Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires

Let’s Share

"I have other sides that I show?" Even Makima was confused, and rightfully so. As the Control Devil, she had always been static. There has never been a change in who she was and what she did, it has always been the same. Because no matter what she did. At the end of the day, she was working towards her goal using the same methods and means as before.

"Yes, everyone has other sides, sometimes they aren't even aware of it," Adam opened the cake box before turning to her, "but it all comes out slowly when they are with the person they are close with."

"Hmm, it shows when one is with the person they are close with?" Makima repeated that while deep in thought.

'When is it that I behave like this?' And the answer to her question was found in less than a second.

"There is only one plate and fork here?" Adam exclaimed, the cutlery was missing and that was a big problem.

'At least, there are two cups but…' he sighed, how was he supposed to eat now? Not that he needed to, but he still wanted to.

"I suppose, I need to deal with that one, as he is so hell-bent on being a nuisance," Makima said without a single change in her expression. She was ready to wipe that guy off even if she knew why this happened.

"It is not that serious, you know? We can just get another plate," Adam placed a piece into the plate that they had, and continued after holding it in front of her, "You can have this."

"Hmm, well there is another way we can solve this," Makima spoke picking up the fork.

"There is?" Adam tilted his head noticing her come close instead of taking the plate.

"Yes, there is." Makima used the fork to cut the cake before scooping it up, and instead of putting it in her mouth she placed it in front of Adam's lips, "We just need to share what we have."

"…Are you sure?" Adam asked after staring at the piece in front of him, what she wanted to do was very clear.

"As long as you do not mind," Makima smiled, she didn't mind this at all. After all, they had done things that wouldn't even come close to sharing a fork between them.

"Why would I?" Adam smiled slightly before taking a bite. It wasn't every day one can have such a chance.

"How is it?" Makima asked, sliding the fork out of his mouth, and watching it brush along his lips.

"Well, not to blow my own horn, but It may be the tastiest cake ever," Adam answered with a proud expression. Hearing this Makima cut another piece and placed it on her tongue, firmly pressing her lips on the fork and pulling it out before she started to chew.

"Hmm, I wouldn't say you are exaggerating at all." Makima said feeling the sweetness spread across her body for some reason, "For me, it is the tastiest cake I have had the fortune to eat."

"It's good that you enjoy it. After all, I made this for you," Adam smiled, and she responded in kind with the fork in front of his mouth.

"I am glad you did," She said with the end of her lips turning up to form a soft smile.

Adam was a bit confused at the way Makima was behaving yet again. It was too different from normal, but considering what they talked about last time, this change seemed rather tame.

'She doesn't seem to be planning anything so far, what is happening?' Adam thought as Makima was preparing another spoon for him with the same smile, she was fully oblivious to his thoughts and appeared to be enjoying the moment.

"Here Adam," And he ate from her hands without a single complaint to ruin the mood. And realistically, who wouldn't like being fed by a beautiful woman like her? He certainly liked it.

This continued after they sat down on the chair, Makima fed him half of the cake and ate the other half herself with a warm expression. It took some time since she was alternating between feeding him and eating herself, but in less than an hour, the cake was gone along with the tea.

"Thank you for the cake, it was delicious," Makima said while wiping her mouth with a napkin, she was really satisfied at the moment.

"That's a good thing to hear," Adam laughed, the gift was appreciated, what else was there to think about?

'This appears to be a nice time,' Makima observed him for a few seconds as he wiped his mouth with a napkin of his own, and as soon as he met her gaze again she spoke up.

"Adam, do you have anything you are doing this evening?" It was a sudden question that made him look at her, but he didn't need to think much about it because he could guess why she asked it.

"No, I don't have anything planned," Adam did want to visit the arcade, but not today. After all, he came here to see Makima, so why would he leave her alone when she initiated the topic?

"That's perfect," Makima on the other hand was pleased with his answer and didn't think of anything else.

"It is?" He asked, not knowing what she had in store for him. But it was nothing that serious, rather it was a simple matter.

"Yes," Nodding to his question for a second, she dove into the main topic, "There is a welcome party that will be held for the new recruits of my department at a bar nearby. I have been invited, so will you accompany me there?"

"Hmm? I don't see a problem, but isn't it work-related? I might get in the way," Adam asked.

'Well, I am not even sure if she has work, and I am sure she would just push it to the side as I am here… or am I getting too confident these days?' Adam sighed inside, but he decided to just wait for her answer.

"It is after work, so we can come with anyone we want to, and if you are there with me no one will question you. If they do I will make sure to deal with them appropriately," Makima made sure to say her words clearly, she wanted him to come with her and attend this party. What anyone else thought didn't matter to her, because their opinions were irrelevant.

"But if you don't want to I understand," She said, but Adam shook his head.

"You have invited me, so why would I not go?" He smiled, this was a good opportunity for them.

"Because you might have something else to do?" She spoke tilting her head. She did expect him to refuse, but that didn't appear like the case now.

"Well, I don't have anything like that, so I'll come with you," Adam smiled. There was no reason to refuse her when she was this thoughtful.

"Hmm, that's perfect then," Makima smiled and stood up swiftly, before pulling him up by his arm with an eager aura around her, "Then let us go."

"The party starts now?" Adam asked, he didn't mind it but she shook her head.

"It is in another two hours. So, we need to select what to wear in the meantime," But she had other plans for them.

"And that will take two hours?" Adam tilted his head. This was just a drinking party, so there was no need to put too much thought into dressing up. And he was certain that Makima wasn't the type who took time dressing up, from what he had seen while living with her was that she was quicker than him while dressing up.

"If it doesn't we can just sit in silence, or talk about something while we pass the time?" Makima smiled looking at Adam blink in confusion. If she put it like that, there was indeed no problem.

"Well… I guess that is not a bad idea…" So, the two left the building hand in hand. Under the eyes of the other workers who were just shocked at the sight. After all, this was the first time they had seen Makima so close to someone—male or female—she was practically hanging on his arm with a smile. And the rumors that have been flowing around recently, coupled with what they had witnessed.

'Someone really got Miss Makima?!'


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