Unheard Wishes: A Tale Of Desires


"I-It wasn't for nothing, I helped you get your name out there, Yeah that was my intention, now they'll look at you favorably and won't cause problems for you when you visit their worlds. See, I am actually a genius!" The Goddess regained her confidence the more she spoke and then demanded.

"So, Make some food for me!"

"Do you even need food?" Adam asked and the Goddess looked offended.

"I am eating it 'cause I like it, It is tasty," The Goddess said and Adam sighed.

"Wait for a few minutes, I'll make something quick," Adam went to the kitchen and the Goddess sat down on the chair anticipating the food.

And just like Adam had said he was back after a few minutes with a plate full of…

"Fried Rice?" The goddess tilted her head, she thought that Adam was about to make something special from the way he walked away.

"It is a special Fried Rice," Adam said as he placed the red-coloured fried rice in front of the Goddess.

"It doesn't look that special," The Goddess said while examining the plate through her blindfold.

"It is my mother's recipe, if you don't want it I can take it away," Adam tried to take away the plate but his hand was stopped by a barrier.

"I do not wish for such a thing," It was the Goddess's doing, Adam just shrugged and sat down on the seat drinking some cold cola he took out from his spatial storage, he bought a lot of them in his visit to Ai's world.

"Oh! This is really delicious, even though it doesn't look like anything special, It is so deceiving," The Goddess ate with gusto and she finished the plate in no time.

"More!" The Goddess asked and Adam just pointed at the kitchen.

He was telling her to get it herself but…

"Appear before me," The goddess just said and the wok just appeared on the table.

"Why are you so lazy?" Adam sighed as the Goddess kept on eating plate after plate nonstop; she really knew how to abuse her powers perfectly.

"Hmm, The fried rice was awesome!! Your mother really knew how to make food," The Goddess looked really satisfied as she said that by wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"I suppose so," Adam said flatly while looking at the living room.

'Wait…' The goddess realized something and used her powers then she heard a voice…

'I don't remember it, I don't even know if that is her recipe or if she even had one,' It was Adam's voice or his thoughts.

"What happened?" Adam looked at the Goddess with a suspicious look, "I feel like my privacy is breached here, are you trying to take advantage of me by using your powers?"

"W-What? Why are you so full of yourself?" The Goddess huffed in anger and Adam was still looking at her with a suspicious look.

"You weren't trying to use your power to look at me naked right?"

"I'll punch you!!" The Goddess's face twitched in anger as she really looked like she wanted to smack him.

'Maybe I was just imagining it,' Adam shrugged; he had very developed senses about this since he had struggled with peepers on a daily basis at one point.

"What were you thinking about before?" The Goddess asked and Adam turned to look at her.

"I was thinking about how much time will pass in the world I visited before I go there again," The Goddess tilted her head when she heard that.

"Does that matter?" She couldn't understand the worry since time wasn't something she or the people she knew worried about, to them it didn't matter even if thousands of years had passed since nothing much would change.

"Hmm, I guess it doesn't," Adam stretched before standing up.

"Don't sit there, I won't be making more food anything soon," Adam looked at Goddess and she flinched.

"What? Do you think that is the only reason I come here?" The Goddess shouted angrily and Adam looked confused.

"You don't?"

"Of course, I don't!" The Goddess just didn't know what type of image Adam had of her.

'Wait! Is it my body?' Adam thought and…

"No one wants your damn body!! You Narcissist!!" The Goddess just left through the backdoor angrily.

"So, she can actually read my mind," Adam muttered before he just shrugged and used his system.

'I should make a new room for the things I bought,' Adam edited the layout of the space and soon another door appeared near the bedroom.

He entered the room which was completely empty and about the size of a football field.

'I should start working on this now,' Adam took a big diesel Generator out of his storage and looked at it.

"If I can remake this thing to be able to run on mana, I'll be able to use most of the electronics before I do the same for them," Adam cracked his neck and fingers as...

"It has been a while since I have seriously tried to learn something new," Adam took out all of the books he had brought and got to work.


20th April 2008, Kuoh, Japan.

It was a fine day of spring with cheery blossoms in full bloom while a certain school was full of activity with young students sitting in their classes listening to the ongoing lectures.

But on this fine day behind the school in a three-story building, a young woman with red hair and blue eyes was sitting inside a wooden paneled clubroom with Victorian-style couches and chairs along the walls.

This scene would've drawn anyone's eyes given how beautiful the woman looked but, she herself wasn't having a good time today.

The reason for that was….

'How do I break off that engagement?' She thought while holding her head.

She may look like an ordinary human but she wasn't, in reality, she was a devil and not just any devil.

Her name was Rias Gremory and she was the current Heiress of the Gremory Clan, which was one of the remaining 72 Pillars and one of the highest-ranking families in the Underworld.

Not to mention that Rias's older brother is the current Lucifer and one of the Four Great Satans of the Underworld.

So, it was no doubt that her standing was very high and because of that many other Devil Families were interested in having her marry into their family.

And her father actually agreed to one of such proposals but…

'Why did it have to be that Riser from the Phenex Family?' Rias really felt her blood boil, she had heard about the stories of her supposed fiancé and none of them were good.

'Why won't they listen to me?' Rias had tried to break off the marriage but her father just won't listen.

She had even tried her trump card which is…

'Brother is also helpless,' Rias even asked Lucifer of the Underworld himself and things were still not going her way since he was also constrained by several rules.

'What do I do? At this rate I'll get married to that womanizer,' Rias felt her skin crawl when she thought about it.

It really seemed to her that all hope was lost now, aside from…

'I need to get rid of my virginity, that way I might be able to stop this,' Rias stood up from her chair, now she needed to find someone, and as if her wish was heard a door suddenly appeared in the middle of her clubroom.

Rias was shocked to see that and was on full alert, she looked at the door carefully and saw the piece of paper on it.

'If I open this door any of my wish can be fulfilled if I pay the appropriate price?' Rias looked at the door with skeptical eyes.

She had seen this pattern a few times after coming to the mortal world.

"A scam?" Rias muttered as she carefully maintained a certain distance from the door, she was sure that other members of the club along with another club of Devils who were in this school should've already noticed this door and are most likely on their way.

So she stood there for 5 minutes and…

"Why did no one come?" Rias muttered in confusion and since nothing came out of the suspicious door either she carefully escaped the club building and went to check what was happening.

And she soon understood what happened.

'Why is everyone stuck in the same place?' Rias's eyes widened when she saw that everyone had stopped in one place like someone had hit the pause button.

This included the Humans, The other group of Devil, and even her own club members.

"Akeno!" Rias even tried shouting next to her friend but she was also the same as others, stuck in place while she was sitting down in the classroom.

Rias checked on everyone she knew and it was the same, everyone was frozen in place.

This made Rias run out of the school building and look at the big clock that was on the third floor of her club building. That was when she realized...


"Did someone stop the time in Kuoh?"

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