Universal Lord: My sixth subordinate screwed me over so badly!

Chapter 92

The more she looked at the tentacles growing on her hands, the more she realized that even a demon like her seemed to be eroded and infected by the power of Cthulhu, not to mention the busy farmers... Jin Xiuer knew that they would probably be ruled by the power of Cthulhu after tonight's work. This power is definitely not inferior to the devil's sect; it may even be stronger! ! "Cthulhu pantheon... What a strange and terrifying power." "All the people have mutated." "And the artillery of the empire seem to be changing too?" On Su Yue's side, he also came into contact with the news of his lord's log. Lord's log: "A small number of rebels in the empire and "Balayamakan" witnessed the projection of the evil god Cthulhu Dagon. Their San values ​​were reduced, their morale collapsed, and 12 fifth-level imperial soldiers surrendered to you."

"The power of the Cthulhu pantheon has infiltrated your territory. The farmers of "Balayamakan" are undergoing erosion and mutation. Your 1,692 farmers have been promoted to: second-level farmers (Innsmouth, Deep Diver mutant bloodline)."

"What the hell?!!"

Su Yue looked at the lord's log in shock?

Nearly two thousand farmers collectively advanced?

What does this mean?

The Cthulhu pantheon has always been silent, and suddenly there is another big one?

He looked at the beautiful young lady Europa beside him. The archangel in front of him was looking at his husband and "the culprit who caused her to fall into the secular world and could not return to heaven" in surprise, with his eyes full of admiration and joy.

"Europa, where is our artillery unit going?"

"Report to the Lord, they have arrived at the "Balayamakhan" tidal flat."

Lord's log: "Your fifth-level imperial artillery, affected by the projection of the evil god Dagon of the "Esoteric Order of Dagon", 4 fifth-level imperial artillery, promoted to the sixth-level Deep Diver Ocean Heavy Gunners!"


Four sixth-level artillery! ?

Su Yue immediately looked through the relevant information.

Lord's log: "Your fifth-level imperial artillery, along with the arms, was promoted to the sixth-level Innsmouth vine defense cannon!"


Su Yue couldn't help but be calm... This is artillery! !

Special arms!

Cannons are no different from catapults, both of which enjoy the blessing of his intermediate ballistics!

To put it bluntly, each of these artillery is Su Yue's treasure. It is similar to a catapult, but it is not mainly about people, but about cannons!!

Level 6 Innsmouth Vine City Defense Cannon?

"Not to mention the power, the name alone is awesome!"


Europa said, "The imperial artillery has landed on the three-layered mast ship (level 4)."

"Very good, I will attack from the front and back and bombard the imperial rebels' direct troops!!"

Su Yue understood that the most core cavalry of the imperial rebels, and even the 100+ knights of the fifth and sixth level pioneer squires, were all on the right wing to attack Canaan's territory.

"Every second counts, I want to see whether you will break through my Canaan city first, or we will complete the arc siege of you first?"

Raid is the first secret of the battle lords since ancient times.

Whether waiting for the enemy to be surrounded by the concave formation and enter the pocket to be attacked from multiple sides; or actively creating conditions for multiple-sided pincer attacks, a high combat loss ratio can be obtained; in the previous life, when Su Yue was playing Total War, he knew the importance of cavalry raids and flanking attacks to form sieges.

And the siege on two sides will cause the enemy's morale to decline rapidly, and the enemy on three sides will collapse. If there are interspersed and four-sided attacks and penetrations, it basically won't take long, unless they are undead or evil creatures whose morale is not affected... Otherwise, they will inevitably be defeated and flee.

The troops composed of the "poor people" of the empire are like a group of refugees and newly rich people. There are many arrogant and extravagant people, and the shepherds and soldiers do not trust each other. To Su Yue, it feels like glue without adhesive.

It looks huge, but in fact, as long as it is shaken slightly and subjected to pressure, the "glue" in it will fall off and fall apart.

"My troops are different. They are all made of solid steel. No matter how you split them, they can't be separated."

The invincible power of the Lord of the Divine Power, 100% absolute loyalty, plus the benefits of Su Yue's various territories, the Empire

The old emperor's "Soldier King"'s 35% attack power blessing, Su Yue's 40 strength blessing double attack, the artifact Arachne's morale boost, Su Yue's own lord morale boost...

Too many factors have caused Canaan to present such a solid state and picture!

So the right wing of the battlefield has a picture that makes Commander Weber Yang Dragimir feel extremely headache! !

"Didn't our catapults launch an offensive? Why didn't they see riots and routs on the city walls?"

"Even if this is an attack on a border town of the empire, they will inevitably have mutinies and riots, right!?"

He has clearly concentrated a large number of catapults to launch a fierce attack on the right wing! !

But the unexpectedly shocking city walls of the Canaan territory did not collapse (limited visibility at night), but why didn't they have riots during their soldiers' period!

Weber Yang Dragimir looked at the city wall! !

A large number of ladders were placed on the city wall. Canaan's troops were like steel, tightly guarding the imperial soldiers attacking the city from the ladders.

He saw with his own eyes a fifth-level imperial Demigrila guard, fully armed, climbing the city wall! ! Although he had cleared seven steps of space and distance, the dense imperial soldiers swarmed up! !

But the soldiers of the barony of the native lord Canaan soon flowed in from the tower and the reinforcements next to them like a "constant spring".

And their expressions were still cold and serious.

It was as if they were not the ones who died or were injured! ! Many weird guys left a cruel smile before they died: "Long live Canaan..."

Then they rushed forward fiercely, bit the shoulders of the imperial soldiers, and fell under the city wall with them with the help of inertia and impact, and were smashed to pieces! !

"Too perverted!!"

Weber Yang Dragimir was shocked as he watched the siege battle of the hellish difficulty. "The only weakness is air combat, but... but they actually have a seventh-level mutant griffin leader in air combat!?! How could this be!?"

The Sos griffins and the 15+ large griffins of the Canaan territory launched guerrilla warfare and fighting with the Pegasus and griffin troops of the empire in mid-air. They could attack the Canaan troops on the city wall, but a large number of archers and spear throwers were aiming at the troops in the air. Once they got close to the range, they would be the price of being concentrated fire! !

The frontal assault could not break through, and the sky troops returned empty-handed. Many cavalrymen riding griffins, one of whom was a sixth-level griffin knight named Al, crossed the front line of the Canaan siege and led three griffin teams, intending to break through the restrictions and territory of the cavalry.

Drill into the town of Canaan and carry out sabotage and attack plans! !

But when they entered the interior of the Canaan territory and rushed towards the shrine of the gods! !

He never came back.

"What happened? !! Where is the leader of the Griffin Corps?!"

"We don't know. Lord Al seems to have died in the Canaan Territory!"


"The sixth-level leader disappeared..."

Lyudmila Emmas, the adjutant beside Weber Yang Dragimir, suddenly received the news and said in shock: "Sir... our left-wing troops have collapsed across the board!"


Lyudmila Emmas said very quickly: "The river bank tributaries on the flank of the mudflats, on a river bank tributary behind us, the Empire's high-level artillery appeared!!!"



"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!!!"

Before Weber Yang Dragimir came to his senses, he was already in a sea of ​​fire and heat waves. The huge metal lead bullets and black gunpowder exploded a small mushroom cloud like gunpowder next to him.



The Rick Guards beside him were thrown to the ground. The smoke and bombardment did not cause too many casualties... but the blow to morale was fatal!

He could feel the distrustful eyes around him and said, "Find them and destroy their artillery positions immediately!!"

"Sir... we can't attack them?"

"Where is their artillery position? Why can't we attack them?"


Lyudmila Emmas pointed to a place not far away and said, "Their artillery position is on the ship!!"

"On the ship?!"


Canaan's 6th-level Deep Diver Marine Heavy Gunner rotated the barrel cap of the gun with his right hand, loaded the shells, and then aimed at the elements, "Boom!!!"

The huge roar of the artillery, mixed with a gray smoke, enveloped the face of the semi-mutated imperial artillery with monster genetic characteristics, and the blood vessels on his face were black.

The other level 5 imperial gunners beside him were also infected and were being corrupted by the power of the Cthulhu pantheon. However, the three-layered mast boat (level 4) under their feet was shaken back and forth and sideways in the water by the recoil of the 9 cannons! !


"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The imperial soldiers looked at each other across the river bank, but they could not cross the river at all. Even if they could enter the water, the three-layered mast boat could escape at any time!

"There are cracks on our deck, and we are repairing them. Let those imperial artillery masters stop, their artillery is firing too fiercely!"

"They can't stop, they are besieging the left wing of the imperial rebels... Every shot blows dozens of bodies into a paste, black and smoking, so damn handsome..."

Gu Yu listened to the conversation between Bai Yue and Zheng Xiaoyin on the side, and felt helpless, "Don't chat, I feel our boat is going to be overturned!"

"Boss Su Yue is so damn fierce! A sixth-level imperial artillery, with special mutation features of marine algae on his face. If this ship didn't look so ordinary, I would have thought it was a ghost ship!"

"This ship is also black, it doesn't feel like a human ship. I guess it's a high elf ship. Only high elves will print it on the hull Full of these magic patterns..."

Gu Yu said: "It's not a high elf, but a dark elf."


Gu Yu said: "This ship was captured from the dark elf pirates! ! Can you stop chatting nonsense? The boss asked us to come here for supplies, not to chat with you!"

"Okay, okay, I'll fix it now! ! I'll fix it now!"

Why let the three of them get on board? Because Bai Yue, a player of the Chaos race, has a lord talent called "Repairer B-level talent: You can repair all buildings, ships, and strategic machinery, and the repair speed is +30%. "

And Zheng Xiaoyin's race is mermaid, and his lord talent is a C-level amphibious lord. The combat power of aquatic creatures on land is +15%. He is a naval lord player, which is also relatively rare in the Turin world!

So the two were sent here. Because there was no familiar person, Su Yue asked Gu Yu to take care of his baby Imperial Artillery!!

As a secret support!

Bai Yue was a very talented guy, so he was sent to the ship by Zhou Zhuo. At first, they didn't know what they were going to do?

But when they arrived at "Balayamakhan", they looked at the construction scene on the river in the distance, and the evil god in the Cthulhu pantheon appeared, and everyone was shocked and numb!

"The monster in the deep sea is so scary, like a big whale with arms. Don't you think it's a bit weird for a whale to have arms? But the scene at that time was really fucking scary, not scary at all, my pants were just a little wet."

"... Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and fix the boat!"

"Boom! Boom!"

The bombardment of the imperial heavy artillery is still going on, the barrels are emitting a red color, and this fourth-level ship is shaky. How can other third-level boats withstand the bombardment of artillery... The two boats behind them seem to be overturned after each bombardment. There is even one boat that has retreated nearly 30 meters in Bai Yue's sight compared to when he just saw them!

"With such recoil and such a plan, it would be unreasonable if Su Yue didn't win..."

Gu Yu frowned and looked into the distance worriedly.

Bai Yue's hammer was smoking. Sometimes he hit the deck, and sometimes the side of the ship was leaking. If it weren't for the fact that the dark elves' ship was well-made, extremely dense, and had a large number of metal screws and marine mortise and tenon patches and reinforcement technology, he would have been torn apart by the recoil of so many imperial artillery.

"It's leaking!!! Come and fix the captain's room..."

"Here it comes!"

Gu Yu covered her forehead and swayed on the mast on the deck. On the one hand, he hadn't slept in the early morning and didn't have the vigorous spirit and vitality like Su Yue... On the other hand, she was also a virgin.

The third aspect was that she was seasick! !


Gu Yu held the railing on the deck, and many of the imperial soldiers beside her fell into a dizzy state. The mast of the ship swayed in the water, forming ripples and waves reflected by the moonlight in the night.

The imperial rebel troops in the distance were suffering.

"These idiots are attacking us!"

The empire's scouts were stunned when they saw the Canaan artillery positions across the river firing at them! !


They are in the river!! "

Gu Yu said: "Move quickly, don't let the Empire's long-range troops find us, otherwise it will be troublesome."

"Damn, firing at the enemy while walking?"

The boat began to wander and fire along a tributary... The Empire's commander's face turned green... What should we do? The speed of the boat is much faster than their two legs!!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Continuous bombardment, but there is no solution. They are in the sea and on the river, extremely far away from the land. Unless the Empire's infantry conducts armed swimming, the horses and the rapidity and depth of the river make it impossible for them to do this...

Swim across?

How can that be done?

So the only way left for them now is to defeat the resistance and attack of the Canaan territory.

"Defeat...Defeat, already failed!! "

A veteran soldier of the middle-level officers of the empire looked at the impregnable image of the Canaan Territory in shock: "Our target is not Canaan...they...even if we defeat them now, we cannot achieve the strategic goal of capturing the city of Qiwell."

The shepherd in charge of the communication immediately passed the news of the Canaan Territory to the heretic pope through prayer and magic...The morale of the entire empire fell into a bleak state, and despair and dark clouds shrouded their heads, as if their initial appearance was a mistake.

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