Unexpected Story – Isekai

Chapter 8

I can't believe it, it's been three months since I've been living at grandpa's house. Every morning I got up for physical training and returned afterward to prepare breakfast.


The cool air blew toward me. It felt like I had gotten used to the morning exercises. It make my body healthy and my mind calmer.

As I circled the field 30 times, the stats I gained today were getting smaller and smaller. Maybe it's because repetitive activities won't make same gains. Looks like I have to increase my training portion.



Name                    : Myranda

Job                         : Holy Mother

Gender                : Female

Age                        : 26 Years

Race                      : Human

Level                     : 10

EXP                        : 262/301


HP                          : 108

MP                         : 37

Strength              : 45

Agility                    : 56

Dexterity             : 41

Intelligence        : 20

Vitality                  : 40

Luck                       : 25

Attractiveness   : 12


Appraisal (Lv2)

Slice (Lv3)

Trust (Lv2)

Stealth (Lv1)

Night Eye (Lv1)

Meditation (Lv1)

Manna Control (Lv1)

Body Management (Lv1)

Milk Potion (Lv4)

Resilience (Lv2)


Brave Lioness   




Golden-Goblin Slayer

First Disciple

Monster Hunter


My status has risen because I've started hunting monsters in the forest. I think killing monsters is the fastest way to become strong.

Grandpa has also taught me the basics of combat. I used to be able to swing my sword around at random, but now I can follow my opponent's movements. Although it's not yet a sword art but I can respond to his attack.

Our training was certainly boring but I could still follow it closely.

"Lazy! When I was young I was able to defeat dragons. You should be able to do more than that!"

"You've been more chatty lately"

"I can't stand to see your haphazard movements. You're so lazy."

"Wait! I'm women and I also have children to take care of"

"Don’t make excuses!"

Not only did my training improve, but also our interaction became closer. This grandpa's true nature had become a little more apparent.

He used to be a polite grandpa. But now he's like a child, often sulking and getting angry. Maybe it's because of his age. I've heard that most old people become unstable.


"Don't suddenly hit my butt! Are you a butt lover now?!"

"I don't care!"

"Alright I won't cook today"

"No, wait ma'am. I'm sorry for hitting your ass"

I understand that physical training must be harder so that the results can be seen immediately.

And since the beginning of my training I've never complained. But now he beats me more often. Especially the ass and chest, it hurts like hell.

'Are you now a pervert old man?!'

“I don't want to do it anymore”

"Don't be angry ma'am. I'll give you something"

"What is it?"

"A new move, of course."

"No hitting?"

"No hitting"


My training from the morning was to warm up my body. Then it was on to combat training with grandpa.

Grandpa never used a half of his strength but I was already overwhelmed by his attacks. Not only are his moves diverse but his accuracy is superb.

"Ready and… begin!"






I was originally going to make the first attack and grandpa as usual blocked it with a wooden sword. But this time my attack bounced off. My sword slipped out of my grasp and my body was pushed slightly.

"Are you curious?"

"What technique is that?"

"It's Parry, a slightly different defensive technique. It not only block but reverses the opponent's attack as well."

"Teach me that!"

"It uses a bit of mana control. If you can master it, it's good for stopping your opponent's attacks."

"I want that master! Hurry up and teach me!"

"Patience ma'am, this requires a lot of mana training. What you need now is practice... practice?"

"Like this?"


"I'm great, right?"

"Hump! It's good enough for a first time!"

"Then what's next?"

"We continue with the basic training right away"


It had been a long time since I learned a new technique and I was so excited.

At first I used the Meditation skill to gather stamina. But it turns out that I can also use it to gather mana.

I practiced this skill every day but there was still no level up. Then I gave up trying again.

However, this morning I got the Mana Control skill while using the Meditation skill.

This is really a coincidence because today grandpa will also teach a new skill.

"Center your feet down, watch the opponent's attacks. Pay attention to the direction of movement. Then quickly determine the blocking step first"


"Center your mana to the weapon at the meeting point of the opponent's attack"

"Like this?"

"Somewhat less. Watch me and repeat like this several times"

I concentrated on copying what grandpa did. It turned out to be difficult. It took me a long time to understand what he meant.

"Good! Now aim at the meeting area flexibly and give your mana command to explode on contact"

"Urgh, this is getting harder"

I re-trained the mana that was circulating in my body. I move according to grandpa's directions.

"Not enough!"

The mana that I centered turned out to be just circling. I have to give the finishing touch.

Giving mana commands is very difficult. Besides understanding your body, you have to pay attention to every second and apply the image in your mind into a command.

This exercise also takes a long time.

"That's the basics ma'am. Now clash the two swords together until one counteracts the other"





I tried for a half an hour to no avail.

 "It's hard isn't it? Ha ha ha"

"Sigh, it's really hard grandpa"

"Alright, do that all day until you can. I hope you'll learn it quickly"

I continued this practice for hours. I was sweating profusely.

This was the only exercise that used mana, before it was just movement exercises without it. I tried to control the mana in my body and flowed it towards the weapon many times.



"Finally! Grandpa look!"


[Congratulations! You get Parry Lv1 skill]

[Do you want to combine skills?]

[Skills that are combined can still be reused within the new combined skill]

"Huh? Of course [Yes]"

 [Congratulations! The slice, thrust and parry skills become one. You get Basic Swordsman Lv1 skill]

[Basic Swordsman: Basic sword skill. Able to perform all sword movements quickly in combination. This skill increases the ability of the user]

"What? Can you master it?"

"I did it! I have mastered it!"

"So fast!"

"Isn't that good?"

"That's good. I'm happy for you. Maybe you are a genius"


"But still below me"

"You jealous grandpa?"

I tease grandpa by hugging him. He always rebels but his expression is funny.

"Stop! Stop! I'm short of breath and your body stinks!"

"Anything else I need to learn grandpa?"

"It's getting late. Now let's get some rest first"

"You're right"

"For the time being you should further mature your basic movement, don't rush before you have completely mastered them"

"Alright master"


"Chuu... Chuu... Jimmy is a smart boy, whose child is this?"

"Hueehaa... Mamma... Mamma..."

"Good boy! Good boy!"

Knock... Knock...

"Your bath water is ready ma'am"

"Thank you grandpa. We'll be there soon"

While living here, we divide the house chores. I, who's just a hitchhiker, have to work more.

I usually cook, clean and tidy the house while grandpa looks after Jimmy for a while.

I think grandpa liked Jimmy too. He could bathe him and often put him to bed when I was out practicing. I feel more at ease about leaving him with grandpa.

Today my training was a little tough. I was now too tired to do anything. So I told grandpa to prepare our water.

Now it was time to clean up and make dinner.

"Urgh! My body smell... it turns out that practicing mana also increases the body's metabolism"



I'm cooking while singing. The menu for dinner this time was Sallow Fish. This fish has a soft texture and has few spines. It also tastes delicious.

There are also shrimp and clams that are also caught from the lake. The seasoning is easily absorbed by the processed ingredients from this ingredients lake. So it smells delicious.

Grandpa also had a sack of strange grains. After I cooked it, it resembled rice.

The fruits in this forest are unique.

Yesterday grandpa brought Cluct fruit. The first time I saw it I immediately had no appetite for it.

This fruit looks like a human head, has hair and is juicy like red blood. Grandpa likes this fruit. He said it could be used as medicine.

Among the strange fruits, there is also a very familiar fruit. That fruit is the pear. The flavor of this fruit is the same as the one in my previous life. And this fruit was the only one I ate.

After preparing the dishes I immediately called grandpa for dinner.

Grandpa's condition hasn't been good lately. Maybe I can buy him some medicine. But before that I have to check on him first.

"There's something I almost forgot... What is it?"

Maybe I'll ask grandpa later.


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