
Chapter 201: Can he?

Luke felt different, he felt lucky for the first time in his life. The dark corridors suddenly lit up with light, he wasn't certain as to where the light came from but it was comforting, and mainly, it wasn't the time to wonder about such things.

"Luck....." Luke thought as he recalled his eyes burning. It all made sense now, because of the sudden appearance of light, Luke's eyes burned, regardless of the other possibilities, he was convinced this was the reason.

'Who was that? Why is that person in my thoughts.....'

He pushed aside his thoughts and smirked. Even if the guards were armed, there was nothing he couldn't do now, at least that's how he felt at the moment. It was confidence, he was happy, he felt lucky, which was a first. It went against his entire personality but it was true.

"There!!" a guard screamed, they wore masks with huge glasses attached to them, the lenses were green-ish in color and they held daggers in their hands with a handgun strapped around their waist. To Luke's left, there were three guards and to his right, there were two, he immediately dashed to his left to stay clear of the guards in front. 

"What the-" before the guard could even finish his sentence he felt a punch that put him to sleep. He felt the pain, however, more than that, the feeling of fatigue overcame his body. Was it fatigue? for some reason, he felt as if he couldn't move a single part of his body, it was as if all the energy in his body had disappeared.

'One' Luke counted mentally as he whipped his hands at the guard towards his immediate left. There was no time to waste, especially because he didn't know how long the brightness would last. Was it an accident on the enemy's part? Or was there no electricity when he entered, but that wouldn't make sense, for a headquarters of such a size and strength, it was a given that there would be a backup generator of some kind.

'Two and....three' Luke continued as he knocked down the other guard, however, that didn't mean it was a break, if he stayed still for more than a second then he would've been immobile by now. Gunshots constantly flashed past him as he moved around carefully and precisely. His body breaking the rules of nature that restrain humankind.

He had an option. To either continue dodging the bullets or to use the guards he knocked out as a human shield. Even if he did resort to the second option it wouldn't affect his conscience, however, Luke valued human life, and wouldn't resort to killing someone until and unless he had no choice.

"Tch," he cursed himself as he continued running forward while moving every part of his body to avoid the fusillade of bullets until they finally ran out of ammunition, at which point the guards hurriedly pulled out their daggers.

"Pointless," Luke commented as he disarmed both the guards with a single sweep of his hand. He immediately lowered his entire body to the ground and swept his leg which tripped both the guards. The second they fell to the floor, Luke threw a punch to their face, instantly knocking them out. Multiple bones were probably broken, but it was better than death.

"Phew...." he wiped the sweat drops from his forehead, "do I continue one of these paths or do I go back and continue straight....." while he tried to think about which route to take, he heard a groaning sound. "Perfect," he said as an evil smile crept upon his face.

"Urghhhhhhh..." a guard shuffled around, it was unfortunate, the guard that was knocked out initially regained consciousness a little too early.

As mentioned before, perhaps the only thing that can bring out the demonic side in Luke is when someone holds his collar or threatens someone close to him. None of the guards so far had any time to react, they could barely make out anything.

"I'll give you one chance, if not, then you remember the fatigue-ish feeling? I'll make it tenfold. Now tell me where they're keeping Nate, the guy you lot oh so conveniently kid-fckn-napped." Luke threatened as he held the woozy guard's collar. It was just like when he was focused or angry, his eyes stood out more than usual. Especially to the goggle-wearing guards. In the background somewhere, Luke could hear noises, it was near the entrance into this labyrinth.


"We seem to have some intruders," Basile commented as his ears perked up. He looked towards the gate in anticipation of someone opening it. Barely a few seconds later, a figure followed by two others pushed through the doors that enclosed the darkroom.

"Hoh?? Isn't this quite a surprise? Now what might bring a bigshot such as yourself to such a clumsy little warehouse? I'm intrigued, not one but two Richardsons? Delightful," Basile slowly clapped as he walked towards the entrance. Nate remained unconscious behind him and their father hid in the darkness.

"I don't have the time to entertain an egomaniac, so move out of my way Basile Covencut," Elena said as she stood right in front of Basile. Arthur followed right behind her and next to him was another man who seemed to be eager to fight.

"It's the same with all of you "other" family members. I get it, we're different from the rest. But I think you should know, I am by no means, afraid of you and your pet dog that you use to put up a little princess act," Basile replied as he put his hand on her shoulder and slowly applied some pressure into it.


"Mitts off filth," the man next to Arthur commented as he slapped away Basile's hand. Once again, it looked like all the guards were having really bad days. Even before Elena could warn the man or say anything, Basile had already crushed the man completely, to the point where his nose was nearly fully shattered.

"Tch. You just had to bring filth into such a royal-like gathering no? Well, look what you made me do. Tell me properly now...What brings you here?"

"You have something of mine," Elena answered after some thought, it wasn't as if she was scared of Basile, she was strong, strong enough to rival him, but this wasn't the time. Nate had to be secured and she couldn't move recklessly as one of the family heads.

"Something of yours?" Basile followed her gaze only to notice that she was talking about his little brother. It was amusing, to the point where he couldn't hold in his laughter. "Haha haha.....to think this is how it would turn out.....I'll have you know, this thing you call yours is my brother. And there's absolutely nothing that can take him away,"

"Is that right?" another voice echoed. It was Luke, after running around the entire maze he had finally arrived at the location he wanted but it definitely took longer than he wanted. "Just....give me a ...sec....kinda out of....breath...."

"Okay phew, I'm good. So tell me, Nate's brother, why would you kidnap your own family?" Luke asked as he looked at Nate who sat there unconscious. He showed absolutely no sign of fear which unnerved Basile.

"You.....how???" Basile stuttered as he looked at Luke's calm demeanor. He turned around to his father who hid himself, hoping he could get some answers as to what was happening.

"Oh is that supposed to be your father?" Luke asked he spotted a man sitting on a chair. There was an awkward distance between Nate's father and the rest of them.

"What???!?" Basile shot his head towards Luke. It was surprising, how did Luke know where his father was, based on the direction he looked, it was too accurate to be a bluff. 

"You...you're here...." Elena stated as she grit her teeth. The reason she wanted Nate was only to lure out Luke, but now that he was here as well, she no longer needed to argue with Basile. She could simply go for Luke then and there. "Basile, forget about what I said earlier. I only want this one, I think we can meet halfway and take him on together no?"

"...Huh? You want help? But why?" Basile asked as he blinked. There was only one small light that illuminated a small circle in the room, putting aside the shock that he had just received, he questioned Elena. There weren't many as strong as him, and Elena was one of the few.

"You must be joking. Stay out of my way is what I meant to say," Elena replied as she turned towards Luke, who was casually stretching his body and hopping around. He scanned the surroundings but for some reason, Nate's father really creeped him out.

While Elena and Luke were getting ready to fight, Basile slowly took a few steps back and whispered to his father. "What's going on??? I thought it was his weakness??"

"I'm...not sure....." 

"Forget about making it here, the entire way up to this room is completely dark, which is why the guards were equipped with night vision goggles.....I don't understand..."

"He can...see through the dark...?"

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