Cirillo. "But…who could've possibly done this…..I can only think of a few, but they're out of the question…" K continued as he eyed Aurora.

Needless to say, K was worried, more so than he wished to show at the moment. He viewed Luke as someone who could face anything and everything, but for such a thing to happen, he must've made a mistake somewhere.

"Y-you…think right…." Nate interrupted, shocking everyone in the room. Layla immediately rushed to his side and put her hand on his forehead. "How are you? How do you feel? You should rest more..." she quite literally sealed him with questions.

"Woah Woah, calm down….give him some room…." Valerian told his younger sister, making her realize how she had acted. K stepped forward, curious as to what Nate meant by that comment. "What did you mean by that?"

Nate smirked, the weariness on his face was almost alive. Dark lines under his eyes, his lips were dry, his skin was still unusually reddish. "You thought…the only person….that could….do such a thing…..would be someone from…one of "the" families…right?" he explained slowly.

Everyone present in the room was aware of what families he was talking about, but what made surprised them was the fact that someone knew of who they were. K's mouth was slightly open as he stuttered in reply, "ho-w…did you-"

"Know? How did…I know?" Nate finished K's sentence. He looked to his left, outside the glass room, was a window, and the view was rather pleasant. Birds chirping, the sound of the grass rustling as a hare slowly hops around. The soil looked fertile and healthy, the trees danced around in synchrony with the rhythmic gusts of wind. "Why wouldn't someone part of one of the families know of their existence?"





The sound of a water droplet falling into nothingness, the ripples caused by it setting things into motion. However, no matter the strength of the ripple, nothing would happen. Where was this place? What made it so empty….what made it so confusing?

"Where am I?" a voice echoed, sending a shock to Luke's brain, making him sit right within the next second. It wasn't him, but the voice and everything about it made it seem like it was him. His body was fine, his eyes were completely healed, it was as if his injuries never even happened.

It was dark once again, but for some reason, he felt at peace. Almost as if he was within his mother's embrace. It was comforting and warm, his senses spread all over the area, his breathing was perfect. A weird feeling. His body had never felt this good.

"Well it isn't YOUR mother's but….everyone's," another voice echoed. It was familiar, it was the same as the other times. The same voice that urged him to fight his fears, the same voice that questioned him. "As a primordial, she's everyone's ancestor, but perhaps there is only one person who could possibly feel at home in such a place, and that….is you,"

"Who are you…." Luke asked. No matter how much he questioned it. He would never receive an answer, but the person spoke as if Luke was family. "How do you know what I was thinking? What happened to Nate….."

"Thanks to you, your friend is completely unharmed. However, I can't say the same to you. In reality, you're still unconscious, everyone's worried sick you know? As for the other questions….hmmm, I plead the fifth, was it? Whatever, I decline to answer,"

"So I'm dead?" Luke was glad that Nate was safe, but he couldn't help but let the fact that he was not, in reality, bother him. It was anti-climactic. When he carried Nate out of the room, the light from Nate's hand slowly died out. As soon as he stepped out of the maze, Luke was surrounded by dozens of men, both the sides, Elena's and Basile's, teamed up to beat him.

It was brutal, Luke was in no shape to hold back and be kind, it was either show them hell or be taken there, and the latter wasn't an option until Nate was alright.

"Dead? No. Far from it. This definitely isn't the underworld. I'm not sure why this place is like this, but it makes sense, after all, it is YOUR core. You're quite the unlucky one, aren't you? To be afraid of your own power, to resent or loathe your own position. It's funny even. I've never seen anything like this,"

"...I guess I am….?" Luke slightly chuckled. Since panicking was out of the question and there was practically nothing he could do other than wait and somehow get out of here, he figured the best choice would be to adapt to the situation and acquire more information. "…Just what is going on?" he asked, hoping to get some kind of an answer.

"Hmmmmm….no. I cannot answer that yet, but I'll be kind and give you a heads up. Train. Get stronger. Oh and please use a weapon. It's stupid to see you without one. You're the prince of darkness. Learn to fit the role, get a weapon," the voice said, and as soon as it finished. The vision of his slowly began to crack.

Blue light slowly passed through these cracks, they spread around like wildfire until finally his entire vision literally broke into a million pieces.

Meanwhile, in the hospital, Nate had just finished explaining everything to everyone present. He trusted all of them, after all, he was going to spend the next part of his life with the people in the room.

"So….you're a Covencut??…. Just like Basile…..?" Layla stuttered. The only reason she knew of the families and who they were was because of how close she was to Aurora. The Milo family was famous and influential thanks to Valerian and his sister. However, compared to the Cirillo's or the Covencut or the Richardson's, they weren't very big.

"Yes….he's my brother," Nate smiled wryly. It hurt him. He hated the relationship he shared with the family. And after what had just happened, there was nothing that could possibly fix it. 

"....This is all…a lot to take in….who would've thought you were the same little boy I once saw…." Jace smiled as he looked at the floor. "Does Luke know of any of this?" he asked out of curiosity.

"No. I left that part of my life behind….at least…I thought I did…" Nate muttered the last few words, "and before you ask. No. There's absolutely no way he's related to any one of the families,"

Before anyone could reply, a loud gasping sound broke the conversation. It was Luke, he sat up straight before immediately falling back in pain. He lay there, with the energy to lift only his fingers, his eyes remained numb, while his body felt like it had been fried.

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